building muschle


New Member
Hi Cathe,
I just want to say thank you first. I started working out with your upper and lower body workouts with weights and then started the pyramid videos. I am 34 and have never felt better in my life. I did not think there was a workout regimen that challenged me enough until I discovered your shows. I have always felt like I wasn't getting enough out of my workouts until now. Thanks again.
My question is though. Even though I am more toned than ever in my legs, I still feel like I have a few problems with a little bit of dimplimg in the back, mainly the quad area. Are there certain foods I can eat more of? Maybe specifically after a workout? Thanks in advance for your time.
RE: building muscle

I am also interested in what Cathe has to say about this. Even though working hard for over three years now and eating very well, I also have a few problem spots back there. This area sure seems the slowest to "fix"! Good question Kacy!:7

HI not Cathe, but I will give it a try. Cellulite is a herreditary thing it's in your gene makeup. Of course it is more common in women than men. It is just the way your adipose (fat) tissuse deposites under the skin. I don't think there is any cure for this, infact a lot of it has to due if you have thick or thin skin. It is more noticable with people who have thin skin. Research has shown that eating a balanced diet, drinking lots of water, and exercising regularly may help.

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