Buff Badgers Week of July 23rd


Good Morning Ladies! Hope you had a great weekend. The weather was cloudy and mild most of the weekend.

Sam--I got my first round of donations dropped off to the Salvation Army. I hoping to get a 2nd round before Labor Day. It will be a little while longer before I have the enthusiasm to go through my things and prepare for donations.

On Saturday, I walked 60 minutes on the elliptical and did my planks. This morning was supposed to be STS but my son had a buddy spend the night and they slept in the basement. I use the den area for my Cathe and I have my elliptical in another room that has just concrete on the floor with a mat under the machine. I am thinking about putting some great mats on the floor before the end of the year hoping to be able to use it for my Cathe. However, DH got rid of that large equipment in the room that he had and I know he will probably replace it with something smaller----but still it won't leave room for aerobics. It is days like this that I wish I had that alternative space. Anyway, I ended up doing 45 minutes on the ellipitcal and planks today.

---Those side planks are tough---no wonder you all said 30 seconds.:rolleyes:
Morning Ladies,

This is going to be a bit short, have a ton of work to do from my vacation. Was able to do some exercise during my time off, but it wasn't outdoors. The bug problem up north is horrible. Everything that flew seemed to bite! :rolleyes: I did get in one Insanity and some Weider workouts. The Weider workouts where much easier to do in the tight space that I had available. Saturday I did Jillian's Cardio Kickbox workout, nothing on Sunday or this morning. Planning on getting something in tonight, just way to tired to get something in this morning.

heartymax, Love your new pic! Understand those tight spaces for doing your aerobic workouts. I have a hard time with things like Cathe's Cardio Kickboxing workout, just don't have enough space for doing the box move and other things in that workout.

Have a wonderful day!
Good morning, ladies!

Saturday I did The Gauntlet :eek: Sorry, Sue -- I skipped my planks that day. I was so beat :eek:

Yesterday I did 4DS LIS.

DH and I took a huge load to Half Price Books and a smaller load to Goodwill. It's funny how even when we think we've purged everything we can, we find a bunch more to get rid of. And we've only lived in this house for four years! We're going to try to sell a few more things on Craigslist. We want to buy a new sectional, lots of paint, and we have to re-mud the upstairs bathroom (after tearing off wallpaper and discovering the hard way that it's the only room in the house with drywall instead of plaster :confused:). Plus, a lot of other little things: curtains, furniture refinishing, etc. I like to make/do things myself, but even that can get pricey.

Laurie- Welcome back! I'm sorry to hear about the bug problem, especially since I'm headed up north on Saturday :confused: I hate coming home from vacation, there's always so much to do. I hope you had a nice time.

Heartymax- I work out in my basement, and it's great to have a dedicated space for it, even though my basement is less than ideal (dark, damp, low ceilings). I don't have to worry about leaving my weights lying all over the place :)

Have a great day, everyone!
Good Afternoon Ladies!!

I hope everyone had a nice weekend! My weekend was nice. Nothing too fun or eventful. Cleaned my parents house and did a bunch of running around with DH for buying supplies for finishing off our basement. So I didn't get much done of what I wanted to do but oh well... it's all still there. :p

I didn't have a chance to get on over the weekend. Saturday's workout was Amy Bento's CIA Hi-Lo Cardio Knockout. The left leg did good through 45-50 min of it and then it the hip flexor started bothering me a little but not enough to make me stop. :D Sunday was my rest day.

I decided over the weekend that I need to tend to my strained hip flexor muscle. It's been waking me up in the middle of the night. This week I'm going to my weights 3 days and the alternate 3 days I'm going to do some yoga to try and that muscle stretched out and some time to recover without all the movement and impact from the cardio. This morning I did Disc4 from Meso 1 of STS. Opening up with drop set push-ups is always so fun. ;)

Sam - WTG on Guantlet!!! I love that workout. I usually save it for a weekend since it's a little over an hour. Chocolate zucchini bread... please send me the recipe. That sounds very yummy. :D Sounds like you guys are making good headway on the clean up.

Susan - How was the festival?

Laurie - Welcome back!! Hope you don't have too many bug bites. It's hard to enjoy being outside when the bugs are so horrible.

Heartymax - I have a dedicated space in our basement for working out and it's really nice. There are times I wish it was a little bigger but it works for me.

Hi Sue!!

Enjoy the rest of your day!!
Hi Gang! The weekend was fun. Saturday was my "active rest" as we walked down to the festival (2 miles) then all around the grounds, then back (2 miles). Sunday I did Cross Fit: Triple Tabata Premix (fun/ tough/ but fun) and pilates for abs and lower body.

Today I woke up with a sour tummy, and just not feeling well so I took Ruby for her walk before it got too hot. I got on the elliptical after work and am now going to do AB Ripper X.

Laurie, glad to see you back. Hope you had time to rest while you were gone.

Hearty, I run into a problem when DD has sleepovers as they take over the basement which includes my area so I have to wait until they go home to workout. I am lucky inthat I have a lot of space for jumping, running ect..

Brenda, my DH needs to finish off one room in our basement too.. Keep wondering when /if that'll ever happen??;)

Sam, it is my goal to go to Half Priced Books this weekend. That's the only thing on my agenda right now!:)

Have a good evening! Susan
Sounds like everyone is doing a great job with workouts.

I have plenty of space in the den area to do my workouts. The problem is if I move to the other room, I won't if DH adds a weight machine to the room. Just not convinced that DH is not going to add another piece of equipment and what size it will be. Then, I will have to continue to do my Cathe workouts in the den area. I was thinking of adding the great mats to the othe room so I could move my aerobics in there and won't be bothered when the kids sleep in that area. During the school year, they only sleep down there on the weekends. However, now that it is summer---they practically live in the basement. They know they have to move when I workout to Cathe---but I don't like to bother them if they have friends over.

Susan---my rest days are not very active:D

Brenda----Those drop push ups greeted me this morning.:eek:

Laurie--Welcome back from vacation!

Sam and Sue---how many days or we doing the planks? I can't remember.

Today was STS Disc 4 Chest, Shoulders and Biceps. I was so fried by the time I got to the 21s just lowered the weight and tried to make it through. I opted to do chest presses for some of the push ups since I did push ups yesterday and they are on deck again for tomorrow. I am doing the hundred pushup challenge again. It really helps me improve my strength when I am able to stay focus. Anyway, those drop sets and the push ups on the ball were enough to keep my chest fried anyway. Afterwards, I did a segment of Abs Hits so I am totally exhausted right now.
Morning Ladies,

After work I got in S90D Chest & Back, and Skogg Roots Level 2. Feeling the back work this morning. After taking a short walk in the pouring rain :rolleyes:, I did S90D Tabata Inferno, and Weider X-Factor ST Week 1 this morning. Have a short kettlebell and ab workout scheduled for after work today. :D

Sam, Dang on the wallpaper doing damage to the drywall. That happened to friends of ours. Guess the owners before them didn't prep the walls for wallpaper. Depending on how far north you are headed, the bugs are bad. We where in the area that got a lot of rain, so they where out in full force. The mosquitoes are not bad until the sun goes down! :confused:

Brenda, Doing the yoga will be a great way to get those hip flexors working better. ;) Are you starting an STS full rotation? Push-up mania! LOL

Susan, Sorry to hear that your stomach is giving you issues, Dh was suffering from something similar yesterday. How are you liking the new workouts? Are you getting the new set?

heartymax, Are you doing an STS rotation also? That is quite the situation you have for you workouts. I wouldn't want to disturbe the kids either, so totally understand. ;) I did push up mania in the last two days also. I forgot that the tabata and weider workout both had push-ups in them. So my chest is feeling the love today. :D

Have a wonderful day!
Good morning! Yesterday I did Slide and Glide, which I always think is easy until she gets to the mountain climbers. Gah! I just cannot do those with the discs. They slay me every single time.

Heartymax- I think we're doing planks indefinitely. Though maybe...

Sue-... we should pick an end date for our plank challenge? Hmmm... Labor Day?

Laurie- I think it was a mix of the previous owners not priming properly, and us assuming that it was just plaster under there, and therefore not taking proper precautions for drywall. Either way, DH and I will be learning how to mud. I don't really care, it hurries the process for getting that room fixed up. We're stuck with the 80's almond-colored tub, sink, and toilet, but I'm going to paint the walls white and make everything as spa-like as possible :D

Susan- Sorry about the sour tummy. I have mornings like that, too. I love a trip to Half Price Books even if we're not giving anything away. I really try to not ever pay full price for books.

Brenda- I used this recipe Chocolate Zucchini Bread I Recipe - Allrecipes.com , but I didn't think it was very good. Nice and moist, but not chocolatey enough and way too much cinnamon. I think my next batch will just be plain zucchini bread.

DS had his first public, screaming, awful, everyone-looking, tantrum yesterday at the library. It was just terrible. I guess I should be happy that it took him over three years to have one of those, but it was far from pleasant. Most of the people just stared or gave me a sympathetic smile while I tried to calm him down, but there were a couple nasty looks. What do people think that accomplishes? :rolleyes: Anyway, I hope it doesn't happen again :confused:... at least any time soon.

Have a great day, everyone.
Hi Everyone!!

As much as I would have loved to do something more this morning, I stuck to my word and did Yoga Relax. When it came to stretching that hip flexor it smarted and felt good all at the same time. I can feel the knot and inflammation in that muscle. Not pretty. :(

Susan - Triple Tabata premix... you go girl!! I'm missing the new workouts. :( Hope your tummy feels better.

Heartymax - Whenever she has those push-ups on the ball, I always put the ball against a wall. My balance isn't that good to do those with no extra support. Maybe someday. :)

Laurie - I'm not doing a STS rotation just yet. I do plan on just not sure when. I'm still in envy of the workout time you put in. :)

Sam - I still haven't done Slide & Glide yet. Probably because I don't know that my piece of carpet that I dragged is big enough. I'll have to try it sometime when my hip flexor muscle is doing better, since anything in a plank position puts strain on it. :mad: I feel for you, about your DS having his first public tantrum. Hopefully it won't happen anytime soon.

Hi Sue!

Back to work I go. :p

Make it a great day!!
Hello ! I did feel better this morning. Thanks for the wishes! This morning was Cathe's Muscle Endurance. I have not done this one in such a long time!:eek: She sure does a lot of leg presses in that one! My body is just one big ache at the moment but I am going to go get some good stretching in after I post!;)

Laurie, When I do S90 Tabata, that is enough! How can you do anything after that?:eek: You are a wonder woman! Yes, I do plan on ordering the new series, and I love the new workouts! She has a really good mix in it so you don't get bored.

Sam, well, at least he waited 3 years to let it out, but I am sorry he did that at all. I was blessed with both kids that didn't have fits... However my lil' guy was always on the go, into things, could not take your eyes off him! Maybe your DS was a bit tired?

Hi Hearty! You sound like you really pushed yourself today- you should be proud!:)

Have a great night - sleep well~ Susan
Morning Ladies,

This morning was S90 Legs, and Skogg Intervals Level 1. Hope to get in a workout after work, yesterday I got busy making something for lunch today. :rolleyes:

Sam, So sorry to hear about the temper tantrum, I guess they all have to have at least one of those in their growing up years. It really is hard when people are looking at you. ;) Got to love those projects that give you more to do, and of course those great colors! ;)

Brenda, Glad to hear that you where able to get those hip flexors worked out. ;) I wish that I was able to get in the workouts I wanted to yesterday, but there is always tonight to get them in. I usually have an hour in the morning, and 30-60 min. after work. If I go longer the family wants food. :D

Susan, I surprised myself with that one too, but Week 1 of those Weider workouts is one of the easier ones. Love that Tabata workout though. Have to say that the new workouts sure do sound fun. ;) The leg presses in ME has that dread factor going for me. Probably one reason why I don't pull it out to often myself. :D

Have a wonderful day!
Good Afternoon Ladies!!

I need to make this quick as it has been a really bad day at work and we've had one system problem after another. I'm soooo glad today is my Friday and I have off the next two days.

This morning was meso 1 Disc 5 (I think) for Back and Tri's. Still working on stretching out that hip flexor. My DH could actually see the muscle sticking out.

I hope everyone is having a better day than I am. :p

Take Care!
Hello everyone. It's past noon on Wednesday, which means the week is more than half over!

Last night I did PUB, the "down" premix. I matched Cathe on shoulders! Woot!

This morning I was supposed to do Imax 2, but I hit the snooze too many times. I did the first five intervals of Imax 3 instead. It felt great. Someday I'll have the courage to try the whole thing. That plie jack blast is mean. Those are right up there with disc mountain climbers in moves that I just cannot do. I usually sub ice breakers.

Had to take the dog to the vet for all his annual shots/boosters. I love his vet. Everyone who works in the office is so nice. They still remember Elliot from all his health problem last summer. They just love him.

Susan- Yeah, he was tired and didn't want to leave. They also didn't have a book he wanted. I think I've learned that fun little outings need to happen before lunch. After lunch he's way too cranky. This was his first real fit, but he does get whiny.

Brenda- Oh my. I hope you can get your hip flexor to cooperate with you. Lots of rest, lots of stretching... you know the drill ;) Seems like one of us always has some sort of injury. The unwelcome side effects of all that exercise, I guess.

Laurie- Yeah, it seems like everything in our house is like that. We think it's going to be simple, but it ends up turning into about five projects. :rolleyes: I agree about the leg presses in ME. I end up using that one mostly for upper body because I dread those leg presses so much.

We're closing on a home loan re-fi tonight, so I should make the house presentable for the loan officer. I was thinking of throwing in a short Leslie this afternoon, too. I took DS to McDonald's for lunch, and of course I ate too, but now I feel yucky and could use an energy boost.

Have a great day!
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Hello all! This morning was Intensity Step + Hi HiiT Premix followed by ab work.:)

Laurie, I love S90 Tabata too. It short and tough, just the way I like them!

Brenda, Ouch on the hip flexor! Hope you sleep in on your day off tomorrow! You deserve it!:)

Sam, you reminded me I have to get our Ruby to the vet! I wrote myself a note the other day, then forgot where I put the note! I shall write another one!:)

Hi Sue! I have a feeling you are watching " So ya Think You Can Dance"? Cause that's what I am doing right now too!;)

Take care~ Susan
Good Morning Ladies,

This morning I needed to do something besides yoga so I put in Leslie's Advanced 5 mile walk and wore my 10 lb weighted vest to make a harder on me (my heart really). :) Then after DH got off to work I went back down and did some Biggest Loser Yoga with Bob Harper to get some more stretching in. Didn't sleep well at all last night. Got to be around 9 and rain and storms woke me up at 10:17pm and I saw every hour after that and once in a while saw it multiple times. :( Had to get around midnight and get an ice pack and put it on the hip flexor muscle. The pain woke me up.

Susan - No such luck on the sleeping in. With not sleeping well to begin with, once 3 am came around I laid there for about 10 min and figured I should just get up and do something since I wasn't sleeping decent anyway. Still haven't checked out S90 Tabata. I need to do that. I like those short, tough workouts.

Sam - It does seem like one of is always recovering from an injury. Seems like that shouldn't happen when we're trying to do something good for our bodies. Hope your re-fi went well last night.

Hi Laurie, Sue, and Heartymax!!

Today on my day off I'm cleaning my house and then running into town to take run a few errands that I can't do on my Saturday morning shopping because those stores are not open that early. :) Then this afternoon around 4'ish, DH and I are going to go to the Washington County Fair and we're meeting some friends there a little later to listen to REO Speedwagon. Haven't heard them live in many, many years. Am I dating myself ;)

Everyone have a great day!
Hi again! This morning was CrossFire..still lovin' it!:D

Brenda, love the new pic!:D I am so sorry you did not sleep well. At least you didn't have to go into work! I love the Supreme 90 series, not only because it only cost my $10 on clearance at Target, but the workouts are not very long, but they are intense! Online you can get them for 19.95!

Glad we had some much needed rain, hoping for more today.

I have been eating super clean this week. I bought a new(bigger) cooler/luch bag for work. Before I did not take enough food to work to keep me satisfied. Now I load my cooler with veggies, fruit, lean proteins, a protein shake, and I am never going hungry! When I come home I am not famished, and making poor decisions. Since Monday I have lost 4 pounds. I feel really good too. Hopefully I can keep it going. :eek:

Have a great day ladies! Susan
Hi Ladies. No workout for me yesterday. I had to go for my eye exam early yesterday morning and I had to do some lab work in which I had to fast. Therefore, I wasn't going to workout and not be able to eat afterwards. I have my physical on Monday and they like to do the lab work in advance so everything will be back and the doctor can discuss during the physical. My exam went well and no changes to my prescription. I just find that I need to wear my glasses more often than I used too.

This morning was STS legs disc 6. I am doing the STS/LIS 3 month rotation so I subbed this workout in place of Turbo Barre. I have a friend and her 2 boys (who are same age as my boys) coming over at noon to hang out. We like to get together at least once during the summer. Last summer was at their house so this summer is ours. I am prepping so the kids can have hotdogs, chips, drinks for lunch and I am making salad for my friend and I so we can eat healthy.

Brenda--love your pic!

Susan---packing lunch and plenty of snacks is always a plus. I find that I not grabbing the wrong foods when I do that too. That is where some people go wrong. They pack lunch but don't include a mid-morning or afternoon snack or something to eat on the way home if they have errands or long commute! WTG---on the extra clean eating and weight loss.

Sam---I bet Elliott is getting really big!

Laurie---You have so many workouts. Skogg---on my--what is that???

Sue---I haven't done my planks yet, but I promise to do them before I go to bed.
Happy Friday ladies! This morning was 40 minutes on the elliptical and planks. Our air conditioner doesn't seem to be working well and it is supposed to be hot today. DH left for work and said he will try to call someone to come check it. I decided I better go ahead and get my workout in early before it gets too hot in the house.

We went over to some friends yesterday evening. It is so nice enjoying my weeks off and just having some fun. My brother is having a family get together at his house tomorrow for those of us who live in this area. We did it last year and had a blast so he decided to have it again this year.

Have a great weekend everyone!
Good Morning and Happy Friday!!

Yesterday DH and I went to the Washington County Fair to listen to REO Speedwagon. We were supposed to meet some friends there but things came up with them that they weren't able to meet us. We did some walking around the fair and then got our lawn chairs to listen to REO. After all these years they were pretty good. They couldn't hit some of the higher notes like they used to but hey what the heck after all these years of singing. They said they've been singing for 40 years. I didn't realize it was that long. I thought OMG... they started playing when I was 5 years old. We had a very nice time.

Then at 1:30 am we had a rude awakening and our fire alarm in the house went off. Made a round of beeps, scared then living daylights out of us and then stopped. Then a few minutes later, it went off again and then stopped. We're like what the heck. Then I remembered that someone told me that a spider or bug can set it off if they go over the sensor. Sure enough... we look in our one spare bedroom and it looked like that was the one that set them all off. DH turned the light on and put his hand up there to reset it and there was the critter, some stupid flying bug up there by the fire alarm. Then the trick was to get our heart rates back down from being scared from the alarm going off and try to fall back asleep. Another short night. Hopefully tonight will be better. :)

This morning I did Disc 20 from Meso 2. I made sure I did the extended stretch. I made sure I wasn't going to be doing any exercises to aggravate my leg. Did fairly well.

We had more rain this morning. This should be helping the veggie garden.

Heartymax - Good idea to get the workout in before the house gets too hot. That's a bummer when the AC is not working when it's supposed to be hot out. We had that and it was not fun. Glad you've been enjoying your weeks off and having some fun. We all work so hard and deserve some fun time. :D

I hope everyone enjoys their Friday!!
Happy Friday, everyone! I had a planned day off yesterday. Today I have Cardio and Weights on the schedule, but I have lots of packing to do for our trip tomorrow and I'm not sure if I'll get to it. If not, I should be able to tomorrow morning since DH will be home.

Last year I was able to pack my step, and I hope to again this year, as well as some weights. We'll see.

Brenda- Funny how those things get your heart rate up so fast. Cathe should start one of her workouts by scaring us. We'd be ready to go without a warm up :) All she'd have to do for me is say "plie jacks". Love your picture. I remember when you got that taken.

Heartymax- Oh no! I hope you can get some relief. Glad you could get together with a friend. That's one thing on my summer to do list that hasn't happened yet. People our age are so busy.

Susan- Oh, here I am at home with my whole refrigerator at my disposal and I can't seem to eat properly! Good for you! I've been hitting the simple carbs way too hard lately. Gotta get back to the (mostly) clean eating after vacation. You've inspired me :D

I'll be up north next week and probably won't be able to check in. We're really roughing it with no AC and no wi-fi ;) Have a good one!

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