Building up to Imax - Video sub



I've completed the beginner rotation and am a week away from finishing the intermediate rotation that Cathe has posted up. :) So now, I'm looking at what to do next.

From what Cathe has said on the beginner rotation, I am still a ways off from being able to do the Imax videos. Which is fine, because I understand that I need to build up gradually so I can avoid injuring myself. However, if you look at most of the rotations, almost all incorporate at least one of the Imax dvds. :-(

My question is what workouts or premixes would be best for an intermediate to sub in temporarily so I get some interval training that is appropriate for my fitness level while I strive towards Imax? I saw that Step and Interval from the CTX series is a bit below Imax in terms of intensity. Would this be an appropriate sub?

The first thing that came to my mind was Low Max. It is still a higher intensity and very fun workout, but low impact and lots can be modified if it is too much for you at the beginning. I would also highly highly recommend Low Impact Circuit!

I don't own CTX so I can't really speak to those...
If you do have CTX, I do suggest going ahead and trying Step Intervals as well as Low Max. The interval segment is only about 10 minutes long and consists of 3 intervals, which are somewhat shorter and less intense than the I-Maxes. Also, CTX Power Circuit's step and step-kickbox segment has aerobic and mini-blast cycles in them before each resistance drill, giving you a taste of the interval work in your future. (Same with Body Max and Body Max 2.)

I would also suggest the following if you have any or all of the I-Maxes (many people get them in advance, goaling to work up to them in time): try doing an I-max workout but only try to do half of each interval the first few times. Then as you get comfortable with the interval drills try to do a couple more reps per drill. You'll be really surprised at how relatively quickly you can build up your leg and cardio power to accomplish these.

Just a thought -

I have a couple of suggestions. First, have tried doing half an IMax? Just doing the first 5 or last 5 intervals, and modifying them as Ajock wrote above, might help you get acclimated to them.

Another suggestion I have is to do a Body Blast series rotation. Step Blast has a nice IMax-ish blast at the end, but it's not too long. And KPC certainly has some heart-thumpin' cardio, which will get you ready for longer work outs. I love the Body Blast series and it really helped me get back in shape after I had been through an exercise slump.

Or, a CTX rotation. That's what I moved on to after I did the Body Blast series. CTX does have a lot of very high impact cardio, though, so you'd want to be careful and listen to your body, but it's an extremely effective series. That's the one that helped me build strength.

Just some thoughts. It's all about the journey, right? Good luck.

How about cheating a little with the Imax workouts? Since many of Cathe's workouts are geared towards the advanced exeriser, if you're trying to gradually build up to Imax, how about trying some of the moves without a step, or if you still want to use the step, use lower impact moves? In the first Imax, 1 participant (I think her name is Hope, the one behind Cedie on the right), demonstrates lower impact moves. I'm not sure if you'll get the same aerobic/anaerobic benefits doing the moves lower impact, however I don't see what's wrong with cheating a little, especially if you've never tried those workouts before. Good way to get a feel for the Imax workouts.

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