Buff Badgers Week of June 8th


Hi Brenda!

Saturday was 20 minutes of upper body free weights followed by 30 minutes of elliptical cardio. It was supposed to be PUB but something is wrong with my DVD player. Sunday was 40 minutes of elliptical cardio followed by 15 minutes of legs.
Happy Tuesday. I put on music from Pandora and followed the pics in my STS book for a 45 minute chest,shoulders and triceps workout.
Good Morning!

Saturday I did Week 3 of legs from Meso 2. I also had my Saturday class. Sunday was no workout. We were in a parade, which was fun. My exercise on Sunday was walking from one end of Newburg to the other. Monday I had my kickboxing class. I was seriously lacking energy. Tired from the busy weekend. Plus my neck has been bothering me. I have major knots in my traps, neck, shoulders and is putting my neck out of alignment. I have chiro appt. tomorrow. Hopefully that will help. Today I did Week 4 of Meso 2 Chest, shoulders, tri's. She does a lot of drop sets in this last week. I like it that it makes the workout go faster but man is that taxing on the muscles.

Have a great day!
Was hoping to do the elliptical this morning but when I got out of bed I had a hard time turning my head and the pain was not real pleasant. I figured I better leave it alone so I stayed in bed until I had to get up to go to work. Hoping the chiro appt. today helps.

Have a good day!
Chiro appt. went fairly well last night. I did have two spots in my neck and shoulder that were out and thankfully he got it back in place. Now I need to keep icing to get the muscle inflammation down. I did manage to do the elliptical this morning. I was supposed to do back and bi's but figured I should stay away from the weights at least another day. Hopefully if I keep icing today it will feel better tomorrow so I can do back & bi's. I'll wait and see how I feel.

Make it a great day!
Hope you are feeling better.

Our dog suddenly got ill over weekend. We took him to vet on Monday and he has lyme disease. All blood work says he has no kidney or bladder problems so we are thankful. The anti-inflammatory meds are helping his joints so he is walking fine again.

Yesterday was short elliptical cardio. No workout today.
Happy Friday!

Sorry to hear about your dog. Glad that kidney's & bladder are fine. We were on the same page today. I did the last back & bicep workout from mesocycle 2. Neck/back are doing better. Didn't have any issues lifting this morning.

Tomorrow I volunteered to help at Breakfast on the Farm in Washington County. I'll be serving food for 2 hours. Then I have to leave at 8am for my Saturday exercise class at 9.

Have a great weekend!

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