Buff Badgers Week of Oct 6th


Saturday I did CrossFire Less impact premix. It was pretty good. Sunday was my no workout day. This morning I did Meso 2 D16 Chest, shoulders, and tri's.

My niece and the new baby got to go home on Saturday. I'll get to see them this Saturday any my nephews wedding.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!
This morning I did Tabatacise all 5 levels and core 1 premix. It kicked my butt but I felt very accomplished. :)

Busy weekend, but I did manage to get in Chris Freytags 10lb Slimdown Xtreme Kickboxing and the 20 min. Core workout. I wasn't able to workout on Sunday, we had to go to DH's nieces confirmation. That was a 2-1/2 hour service, and then we went to his brothers afterward. Got home way late. Yesterday I had to get youngest dd's new pointe shoes, so I wasn't able to workout again. Oh well, tonight is her pointe class. Hoping that I have enough time before we need to leave to get in something. ;)

Brenda, Great job on those workouts! All those levels of Tabatacise are tough. That will be nice to meet the newest member of the family.

Have a wonderful day!
Good Morning! This morning I did Meso 2 Disc 17 legs. It was tough but I did it.

Last night DH & I went to a joint class to know what to expect when I go in for my hip resurfacing surgery on the 6th. I don't want to do this but I'm tired of the pain and I know it's only going to get worse. On good days I question myself why I'm having it done and then I quickly get reminded when I have a bad day or bad moment and the pain just about brings me to my knees.

Laurie - Hopefully you got something in for a workout.

Enjoy the day!

Before we left for dance class I did manage to get in ACE HiiT Lower Body with Chris Freytag and PiYo Lower Body. I was really surprised at how sore I am in my arms and core. I'm pretty sure that it is from the PiYo workout. I really liked it a lot, since it had all yoga based moves. I think that she managed to talk me through the engagement process. She told me how you should feel for certain body parts. LOVED! I'm going to try to do some catching up tonight with my current rotation.

Brenda, I can't even guess at the pain that you are in with your hip, hope that you get some good information tonight.

Susan, I just saw your post from last week, I think that putting these PiYo workouts with the new RIPPED workouts will be a great idea. I hope I'm not getting my expectations way to high for this new set.

Have a great day!
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Hi Ladies. My cathe app is not working on my phone. I deleted it and now I can't find it to reload...ARGHHH. That is why I have been on the forum the last few days because I rarely get on the desktop at home. I hope to figure the app problem out soon.

Monday was Muscle Endurance and it felt great. I love that workout. I had late meetings at work on Monday and Tuesday leaving me totally exhausted. Therefore, no workouts on Tuesday or Wednesday morning. It is also TTOM so that is not helping my morning energy level.

Brenda---I am sure it is normal to have those doubts about the surgery. I just want you to have more good days than bad days for sure.

Susan--I am excited about the new series. I didn't order the last one so I can' t wait.
Sorry Ladies! I have been so busy this week and completely forgot to log on! Saturday I went for a 3.5 mile run then came home and did a Piyo workout. This PiYo has really helped my running. I just feel so much stronger! I did the 3.5 in 29mns. Monday was PiYo Sculpt and yesterday was Sweat. Today I ran 2.8 miles and am going to head downstairs to do Core. :)

My friend is super excited for her 5k so either this Saturday or next we are going to meet and run the course so she feels more comfortable on race day.

Brenda, I bet it can be very daunting to make that decision. When the "pain" days out-weigh the "no-pain" days, is what you have to determine.

Laurie, I do love PiYo and I am on week 7 of 8. I am excited though to get back to strength training! I do want to order the "extra" PiYo workouts that I did not get at first too. Might order those this weekend.

Hi Hearty, from watching Facebook, I am liking this new series more & more~

Stay strong~
Good Morning Ladies!

This morning I did my kickbox class that I made up. I enjoy it because I really like the music I picked out for it.

Laurie - How is ACE HiiT Lower Body. I have to say you guys are really making me interested in getting PiYo workouts.

Hearty - Hopefully you'll be able to get a workout in today.

Susan - I'm looking forward to the new series. Granted I won't be able to do them for quite a while but that's okay give something new to start with once I'm able to do more intense workouts. Hey, it'll give me plenty of time to preview them. ;) Unfortunately the pain days have been out weighing the no pain days, so I know it's time.

Make it a Great Day!!
Morning Ladies,

I got in the STS Meso 1 Disc 1 Chest, Shoulders & Biceps and also did 10 Min. Solutions Ultimate Bootcamp Ab Attack.
heartymax, I know what you mean with those busy days, and trying to get in a workout. This week has been a bad on for that. To many things going on and not enough energy or time. WTG getting in the workouts that you did. I ordered a few of the workouts in the last series. I ordered X10, FlexTrain, Rockout Knockout. If the leg workouts are on her deal of the day, I might consider those. ;)

Susan, Great job on the increased running pace! I will try out the upper body PiYo workout tomorrow, will see how that one goes. I had been seeing how many people where disappointed in the workouts, but even with the first workout I'm loving them. I didn't order the strength ones either, and I'm probably going to have to buy those when I have the chance. ;)

Brenda, Nice on the kickboxing class, that has to be fun changing up the music for your classes. I really like all the workouts in the ACE HiiT DVD. It has four HiiT workouts Lower, Upper, Total Body and Core. She does 4 different exercises each at 20/10. You do the circuit for 4 min. and then get a 45 sec rest. There are a total of 5 circuits. There is also a 2nd disc with a lower body, core and yoga workout on it. They are around 20 min. each. I love Chris Freytag, so this one is a good one to use when I want Tabata or HiiT style workouts.

Have a great day!

Meso 1 Disc 3 Legs and Ab Circuit Med Ball Abs where the workouts yesterday. My legs are feeling that one today.

Have a great weekend everyone!
Happy Friday!

This morning was Meso 2 Disc 18 (I think) back & biceps. Bi's felt really pumped when I was done. Upper body feeling strong. ;)

Laurie - I didn't realize Chris Freytag was the instructor on that one. I'll have to check into that one. I only one of her workouts from many years ago on VHS.

Susan - good luck with the race.

Hearty - Hope your weekend is not as crazy as your week has been.

Everyone have a great weekend!
Today was PiYo Drench. The longest and toughest in the series. :( It was supposed to be rest day, but tomorrow I wanted to run a practice 5k, so I guess no rest for the wicked! :) I ordered Piyo Hardcore on the Floor which I hear is a killer core workout. I will ordering the "extra" workouts next week. Laurie, I also have enjoyed them since the first. However, I didn't start really seeing changes until week 5-6. Now all my pants are loose! :)
My weekend looks pretty quiet. For now!

Brenda, great job on the arms! Piyo does mainly push-ups for upper body/ arm work. I am looking forward to pumping some weights for them soon! ;)

Have a great weekend ladies!

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