Buff Badgers Week of Oct 13th


I have to make this quick... Saturday I did my low impact interval training routine that I created for the retreat. Sat morning did my grocery shopping, had my pre-op lab work to do and then in the afternoon we had my nephews wedding. It was very nice.

Sunday was no workout but I got a workout by tilling up my veggie garden. I down sized it. It's about a 1/4 of the size it was before.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Brenda---A fall wedding must have been very nice. I think tilling counts as a workout...that's some hard work from what I can see as I have not tried it.

Sorry I have not checked in much. I rarely get on my desk top and for some reason my app is not working on my smartphone. Normally, I just have to deleted and reload it but now I can't even find it to load again. This started the same time they were changing the website. Not sure if it had anything to do with the app problems but the same thing has happened before when there were website changes and my app would eventually start back working. I am not sure if the app has changed but I can't find the forum app in google playstore.

I think I got in about 3 workouts last week....really can't remember. On Saturday I got in some elliptical cardio. This morning was Muscle Max----oh how I love that workout.
This morning I Athletic Step. I haven't done that one in a while. Not a big calorie burner but I like the workout.

Got a phone call from my docs office about my lab work and I have a UTI. I didn't realize you could have a UTI and not have the symptoms. I have had them often enough to know what it feels like to have one. She said lots of women have UTI's and don't even realize it because they don't have the symptoms. So I have to start a round of antibiotics tonight for 5 days. Rest of my labs came back fine.

Hearty - Tilling is a workout in itself. It's hard on the upper body. Be thankful that you never tried it. ;)

Enjoy the rest of your day!
Hi! Saturday I ran 3.7 and felt pretty good. Then mowed lawn. Sunday was Pilates. Monday was a rest day and today was Piyo Buns.

Brenda, I just got done with a UTI about 1-2 weeks ago. Unfortunately, I had symptoms. :(

Have a great nice.
Good Morning!

This morning I did MS2 Disc 20 Legs. The disc work is challenging on the left leg. Have to go shallow due to the pain. Someday the goal is I'll be able to do them without pain.

Susan - Unfortunately I'm prone to UTI's and have made plenty of flying trips to the docs office and a couple times the hospital. Glad it got caught before the symptoms got worse. What Pilate workouts to you do?

Hi Hearty!

Enjoy the day!
Morning Ladies,

Had a busy weekend, did 4 hours of brush pulling. The Village will be coming around to pick up our brush, so needed to get it out to the side of the road before they come. I didn't do a workout on Saturday for that reason. I have been doing an STS Undulating rotation. Last week was the first week of Meso 1, and this week will be week 1 of Meso 2. So far all I have gotten done is the Chest, Shoulder and Tricep workout. Yesterday was a bust, just didn't have enough time between coming home and heading out to youngest dd's dance class. I'm going to change up my rotation so that Tuesday is my off day.

Brenda, What a busy day you had. The fall weddings can be so pretty, my youngest and oldest sisters where married during this time of the year. In fact my youngest's anniv. was yesterday. I had no idea that you could have a UTI without the symptoms! :( I like your goal for doing leg work, I'm hoping that you are pain free also.

heartymax, I'm guessing that you are probably right about the app. Did they give you an update on your app. I have to look at those updates every once in a while. One time I have an update on just about everything I had downloaded. ;) Good job on the workouts. Doesn't matter how many, just that you did something. :)

Susan, I have only tried one of the PiYo workouts so far, really want to try another. I have the upper body one scheduled for tomorrow.

Have a great day!
This morning I did ROKO with the Heavy Bonus Bag. Love the boxing/kickboxing workouts. Legs are sore from yesterday.

Laurie - 4 hours of pulling brush is a workout in itself. I have one more week of Meso 2 STS. This mesocycle always makes me feel so strong.

Hi Hearty!

I wonder how Sam is doing?

Make it a great day!


Yesterday I did Meso 2 Legs, Kelly's 30MTF Kickbox Core and Bootcamp Stretch. Loved the stretch workout, will have to do that one again after a leg workout. It really focused on stretching them out really good.

Brenda, Great job on the kickboxing workout, I really enjoy that one also. I agree with you on the Meso 2 workouts, they do make you feel stronger. I just finished up a 3 month rotation, and now doing the undulating. I have upped the weights, and Cathe is right, you sure can feel the difference with just a one pound increase. I love that I'm able to lift the weight though.

Have a wonderful day!
Happy Friday!!

This morning was Meso 2 Disc 21 Back & Bi's. Boy did my muscles feel pumped after that. Loved it!!

Laurie - How do you like Kelly's 30 MTF Kickbox Core & Bootcamp workout? I don't think I've ever seen this one. With loving Kickbox, I may have to check this one out.

Hi Hearty!

Have a great weekend!
Morning Ladies,

Yesterdays workouts where Peak Fit Fit Test (all HiiT), PiYo Define Upper Body and PiYo Sweat. Really loved all the workouts. I will get more comfortable with the PiYo workouts after I have done them a few times. My upper body, core and lower body are all feeling the DOMS from those two workouts. Chalene really does great form pointers, and I know that when I do my usual yoga workouts in the future, I will have way better form. She points out all the little things that need to be done, like keeping your thighs together in plank. Tightening up the muscles in certain positions really makes for a great workout. ;)

Brenda, Great job on the STS weight workout, they always make me feel that way also. It amazes me how heavy I can go on those workouts. As far as the 30MTF workouts, I love the kickboxing on the most. Each 30 min. workout goes from a upper body sequence then to a lower body. It can be a bit confusing when you first try it, because some of the combos just don't come naturally. The Bootcamp one each workout is a weight exercise followed by a cardio exercise. So somewhat like Cathe's Bootcamp workout. I like the Bootcamp one, but love the kickboxing. She also includes a lot of premixes on the two DVD's also. The reason I did the Ab workout on one DVD and the Stretch on the other, is because both of those are good ones, but not on the same DVD. Hope I didn't make it even more confusing. :confused:

Have a great weekend!

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