Buff Badgers Week of August 13th


Morning Ladies,

I did Yoga Meltdown Level 1 and Skogg Ladders on Friday after work. Saturday morning I did 30 Day Shred Level 1. Yesterday was a rest day, and this morning I was to tired so will be doing something after church. What a great weekend for weather, and the crowds where huge at the faire. Only 3 more weekends left! :D

Have a great day!
Good Afternoon Ladies!!

Yesterday was a rest day (from doing an actual workout that is :)). Arms were feeling it from removing sod and trimming with a week whacker for 2 1/2 hrs. This morning was the start of Week 2 with STS Meso 1. Today was disc 4 for chest, shoulders, and triceps. I was so proud of myself that I made it through all of the drop sets of push ups on my toes.

I had a hard time getting up this morning. Didn't want to go back to work. :(

Laurie - Great job on the workouts over the weekend. Count down time until the fair is over with. :)

Make it a great day!!
Laurie - I'm glad the weather was cooler for you. Only 3 weekends to go, huh? You won't know what to do with yourself. So Skogg is kettlebell? I haven't kept up with everything new coming out. There's just so much.

Finished up week 2 of Meso 3 on Friday with Disc 30 Shoulders, Bis and Tris. On Saturday I did part of Jillian Kickbox FastFix (lower body segment). I'll try the other 2 segments but I was pretty shocked at how bad the cueing is. She never tells you to switch sides either which drives me insane because I have to keep track and I swear she skipped a bunch of exercises on the left side. Not her best work. It was only 20 minutes so I did an Afterburn Express premix and All Step abs after that. Nothing on Sunday because I was sore. Planning to do Disc 31 tonight. Busy week again. School registration, eye dr. appts, football practice/weights, survivors picnic, 2 parents meetings and scrimmage. I have to make a salad and dessert for Thursday and cookies for Friday. This is why I don't get to post very much. It's crazy! I'm off Wednesday-Friday or else I'd truly go insane.

Take care ladies! Workout hard!
Hi Gang! Saturday at the cabin I walked for 60mn and did pilates on the back patio for 45mn. My neighbor was out mowing his lawn and givingme very odd looks...:eek: Sunday was an off day. Today was P90X PlyoX. I think all the Cathe tabata work is doing me good cause if I do say so myself I kicked butt at PlyoX!:D

Laurie, looks like the weekend to come will be even cooler for you and the Faire! :)

Brenda, doesn't it stink when you finally have to go back to work after being off?

Sue, any plans for your mini vacation? Or just plan ol' relaxation??;)

Have a good night- rest easy, Susan
Brenda---WTG on the drop sets. They are definitely NO JOKE kind of push ups.

Susan---ROTFL about your neighbors funny looks. I can imagine what they were thinking with your pilates moves.

Sue---You seem to be doing a great job keeping up with your workouts in spite of your busy schedule--so KUDOS for that. Things are gearing up here too. DS14 started freshman football practice. They are practing mornings every day so I have to leave earlier to take him by 7:30. Fortunately, it is near where I work so I just go in earlier. DH has adjusted his schedule to be able to pick him up from practice and be home with our younger son for a few days. We just got all his paperwork finalized for football so we got the schedule at the end of last week and had to go scrambling to find a sitter for my youngest. We found someone to do it for the other days. It appears that football can take over your life just looking at the morning and afternoon practices and Saturday practices until school starts. My neighbor told me---"welcome to high school":eek:.

Laurie--glad to hear that you and your DH are hanging in there with the faire.

Saturday was GS Legs. Monday was premix 1-5 of AfterBurn. This morning was push ups followed by PUB (minus the chest section and abs). No time for abs today. Gotta move fast now to get ready and get DS to practice on time.

This morning was Afterburn. Love how that workout kicks my butt. :)

Last night I went over by this ladies house that had painted wall murals in her house to get ideas for our huge basement wall. OMG.... how awesome. The lady that did the painting did an amazing job. I'm going to give her a call and meet with her and check it out and see what the cost would be on doing a wall mural. She charges $35/hr which I didn't think was too bad. I was expecting it to be more. I helped DH put up the dry wall on that big wall on Sunday. Seeing the drywall on it makes it look even bigger now. I'm hoping I can swing the wall mural because I really think it would bring a "WOW" factor to the basement.

Sue - Wow you have a crazy scedule. WTG on keeping up with all the workouts between all your craziness. :D

Susan - I'm glad you had a nice time at the cabin. That's too funny about getting the weird looks from your neighbor. Oh well. :) Good job on kicking butt at PlyoX. Cathe's tabata is tough but I really like it. I always have a hard time wanting to go back to work when I'm off, but then again, I don't know many people that don't. :)

Heartymax - Sounds like your schedule is pretty hectic too with shool starting and all the sports. My days are hectic enough and I don't even have kids. Welcome to high school and before you know it, it will be driver's license time.

Hi Sam!!!

Everyone have a great evening!!
Hi Ladies! This morning was Pilates Maximum Burn and I am about ready to go for a walk and do a little more pilates after that as well.

Hearty: Boy, are you gonna have fun now that you have a High Schooler!:)

Brenda, Can't wait to hear what you decide for a mural. Sounds really cool.

Sue, great job on getting workouts in despite being so busy! :D

Hi Laurie!

Have a great night~ Susan
Hello again!:) Just finished 45mn on th elliptical and AB RipperX.

We have family pictures at our church this evening. Hoping it all goes smoothly...

Have a great day ladies. I'll check back later~ Susan
Heartymax - Yes, welcome to high school football! LOL It's definitely crazier than middle school and we've had to adjust our work schedules a bit, too. On top of practices you've got all the impromptu "let's hang out at _______'s house" or BWW and arranging rides for that.

Susan - Other than fitting in my workouts and running all over town I don't have any plans. If I survive the next few days and DS wants to hang out with his friends on Saturday I might go see a movie. I keep thinking about Ab Ripper X and how I should do that one again. I want to do a P90X rotation later this year. LOL on the neighbor giving you strange looks on your yoga.

Brenda - I think you're just as busy as I am except you do more physical things and I'm sitting on my butt (like while driving).

Hi Laurie and Sam!

Did STS Disc 31 last night. Will fit in cardio later.

Have a great hump day!
Morning Ladies,

Yesterday I started out the day with a headache, so I didn't workout. We had a celebration at work, so that meant I was busy all day. This morning started much better, so I did Level 2 of 30 Day Shred and Skogg Roots Level 2.

Brenda, Congrats on the push-ups! :D The wall murial sounds really cool, hope that you are able to do it.

Sue, I agree with you on the Jillian workout. Not one of my favorites of hers. Makes me wonder what the Body Revolution workouts are like. Enjoy you days off, sounds like you will be needing to relax after all the busy days that you had.

Susan, I saw that the weekend was going to be in the 70's again, I'm glad that we are getting some cooler weather for the end. Might keep these people from acting so childish. ;) WTG on PlyoX!

heartymax, It is amazing how you life changes when the kids start HS. That freshman year can be crazy until you get used to it. Then the coaches expect the kids to be at every practice, otherwise they don't get to participate in the events. I can see their point, but sometimes they play favorites. Off my soapbox! :rolleyes: I'm sure that when school starts it will be much better with only one practice after school.

Have a great day!
Good Afternoon Ladies!

Have I have to make this short and sweet. :)

This morning was Disc 5 from Meso 1 of STS, back and triceps. Had pretty good strength this morning.

I call the lady last night that paints wall murals and she's coming out to my house on the 23rd. Very anxious to meet with her.

Great job everyone on the workouts!!

Make it a great day!!
Hello! Today was CrossFire Triple Tabata premix followed by 30mn Express pilates.

Sue, well I hope you get plenty of time to rest the next few days!:D What movie would you like to see? I want to see that new Will Farrell one (The Campaign).

Laurie, glad your headache went away. Nothing like waking up with one of those,makes your whole day rough.

HI Brenda!
Hi Hearty!
Hi Sam!

Gotta go drink my Protein drink! Have a great day! Susan:D
Morning Ladies,

This morning was Jillian's Ripped in 30 Level 2, and 6W6P Level 2. :D

Brenda, Can't wait to hear what you decide to do for the painting.

Susan, I will have to check out those new workouts, I do like Tabata so I'm sure it will be one that I will enjoy. ;)

Have a wonderful day everyone!
Hi ladies! Just popping in to let you know I'm alive. It's been an unplanned rest week so far this week. I became obsessed with making a slipcover for our loveseat and was staying up till 2 in the morning for several nights in a row, and exercise ended up on the back burner. But, the rest feels sorta good, so I'm sticking with it for a couple more days. DH and I are traveling waaaay up North for a wedding on Saturday, so I may not get back to it this weekend, either.

Sounds like everyone's doing much better than me in the workout department. Keep it up!

Brenda, your mural idea has my head buzzing! I LOVE stuff like that!

Have a great day everyone!
Good Afternoon Ladies!!

This morning was Cardio SuperSets with the Bonus Step. As long as I stick with the low impact workouts, my leg is handling it. Still haven't broken down and made an appt with the accupuncturist. Still seriously thinking about it because I know last time I had issues worse than this, she really helped.

Susan - What do you use for a protein drink? I mix a scoop of the Biggest Loser Protein Powder in with my oatmeal in the morning but it seems to be more and more difficult to find. I liked that stuff because for one scoop it wasn't super high in calories and was pretty balanced between the grams of protein and fiber. I have a feeling the day will come where I won't be able to get it at all.

Laurie - I'm very anxious to meet with that painter next week. I will let you guys know next week how it went. :)

Sam - Nice to hear from you. Wow, you're doing all sorts of stuff around the house. Definitely keeping yourself plenty busy.

Hi Sue!
Hi Heartymax!

Make it a great day!!
Morning Ladies,

This morning was Skogg Roots Level 4.

Sam, Have a great time up North. Very adventurous on making a slip cover, but I'm sure that it will beautiful.

Brenda, WTG on doing the low impact to help the leg. ;) Just the thought of accupuncture scares me. :eek: Not good with any type of needle. :D

Enjoy this beautiful day, and have a great weekend everyone!
Good Afternoon and Happy Friday!!

This morning was STS Meso 1 Disc 6 legs. Had to modify on a few of the exercises as my leg was not too happy with me. Made sure I did extra stretching.

Tomorrow I have an accupuncture appt at 3:15 pm. We'll see if it helps me out.

Laurie - the first time I went for an accupuncture appt, the needle thing kind of freaked me out but I just closed my eyes and relaxed. You really can't even feel the needles going in your skin they are so fine. It's actually a very interesting and different feeling. It helped me then, so I'm hoping it helps this time as well. :)

Sam - enjoy your time upnorth.

Hi Susan, Sue, and Heartymax!!

Enjoy your weekend!!
Brenda - My sister is a receptionist for an acupuncturist in Madison and while she's never had it done she says lots of people come in for pain relief. I'd definitely try it. I'm glad the low impact is helping your leg.

Sam - I'm impressed by anyone who can sew. Hemming white marching band pants was hard enough.

Hi Laurie, Susan and Heartymax!

Catching up on my week, I did BFBM on Wednesday and STS Disc 32 Plyo Legs today. Surprised myself with the 1 legged squat thrusts and did more than I thought I could. DS has a football scrimmage today with 3 teams. He is officially on Varsity and will most likely share right tackle position with a Junior. DS is a Sophomore so I'm very proud of him. Told him weeks ago that if he wanted to start he had to earn it.

Have a great weekend everyone!
Hello! Today is my rest day so I took a nice brisk walk this morning and did about 30mn of pilates.

Brenda, hope the acupuncture works for you. My friends uses it for her aches and it seems to help. I use Six Star Chocolate Peanut Butter protein mix. Due to my thyroid I need to only use whey proteins. Soy protein is not good for people with hypothyroid. It doesn't metabolize well. Anyway, it's only 130 cals per scoop and 25 grams of protein. I mix 1 scoop with 8-10 oz of cold water.

Laurie, enjoy the cooler weather this weekend at the Faire!

Sue, congrats to your son for making Varsity. :) Enjoy the rest of your vacation!

Nothing big planned, lots of cleaning, organizing and DD wants to get her hair cut for scool...

Stay strong~ Susan

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