Buff Badgers Week of January 28th


Morning Ladies,

Another busy weekend with exercise, cleaning the house and organization. :eek: Keeping up with my workouts, and should get in Combat 60 after work tonight.

I have a list of things to get done around the house so I got the fridge, oven, microwave and dishwasher cleaned. Things I tend to neglect. :eek: I even got the youngest to clean her room, so I could get the vacuum cleaner in there without sucking up some clothes. :D We cleaned out some of the basement also, because we are getting a new water softner tomorrow. Set up the bookcases, and DH started sorting all his books. House is starting to look non-neglected, and that makes all of us very happy. ;)

Have a great day!
Good morning! I did All Out Low Impact Hiit on Saturday. Sunday was an off day. Today I did the timesaver premix for just rounds 7-12 of Cardio Leg Blast and my own abs, since I don't care for bonus core #2.

Almost nothing as far as the cleaning I wanted to get done actually got done. DH and I were feeling lazy. So... I have lots of catching up to do this week. I've got some little activities up my sleeve to keep DS busy so I can get work done.

I continued my dabbling in the paleo diet over the weekend. I'm quite impressed: with the weight I've lost already, the food, and how I feel. I know it's pretty much the opposite of my mostly meatless diet from before, but I like to shake things up with my diet as well as my workouts :D I've got paleo stuffed peppers in the crock pot for tonight and they smell delicious.

Laurie- You're really getting a jump on the whole spring cleaning thing! I can't wait till that first warm day when I can open the windows, play some music really loudly and sanitize every surface in sight! But I'll content myself with organizing right now, too.

Have a great day!
Happy Monday Funday!

Saturday I had All Out Low Impact HiiT and I decided to add on Cardio SuperSets. Had a great workout. Sunday was my rest day. Today was suppposed to be legs and rear delts. Since I'm not a huge fan of the leg workout in XTrain, I put in Disc 12 from STS Meso1 and did that and then followed that with the rear delts.

The weekend wasn't too exciting. I did work work from home for a while on both Sat and Sun. We're just so busy that I wanted to take some time to try and get through some emails.

Laurie - Sounds like you had a very productive weekend. I love that accomplished feeling. I need to do some cleaning of those areas that we have a tendency to neglect before it gets nice out. Once it gets nice outside, my house gets totally neglected.

Sam - Congrats on the weight loss. I've gotten off track a bit and need to get back on. I do okay until I get home and then I catch myself nibbling. It's not that I nibble on really bad things but the calories in nibbling add up. Good job on the workouts!

Enjoy the rest of your day!
Good Afternoon!

I have to be quick today. This morning was Burn Sets Bi's and Tri's. I added on Tabatacise warm up 3rd tabata and 1 round of the 4th tabata and then the step of the 4th tabata. Had a pretty good workout.

Should get my car back from the body shop tomorrow. Yeah!! :)

Karen - hope you feel better soon!

Good evening. The schedule today called for Hard Strikes. Once again, I chose step over kickboxing and did just the combos from Imax 3. I'm embarrassed to say that this was hard for me and used to be an "easy day" workout. I think I lost quite a bit of my cardio capacity when I was working on running. I still might go for a run now and then when the weather is nice, but it's never going to be my regular workout. It just doesn't seem to suit my body type.

Anyway, even though it was harder than normal, it was still fun. I love that premix :)

Brenda- Girl, you are a cardio addict! Although I should be adding on some tabatas myself judging from my performance today.

Karen- :( I hope you feel better soon.

Have a pleasant evening, everyone. Record high temp today with winter storm advisories in the forecast for tomorrow. Gotta love Wisconsin :)
Brenda----cardio Guru you are!!!

Sam---IMAX 3 is tough. I wouldn't ever call it easy but I know what you mean about being able to hang in there when your endurance level is at its best. That can be frustrating.

Laurie--- awesome cleaning you were able to get done.

Today's workout was Tabata 1-3 and part of Core 1.

Have a great day ladies!!
Good morning! It's snowing like crazy. I'm actually enjoying it; it's sort of cozy. I think I might take DS for a walk in the snow after lunch. I just finished Chest, Shoulders, and Back. I'm actually have a difficult time typing from being so wobbly :)

Heartymax- I only did the combos. The full Imax 3 is very tough. I've only done the whole thing a couple times. I haven't gotten to Tabatacize yet. I'm looking forward to it though. I really like tabata training.

Have a great day, everyone.
Good Afternoon!!

Today was All Out Low Impact HiiT with core1. I skipped core1 and did the bonus step portion from LIS. Didn't have time to do Cardio SuperSets like I did Saturday. When I don't feel like doing abs in the morning, I've been trying to wear this ab belt we have. It's actually surprising how sore my abs are after wearing that thing for 40 min.

Sam - Way to go on the workouts!Running is not for everyone. You have to do what works for your body. Don't worry though, you'll build your cardio endurance up again in no time. :) It's been snowing pretty good in Germantown all day. I live further north and it's supposed to be worse.

Heartymax - WTG on Tabata!!

BTW - Yes, I am a cardio addict and I'm proud of it. :D Thanks for the compliment ;)

Drive safe with the snow.

Take Care!
Today's workout was Chest, Back and Shoulder. I was able to knock out the first 24 push ups but I did not change the rep pattern like the crew. I kept my normal pace. I skipped the one's at the end because my chest is too fired to even think about push ups at the end. I also did the 100RC lateral raises with 5lbs. My shoulders were burning.

Brenda----I prefer strength training---so I understand the addiction. Just thinking about my weights in the mornings helps me roll out of bed for my workout:D.
Morning Ladies,

Can't believe how busy I have been this week at work and at home. Have been having meetings in the mornings, so that screws up my whole day after that. I have been keeping up with my workouts, and still doing the Combat rotation. Really love these workouts. ;)

Sam, How is your energy level with the paleo? That is one of my concerns with that type of diet. ;) I go through phases with my endurance also, right now I would be afraid to try any of the Imax's. :eek:

Brenda, WTG on the workouts, how is your leg doing? We where thinking about the same thing with doing the cleaning now vs. spring. We always are outside getting the yardwork done, and then the never seemed to get the attention it needed.

heartymax, Awsome job on the workouts. I sometimes do the same with the push-ups. I just keep going with the singles when she is doing the two counts. :D

Karen, Hope you start feeling better soon!

Have a great day!
Good afternoon. I got a little extra workout yesterday by shoveling after lunch. I let DS run around outside while I worked. Boy, did he sleep after that :) Today was XTrain Legs. I get so bored working my legs for an hour straight, so I just did the standing section and the 100 Hip Thrust Challenge. If I feel like it later, I might do a little of the floor or barre work while DS naps.

Laurie- My energy level has been good. I do notice that it helps to have a piece of fruit before I do cardio, but other than that I feel great. What's especially interesting is that my energy level stays more steady during the day. I don't get huge bursts of energy, but I don't get any real dips in energy either. It's nice not feeling like I need a nap every afternoon.

Brenda- It was most definitely a compliment :) It's pretty tough to beeat that endorphin rush! I used to prefer weights over cardio, then I started to prefer cardio, and now I'm sort of back to weights again. I'm sure I'll get hooked on cardio again when I get my endurance back.

Heartymax- Those push-ups at the end of Chest Back and Shoulders... I do them, but they're the really easy girl version... practically in tabletop position. I don't know how they all bang those out.

Have a great day!
I'm going on the road trip. I thought I was wait listed but just got my email. Can you see me turning flips!!
Hi there!

This morning was Hardstrikes and I added on 4DS Kickbox.

I got some sucky news today from the doc.... I had blood work done for lyme disease due to my swollen lymph nodes and got a call from the doc today that it came back positive. :mad: My doc put me on 42 days of antibiotics. I go in for a follow up appt on the 7th to see what other issues this crap may have caused. I need to do some homework about lyme disease. My mom has it and when she found out she had it, it was too far gone that medicine wasn't helping and she's physically a mess. I'm hoping the antibiotics work so I start feeling better. I had a really bad day at work and this was the icing on the cake. I keep telling myself, yeh it sucks but it could be worse.

Heartymax - I love weight training too... I love it all!! :D Yeah... your going on the road trip. That is so AWESOME!! I'm so thrilled for you. You will have a blast. Lucky you, you'll get to meet the rest of the gang too. Gosh, I'm so happy for you!!

Laurie - WTG on keeping up with the workouts despite your busy schedule. The pain reliever/muscle relaxer the doc has me has helped my leg. I'm think part of my issues is due to the lyme disease as well. Some of the symptoms are muscle/joint pain and swollen lymph nodes.

Sam - That is why I did a different leg workout when that one came up on the rotation. I get too bored with that workout. I have plenty of other leg workouts that I'd rather do.

Have a great night!!

I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday!!
Take Care!
Morning Ladies,

I didn't get my workouts in last night, and will not get any in today. :( I got home really late yesterday, and had to make a couple of stops. Traffic was crazy, don't know why. :confused: Anyway I will get them done on Saturday morning, and since DH will be gone on Sunday, that will give me another chance to get some workouts done also. I usually love spending time with DH and DD on Sundays. ;)

Sam, Being outdoors really does wear everyone out. :D Sounds like your ds had a great time outside. I know that when I eat more protein, I tend to be happier also. Don't get those munchies, and the tireds as much.

heartymax, Congrats! I'm sure that you will have a great time.

Brenda, Well the good news is that you know why you are probably feeling some of the joint issues that you are. I think that all people in WI should be tested for lyme every year. Those ticks are so small. ;) I'm hoping that the meds work also. Also hope that today is a much better day for you, and it has to be since it is FRIDAY!! :eek:

Have a great day!

This morning was chest, back, and shoulders. Went fairly well. I felt a little on the weak side with the lack of sleep this week and last night was even worse. Hopefully I'll get some more zzz's in this weekend.

Laurie - Yes, I'm suspecting that is why I was feeling all the muscle and joint issues. I always had issues, its just that they had gotten worse. Hope the meds help. Positive thinking. :) Have fun with your workouts this weekend!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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