Build-A-Bear party


My daughter has not had a party in five years (she will be 10 tomorrow) so I figured I would give her a great party that all would yes, Build-A-Bear.
Yikes, if you decide to do this then prepare to spend some money. I decided that all the kids should have something that they would enjoy for awhile instead of something they would throw in the back of their closets in a couple of weeks. Nine kids and the party cost almost $400.00 (that is including our horrible CA sales tax of 8%).
Anyway, I said before the party that I would get the kids all ice cream so we did that too even though I was pretty broke at this point (credit cards, credit cards)
It was a good party and one of the children's grandmother is the school's principal. Yesterday at schoool, she stopped me and told me how much her granddaughter loved the party and how much she loved her stuffed cat and couldn't stop talking about how it was the best party she ever atttended. Well, that made me feel better especially when she told me how much the child is cherishing her toy.
Moral of the story: If you plan to have a party there, prepare to drop some money. All will love it, but just be ready for that bill!

I told my girls that each of them (2 daughters) that they can have one party there as long as I was footing the bill. ONLY ONE!
Wow! I bet the kids had a great time!

I got my daughter a Build-a-Bear gift card for Christmas, so we can go together and she can pick out exactly what she wants.
I think Santa is going to put a card in their stocking too although I gotta say that place is a madhouse. Mayhem is the word I can use to best describe the place. I am not sure if I want to wander back into the store. And, it was so hot in their from all the bodies. I walked into the mall area for some relief, it must have been 30 degrees cooler!
Yes. it can be total mayhem. But I have to share a story about build-a-bear which is why I will return again and again. My 7-y.o. daughter has a favorite Ty siberian huskey that she's had for 5 years. He goes EVERYWHERE with her and I know the day will come when I look for a tuxedo for him so he can sit in the front pew of her wedding. He's seen better days - his nose was falling off, he had a hole in his back seam, and his stuffing was pretty shot.

I took him to Buid-a-Bear and their animal doctor completely fixed him. She re-stuffed him (even put a heart in him), fixed his nose, sewed his hole, and he's good as new. She even wrote a note to my daughter telling her how the patient was, what procedures were done, and how to care for him best. And they wouldn't let me pay a cent for that work. They told me they know the importance of stuffed animals for kids and even though it wasn't a B-a-B product, it didn't matter. With that kind of customer service, I'll go back!

Wow, that is great and good to know. I do have to say everyone there was wonderful and the young woman assigned to my daugters party as exceptional---I had to give her a good tip.
Last year, for her birthday, I got my niece a Bearemy bear complete with golfing outfit. She won't let anyone else play with it and even refuses to take it down from the shelf if anyone is around. She always wants an outfit, and to go to the store. SHe lives in another state, and her parents won't take her. There is a Build-a-Bear in a mall that is about 5 minutes from my house - luckily my niece doesn't live nearby or we would be there everyday!
>I got my daughter a Build-a-Bear gift card for Christmas, so
>we can go together and she can pick out exactly what she

:) How much of a child am I? MY BF's 12 year old daughter got ME a gift certificate to BAB so we can go together!
My daughter just turned 15 but "discovered" Build-A-Bear when she was about 8 through Girl Scouts. We have 18 of those little stuffed creatures in our house, and they all have several outfits - LOL!! Suffice it to say those darling little stuffed toys which are now collecting dust could have bought me quite a few new workouts in the short space of the few precious years she collected them!! LOL!! Oh well. They are adorable and she keeps them in her room on a big rocker, although I can't honestly say she "plays" with them anymore.

Gosh, Build-A-Bear is quite pricey. I call that place Steal-Your-Fortune Workshop. But I'm glad the kids loved it. It's something they will remember for a long time.

My son has two toys from BAB, both costing a total of about $100 including accessories. The first one was a reward for making a leap in therapy and the second one was for his birthday. My aunt footed the bill for that second one so it wasn't that bad. It still made me cringe though. I never had toys that expensive. And I keep thinking about what else (practical things) I could buy with the money. Like shoes since the boy's feet grows faster than kudzu vines.


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