Buff Badgers Week of August 20th


Good Morning everyone! Sorry I didn't check in much last week. Things are just busy and my body is adjusting to getting up early for my workouts. I always try not to sleep too late in the summer for this very reason. Even though I didn't sleep late---I worked out around 6:30 or 7:00 during the month off work---but it is stll an adjustment to get used to gettin gup at 4:30/4:45 again.

We had a suprise bday party for my sister in law at our house this weekend. Her daughters planned it for her. We invited her to my house for a jewelry party and I asked her to bring her sister so it was funny when she arrived and entered the room where we were supposedly having this jewelry party. She was surprised and had a great time with her family and friends.

This morning I wanted to do a leg workout so I picked STS disc 9. That's a wake up call for sure:D.

One more week before the students return to school.

Sue--My son is really trying to adjust to this football training. He is hanging in there so far and has a positive attitude. He has played what they call "pound football" once and that was in fifth grade. This is new for him and he is doing fine so far. Today is a 2 a day practice so it will be along day for him.

I preordered Xtrain this weekend along with my birthday present from DH (crossfire and TTM and firewalker bands). I told him last month that I wanted those for my birthday. I am excited to add these two workouts for now and can't wait to get the new series in the fall.

Have a great day everyone.
Hello! This weekend was very busy. Saturday I was able to do Supreme 90 Tabata and lower body pilates. Sunday was a full day of yard work. This morning I did Kick Punch Crunch! Got a lot accomplished around here this past weekend which is good cause we are going up north for 5 days stating Friday.

Hearty, the clock is ticking and right now I am sitting on the fence about ordering the new workouts!:eek: Read over them again this weekend and the only ones I really, really want are the 3 cardio ones! I am really loving what all the pilates is doing for me right now. My pants have gotten so baggy! I am not looking to add any more traditional weight training in... I am SO confused!!!:confused:

Hope you all had a nice weekend! ~ Susan
Hello Ladies!!

I hope everyone had a great weekend. My weekend was busy with cleaning my parents house and yard work. The weeds took over my vegetable garden.

Saturday I did Low Max and when I did the interval blasts, I used a 5lb weight to make it more difficult. Definitely did the trick on getting my heart rate up there. Had my acupuncture appt Saturday afternoon which went very well. I feel like I'm on the right track to recovery. The shooting pains in the side of the hip and glute area have been much better the last couple of days. Pondering if I should make another appt. towards the end of the week.

Today was week 3 of STS Meso 1, Disc 7 Chest, Shoulders, and Biceps. I managed to make through all the drop set push-ups again. I was so happy! When she did 2 set of 1.5's and then 30 normal push-ups.... I made it to 23 I think and then I had to go down to my knees and finish the rest of them. My chest felt fried after that.

Heartymax - I ordered XTrain this weekend as well! :) Will be very much looking forward to the new workouts. How nice of you to hold the suprise party for you SIL at your place. Glad to hear the surprise party went well.

Everyone have a great night and sleep tight!
Susan---baggy pants---an excuse to go shopping:D

Brenda---having a party at our house forced DH to find time to get in some extra yard work. :D

This morning was push ups followed by Drill Max. I skipped some of the sections that focused on legs since I did STS legs yesterday. Trust me---my hamstrings are reminding me:D
Hi again! This morning was 60mn of pilates. There is a website I go to on that they allow you to download 3 of their workouts for free and this one was tough! They are much more advanced and faster paced. I am sweating like I did Croos Fire!:)

Brenda, glad you are feeling better!

Hearty: I hate it when my hammys are sore!

Enjoy your day ladies!~ Susan
Moring Ladies,

Another tired Monday for me, so no workout. Saturday I did 30 Day Shred Level 1, those are a nice start to the weekend for me. No workout on Sunday or Monday, but this morning was Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism.

heartymax, What a great way to give someone such a nice suprise. It is hard to adjust getting up that early after not doing it for a while, but I'm sure that your body will adjust soon. Congrats on ordering the new workouts, I have not decided on what I really want yet.

Susan, Glad to hear that the pilates is working so well for you, and that you found some new workouts.

Brenda, Congrats on your new puchase also, and glad to hear that your leg is getting better every day. ;) Weeds have taken over around our house also, will be glad when I have weekends free again.

Have a great day!
Hi ladies! Sorry I've been MIA lately. Last week was all rest and I still haven't gotten in a workout this week, either. I will do something today, even if it means working out late at night. DS's naps are getting shorter and shorter, so if I don't get my workout in early, it probably won't happen till evening.

Heartymax- What a fun way to surprise someone! I love surprise parties!

Brenda- I'm glad you're getting some relief. How does acupuncture feel? I've always been very curious about it.

Susan- Hmmm... I've never been able to get into Pilates, but baggy pants sure sound great. I agree with Heartymax, sounds like an excuse to go shopping!

Hi Laurie!

I ordered XTrain last night :D DH said it could be my birthday present. But, I'm guessing I won't be getting it till a couple months after my October birthday. That's okay though. I'm really excited about it. I also got Crossfire. I couldn't decided between that or To The Max, but I couldn't afford both, and I seem to hear more raves about Crossfire.

I had a fantastic wedding weekend up in Hayward, WI with some old and new friends. Lots of dancing, lots of food, and lots and lots of wine :p I would have managed to work out this morning, but I had to drive my mom to get her second epidural. They are giving her a lot of relief, so I don't mind at all.

Have a great day, everyone!
Good Evening Ladies!

This morning I did Afterburn. Still sticking with more low impact yet. Better safe than sorry. :)

Heartymax - I like Drill Max. If I want to do that one, I have to do it on a weekend when I have the extra time.

Susan - What is the website that you go do that you're able to download workouts for free. I have to give the pilates thing a try once. Maybe after STS. I always hear good things about it.

Laurie - Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism.... who's the instructor for that? I never heard of that one.

Sam - Glad to hear you had a great time in Hayward. It's hard to explain how acupuncture feels. It's the weirdest feeling. Probably the best way I can describe it is your skin feels like it's lifted away from the rest of you and you have a feeling of something (they say it's energy) flow through you. The first time I went I thought was an amazing experience. I was very surprised how much better it made me feel. I personally would recommend it. As like anything, I would go to someone others recommend, so you have someone good. The lady that I went to is very very good at what she does.

Hi Sue!

Have a great night!!
Hello! This morning was an oldie but a goodie: Cardio Kicks, followed by a quick 20mn pilates session.

Brenda, the website is "pilatesonfifth.com" 2 identical twin sisters own the studio in New York. ONce you register they let you download 3 free workouts then if you want to purchase more they are only 3-6 dollars.

Sam, when we go up north we go near Hayward, to Rice Lake. It's so pretty and quiet up there... Pilates is the only thing I have found over all these years to trim my lower half. Lunges and squats tend to build me up, even with low weight/hi reps. Must be the way I am made! If I had to choose between Cross Fire & To the Max, I would choose Crossfire too. Though I love stepping, on this old body, it gets harder on the knees!

Laurie, after how busy you are onthe weekends, I'd have tired Mondays too! It's almost over... remember that!;)

Have a great day!~ Susan
Good morning!

Last night I took a brisk walk with the dog and ran for the last few blocks. For some reason, I can't get a decent workout from walking. If feels weird to walk fast enough to get my heartrate up. I still enjoy it, it's just not my thing for a workout I guess.

This morning I did the last 5 intervals of Afterburn. DH has to leave for work early, so I needed something fast. I wanted something hard to wake up my body, though. It worked. Afterburn is great that way :)

Brenda- Sounds awesome. I've considered it to treat my insomnia. If it ever gets bad enough where I really feel like I need to do something medical about it, I'll give it a shot. Right now I'm trying this resetting my sleep clock thing. It seems to be improving a little.

Susan- I had never been there before. It's just lovely. Different than the Eagle River area where we usually go, but every bit as relaxing and charming. I'd like to go back. Maybe I should try Pilates sometime just for my lower half. I don't do traditional wights for my legs much... mostly because I don't like it :)

Have a great day, everyone.
Morning Ladies,

This morning was Skogg Roots Level 2, Ladders Level 1 and Jillian's Yoga Meltdown Level 2.

Sam, Also a congrats to you on your new purchases. ;) Hayward is up around my brothers cabin, so I know that area quite will. We always go to the candy store to get salt water taffy. :) As those young ones get older, those naps sure do get shorter until they disappear. :( My walks with the dog don't get the hr up for me either, she has to stop way to much to do some sniffing. :D

Brenda, WTG on the Afterburn workout! Banish Fat Boost Metabolsim is a Jillian workout, and it is one of her only workouts that is all cardio with now weights. She has 7 circuits with 5 different exercises that you do two rounds. It actually is a very good 55 min. workout.

Susan, I did Cardio Kicks recently, and forgot that it took up so much room. But it was sure fun. ;) I am so looking forward to the fact that I'm soon going to have my weekends. :) Probably will not know what to do with my time. :D

Have a great day!
Good Afternoon Ladies,

This morning was STS Meso 1 disc 8 Back & triceps. Today is my Friday. I have vacation days Thurs and Friday. As usual, have lots to do around the house. Tomorrow I meet with the painter for the (possible) wall mural. Can't wait!! :D

Susan - I'll have to check out that website. Thanks for passing it on.

Sam - I love Afterburn! That insomnia thing stinks. IMO, I would try acupuncture before I would go to a medical doc. It's good to hear that what you're trying is helping a little bit.

Laurie - I really need to check out Skogg Roots workouts. I haven't read anything about them. I always love hearing about different workouts that people do.

Hi Heartymax and Sue!!

Make it a great day!!
Good Morning. It has been a very busy week as we are gearing up for the new school year. DH took DS14 to high school orientation. I hoping for a good year.

Sue---DS picked up an indoor track form. He is playing freshman football and indoor track starts in November (i think). I hope this means he is planning to stay organized and work hard. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. It is nice to know that he is excited about high school. I must admit that I am very nervous. The football team has a scrimmage game this afternoon so I guess this is just the beginning of a very busy season.

Sam---After Burn definitely has kick butt premix.

Brenda----you are always doing such fun stuff around the house. I admire how you find time to keep up with things.

Laurie---hmmm.....I haven't done 30day shred in while...Thanks for reminding me:D.

DH got up at 3:30 to do his run on the elliptical. I was awake so I started my workout at 4:00 today. I did the upperbody first(that includes the back) of High Reps and then 30 minutes on the elliptical.

Have a great day ladies!
Good morning! Today was 60mn of Pilates. My DH came to say good bye to me and said " I don't get that. I don't get how that works.. I don't understand those exercises"... I just smiled...:D I keep asking him to try and he just won't.

Hearty, well you had an early morning! I'd be sleeping at my desk by noon if I was up that early!:)

Laurie, I was thinking about those peole who do not have a lot of room to do Cardio Kicks when I was doing it. Do you have Kickmax and if so, do you like it?

Sam, I thought of you while I walked Ruby last night. Lucky for me she is a big dog, who likes to walk very fast and doesn't stop too much. I really feel it in my glutes when we walk.

Hi Sue!

Hi Brenda!

Have a good day all~ Susan
Good Morning Ladies!!

I woke up around 2'ish this morning and dozed on and off until 3 and I initially had my alarm set for 3 like normal but then I thought I lay there to see if I could fall back asleep. No such luck, I kept thinking about what I all wanted to do today and get done before 10 am when I meet with that lady about the wall mural. I got my butt up and got ready for my workout. I did Cross Fire this morning. Figured I'd do that one today because I didn't know if I'd be able to do it on Saturday after doing STS meso 1 legs tomorrow morning.

Heartymax - To early morning risers :p I like to keep myself busy. I have hard time doing things that require sitting. :) I think mainly because at work I'm sitting at my desk 10 hrs a day and it drives me nuts. :eek:

Susan - That's too funny about your DH and what he said about pilates. If you ever find the trick to get your DH to workout, please let me know what it is because I can't get my DH to any type of exercise. I've asked multiple times if he wanted to workout with me or I suggested certain things and I've gotten no where so I hate to say that I pretty much have given up. He has to want to do this for himself and not me and until that happens, I think no matter what I say is not going to make a difference.

Hi Sue!
Hi Sam!
Hi Laurie!!

I'm off to brush my teeth and start my cleaning. I need to dig up some more energy someplace though because I have a headache and I feel tired.

Have a wonderful day!!
Good morning! Getting back into working out after a break is hard :confused: This morning I did just the upper body and abs from Body Max 2 and if felt like a full-blown, 60 minute workout. My arms are all shaky.

Susan- Elliot's an awesome walker, never stops except for his one pit stop, which is the same every time (we trained him to "go" near a public dumpster :p). It's more that walking very quickly feels weird. I can't seem to go fast enough to get my heartrate up without breaking into a run. But my endurance for running is so low... I'm strange. Too funny about your DH. My brother sees me doing step sometimes on vacation and he has a similar reaction :)

Brenda- I'll be cleaning right along with you today. I've got to vacuum the steps, one of my least favorite chores :p

Heartymax- Gracious! 4 am! And your DH up at 3:30! That's the middle of the night :D That week before school starts is always nuts.

Hi Laurie!
Hi Sue!

Have a great day everyone!
Morning Ladies,

This morning was 30 Day Shred Level 2 and 3. :D

Brenda, Enjoy your days of vacation, sounds like you started it off early. ;) I also am unable to get my DH to do any type of exercise, he is walking the dog at night though. This is something he started after going to a doctors appointment last week. I'm glad, and I think the dog is happy about getting in an extra walk. :D

Susan, LOL about your DH and Pilates, I think my Dh would be the same way about the exercises. :D Yes I do have Kickmax, and I don't pull it out to often. It does have a dread factor for me, because of the drills (really high intensity). I usually do the bootcamp premix. It has the 15 min. of cardio right at the beginning of the workout. One of the best parts of that workout is the leg work at the end. It just doesn't have the same fun factor as KPC.

heartymax, Looks like everyone was up early to workout today. :eek: That is great that your DS is plans on keeping busy with indoor track after football is over with. Our indoor usually starts in January. I'm enjoying the Jillian workouts right now, so I'm going to stick with her until faire is over with.

Sam, Yes it is hard to get back into working out, but you did a really tough workout.

Have a great day!
Last edited:
Morning Ladies,

This mornings workouts where Ripped in 30 Week 2, Skogg Intervals Level 2 and Flow Level 1.

Nothing exciting for us this weekend, just working through the last two weeks of faire.

Have a great weekend everyone!
Happy Friday!

Yesterday I met with the lady about the wall mural. After talking with her, now I really want one. She came up with some very good ideas. Said things that made me start thinking about other ideas. She made a comment about doing something that has meaning to us. I started digging through pictures trying to find certain ones that I knew we had. The one main one was a picture of the lake and trees from Nicolet Shores Resort in Phelps. This was the first place DH and I went away together and this is also where he proposed to me. The place is special to us. Then the other picture I came across and had meaning was the waterfalls in Montello. When I was little my grandparents lived in Princeton and they took us there once and ever since anytime we went to visit them we had to go into Montello to see the waterfall. I love waterfalls but I always found this one to be very beautiful. When DH and I started camping, we'd usually go up in that area so I had told him about the waterfall in Montello so then it became something he and I continued every time we were up there. I'm very anxious to see what kind of sketches she comes up with. :D

This morning was Meso 1 Disc 9 legs. This one kicked my butt for some reason. I made sure I did the extended stretch. Today we cut the grass for No No's Restaurant and I weeded my herb garden and hit a bunch of ant hills. They started coming out in thousands. UCK!! This afternoon did the trimming in our own yard. I'm calling it a day.

Tomorrow I won't be able to get online at all. We have my DH's niece's wedding in Racine tomorrow and he's ushering. My plan is to do Cardio super sets w/bonus step tomorrow morning.

Sam - Vacumming the steps is my least favorite as well. :) I keep telling my DH that I don't want carpeting down the basement steps because I hate to vacuum steps. Not sure if I'm going to win that one or not. ;) You picked a tough workout to do for getting back into it. I love Body Max but it's tough.

Laurie - I agree with about KickMax, it does have a dread factor. I have that workout and very seldom ever do it. Not one of my favorite. Definitely like KPC way more.

Hi Heartymax!
Hi Susan!
Hi Sue!

Everyone have a fantastic weekend!!

Sorry about going on and on about my wall mural. :)


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