Buff Badgers Week of 1/7/13


Good Morning Ladies! I hope everyone had a great weekend. Saturday was Cardio Leg Blast and it definitely has the STS Plyo Legs effect. After doing Xtrain all week my entire body had DOMS. I am so glad Sunday was my rest day and not a catch up day because I skipped a workout earlier in the week. I got in my 6 days last week so I feel good about that. I decided to do the Xtrain 30 day undulating rotation. I don't have ride but I will either use my elliptical or do some other Cathe cardio workout.

Today was Burn Sets: Chest, Back and Shoulders. I added on Core #1 and I must say that it really gets into the core good. I wanted to try out all the workouts before I started the rotation but I didn't get a chance too. At least it will give me something to look forward to when the ones I have try are on deck for that week.

Redskins lost so our football excitement has come to an end. At least the Ravens are still in it but I don't think their team is a strong as it has been in the past. The Falcons are still playing (home state where I grew up) but I don't know if they will whole it together. All eyes on Alabama and Notre Dame for the big show down.
Morning Ladies,

Saturday and Sunday we spent both of those days running up and down the basement stairs with boxes. We have a lot of Christmas stuff to take down, and we have gotten 3/4 of the stuff down. The only things left are the main tree, and my Santas. :eek: Today I'm starting the Combat 60 day rotation, so my first workout will be Combat 30. That is the one that I tired out last week.

heartymax, I was so sorry to see RG3 get hurt yesterday. :( When he was running around and getting hit, I told my husband that they really needed to stop him from doing that. I understand how that is a lot of how he plays, but I just had this feeling that it was not going to go well. Great football game though. ;) Great job on those XTrain workouts! I am hopping that I can get out of this exercise funk, and get in a whole week of workouts. ;)

Have a great day!
Good Afternoon!!

Saturday I did Tabatacise, all 5 levels and loved it. Talk about getting the heart rate up there. Sunday was my rest day. The weekend was pretty low key, cleaned my parents house, ran some errands with DH, had another accupuncture appt on Sat., which went really well. I decided to start the XTrain 90 day undulating rotation. This morning started with Chest, Back, and shoulders. I might have to do some juggling around with the Friday workout because it lasts over 80 min and I don't have that much time in the morning. So I might flip flop Fri & Sat. We'll see.

Heartymax - I previewed Cardio Leg Blast over the weekend. Looks like a good one. I think that's on the rotation for tomorrow if I remember correctly.

Laurie - Maybe the Combat rotation will help you get back into things. I took our tree down yesterday along with some decorations but still have more to put away. Majority of my decorations are more winter related than Christmas so I don't have too much to put away right now.

Back to work I must go. Enjoy the rest of your day!
Hi guys,

Sat. I did Horizontal conditioning, Sun. I ran 4 miles and then did Xtrain Legs, and today I did Burn Sets upper body. I want to fit in HC but last week I couldn't hardly do it because my shoulders were so fried from Xtrain so this week I decided to put all upper body together at the beginning of the week so in a few days I should be able to actually do a HC.

Brenda, glad you are enjoying the Xtrain workouts. I am doing the 90 day undulating rotation also with some added workouts and modifications here and there.

Laurie have fun with your combat rotation. Glad you got your Christmas stuff put away. I wanted RG's team to win also but on the up side Go Packers!!!

heartymax, sounds like a good rotation you have. Do you like this leg workout from Xtrain better than STS plyo legs? I like STS better. I am hoping the Packers can crush San Francisco on Sat.:)

Have a great day all.
Karen---did you say you ran 4 miles AND did Xtrain Legs in the same day??? You must be SUPER WOMAN:D

Laurie---I took down my decorations on Sunday. Since we traveled for the holiday we didn't put up a lot so it didn't take too long. The ornaments are all packed but I am still waiting for DH to take down the empty tree:D

--I must admit that I am afraid of Tabatacise. I hope I can make it through it. I am doing the 30 day rotation so I don't think it is up til next week.

This morning was Cardio Leg Blast again since it was scheduled for the rotation. I wish I had noticed this earlier then I would have chosen something else on Saturday for my workout. Anyway, I love the workout and find it challenging.
Morning Ladies,

Got in my Combat 30 Kick Start workout done last night, and this morning my butt is sore. Must be doing over 300 kicks in that workout. :D Eating was on target, really making an effort to get that on track this year also. ;) Tonight is Combat Hiit Power.

Brenda, I ususally opt to switch workouts when I don't have the time also. ;) We will probably get the main tree and Santas down this weekend. I know a few people that have opted for the undulating rotation, have fun! ;)

Karen, I agree with you on the Go Packers! :D Alot of the workout systems that I have encountered lately have really burned the shoulders. This Combat set does it, and I noticed that Peak was the same. ;)

heartymax, I love that everyone is doing something different on these XTrain workouts! ;) Must seem a bit strange having an empty tree standing in the room. :D

Have a great day!
Good Morning,

Today I ran 5 miles on the trails and did stretchmax the band segment.

Laurie, those workouts sound great. Lots of kicks, that's my kind of workout. I am thinking of skipping the shoulder work totally in the Xtrains. Wonder if that would be a smart idea.

Heartymax, I thought the leg workout was the easiest Cathe leg workout I've ever done so it was really no big deal. I suppose it would have been nice to pick a different workout so you could see what some more of them would be like but nothing wrong with blasting those legs double.:)

Have to get my tree to the curb so they can pick it up. Hope I didn't miss it already.

Have a great day.
Good Afternoon!

Had a very short, restless night last night. DH call me at work yesterday afternoon and told me that he thought our cat Bandit (the diabetic one) was dying. I raced home and he did not look good at all. I was actually surprised he lived through the night. It was weird because he was absolutely fine yesterday morning. Not sure what happened. This mornig he was upright but still did not look the best. DH worked from home to keep an eye on him. Bandit did finally eat some food and drank some water this morning. Still looks under the weather. I have a call into the vet to see what he thinks. I swear Bandit understands what we are saying because we were talking about taking him to the vet and he found enough strength to crawl under the bed when I needed to give him his insulin shot.

Despite the short night, this morning was Cardio Leg Blast and I loved it. Three risers for toe taps and jump across the step... really... I did manage to do it though. :)

Karen - Kudos to you for running and then doing xtrain legs. You go girl!! Hope you got your tree out to the curb in time.

Heartymax - The one nice thing about Tabatacise is that she has 5 levels and you don't have to all of them. She actually recommends starting out doing a couple of them and then building from there. Since I love the intense cardio, I did all 5 but I did have to extend some of the rest periods. It goes by really fast. I loved it!

Laurie - Is there one main trainer in the combat workouts you are doing? 300 kicks.. holy moly. :)

Any Biggest Loser watchers?

Enjoy the rest of your day!
My posting will be short because I need to email customer service. I was so frustrated this morning because Burn Sets kept freezing up. I literally had to stop my workout restart the DVD and it froze multiple times. I just took out the book and finished my workout with out the DVD. Today was Burn Sets Bi's and Tri's.
Morning Ladies,

Got in Combat Hiit Power, that really is a tough workout. Will have to work up to doing the burpees the way that they do though. :D Tonight is Combat 45.

Karen, WTG on the 5 mile run. This is my first time trying out Combat 45 so I will let you know how that one goes. ;) You probably would be fine skipping shoulder work, since a lot of exercises incorporate shoulders.

Brenda, Sorry to hear about Bandit. I think these animals of ours really do understand us. ;) I have conversations with our dog all the time, and I think she knows everything I say. :D There are two main trainers in these workouts Dan and Rachel. Dan gets really into it, and Rach is the calm one. Neither of them are over the top. The music is about the only complaint I have with these, there is an option to crank up the music. Have not tried that yet. Might when I'm more familiar with the workouts.

heartymax, Sorry to hear about the DVD, I'm sure that you will get a replacement. Just to bad that it had to be while you where doing the workout.

Have a great day!
Good Morning,

Today I did Horizontal Conditioning vol. 2 my favorite and the easiest. I didn't feel like anything today.

Laurie, are the Combat workouts high impact? What kind of burpees do they do in the workouts?

heartymax, sorry about the videos. I hate when that happens. It happened in the middle of my HC Horizontal when I got them, she had to replace all of them.

Brenda, how is Bandit today? I watch the Biggest Loser, my daughter loves it. How are you liking it this season. I sure wish the guy that went home wouldn't have. He was so motivated and did work so hard.

Have a great day.
Hello Ladies! Sorry I was gone so long. I don't think what I had was the flu since I never really got a fever, but it was one nasty virus. I don't think I've ever had pressure in my head like that. A lot of people with the same thing ended up with secondary infections in the sinuses and ears and I can see why. I've never been prone to infections, and I'm counting myself lucky that I just had the virus and that was it.

I started the 90 day Undulating XTrain rotation yesterday with Chest, Back and Shoulders, and boy am I sore! It's been awhile since I've done any video, and even longer since I've done heavy (for me) lifting. On preview it seemed like there was a lot of rest, but there really wasn't. I was sweaty and trembly at the end.

I"m saving Cardio Leg Blast for later today, maybe during DS's nap.

Brenda- I hope Bandit is doing better. It's times like this you wish animals could talk!

Heartymax- Oooo.. that's really irritating about the dvd freezing up. I'm sure they'll send you a replacement, but I'd be steamed if that happened during my workout.

Karen- There does seem to be a lot of shoulder work in just about every video I do lately. I know it's supposed to give you an hourglass shape, but when I work my shoulders that much my shirts don't fit. :confused: Maybe I should try working the shoulders only every other time it shows up in the rotation. I don't know, I'm usually too lazy to modify :)

Laurie- Sore butt you say? I may have to look into these Combat workouts :D Just kidding. No new sets for me for awhile. I need to use XTrain, and I'd still like to give at least on Horizontal Conditioning workout a try.

The only plus side of being sick was that I had no appetite and managed to shed a few pounds. My stomach seemed to shrink up a bit and I've been eating a lot less than I was before I got sick. I'm trying to go with it :)

Have a great day!

This morning I had Hardstrikes (no conditioning). Since the workout was only about 34 min, I added on the cardio portion from 4DS Kickbox.

I'm happy to report that Bandit it doing better. We have come to the conclusion that his blood sugar dropped too low. He's eating, drinking water, and moving around more. He's still weak but doing much better. We might need to adjust his medicine a little.

Heartymax - That's a bummer about your DVD. That would have upset me. I'm sure customer service will take care of you.

Laurie - Sounds like these Combat workouts are kicking your butt a little. ;) DH was laughing at me this morning when I was talking to Bandit and telling him to make sure he ate every 2-3 hrs so his blood sugar didn't drop. I often think only other pet owners understand how some of talk to our pets like they are human. :) I'm curious about those burpees too.

Karen - I was bummed with the two people that had to leave the Biggest Loser. I was ticked at the one gal that just decided to walk off. She should think about how she took the opportunity away from someone that could have gone on the show to help themselves that really wanted to be there.

Sam - Sorry to hear you were down and out. Glad you are feeling better though. I started the 90 day undulating rotation as well. Not sure if I'm going to do Fri's workout on Sat and do Sat on Friday. I only have hour for my workouts in the morning. I might shorten the leg workout up this Friday to get an idea what it's all about and then maybe next time I'll do it on Sat instead when I'll have the time for an 80+ min workout. I'll be looking forward to your comments as the rotation goes on. I have DOM's in my shoulders from Monday. I think the arm circles did me in. We need to take any weight loss we have no matter how we get it. ;)

Take Care everyone!!
I don't have the RIDE workout. I had planned to get on the elliptical but I figured why should I do that when I can test out Tabatacise for my cardio today. OMG---need I say more. That is one good workout. I took breaks when I needed it but I actually like it. Not to bad on the knees. I did 5 minutes of Core 1. I am still trying to master the banana move. I am so proud of myself as it is TTOM and I worked through to get in a tough workout today.

DS14 has been sick with a virus all week. We took him to the doc earlier and I was hoping he would be able to return to school today but he will be out the rest of the week. The doc said it is possible he had the flu (which is still a virus but she was hoping it would run its course in a couple of days and he would get better but he is not well still. DS told me that he was watching the news yesterday while they were talking about the flu and that he had all the symptoms. I told him the flu is a type of virus and he yes it is possible.

Karen-----I think I need to strengthen my core some more before I can take on HC. Everyone says it is tough but really good. I have watched the clips on you tube. I consistently worked my abs all last year and slacked off for a little while so I want to focus on getting back where I was and then go from there.

Brenda----I haven't done the conditioning part of HS yet. Glad to hear that Bandit is doing better. Little lovely ones can scare us.

Sam---I am doing the 30 day undulating rotation. I just wasn't up to make a 90 day commitment this time. Maybe later. I am glad to have the heavy lifting back to. So nice to have it and different from STS. My muscles have been sore too---in a good way.

Laurie---I hate burpees. Anything like that must be good for you:eek:
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Morning Ladies,

Last night I did Combat 45 Power Kata, this one takes you through different martial arts moves. I have picked up a lot of these type of moves through other workouts, and they do the combinations really well. Another winner!

Karen, The kickboxing workouts are not high impact, and if they do a jump of any type there is always someone doing the modified version. I do have to do the modified sometimes, and my HR is still in the zone. The two Hiit workouts are where they have the higher impact, but there are only power lunges, burpees and the move some instructors call in and outs. They give you 4 different types of burpees. The modified is down, leg leg, back up, squat. Next level is down, jump out/push up, jump back up, hop forward/hop back. The next level is the same as the last one except you do two of the hop moves. The extreme one is also the same except that instead of the hops you do a jump. Hope I was able to explain that well enough. ;)

Sam, Good to hear that you are feeling better. WTG on gettin gin your first XTrain workout. What you don't have multiple system waiting in the wings like I do? :eek: I had all these gift cards from work that I used to get workouts that I wanted, so I do have quite a few to get through here. ;) Congrats on the weight loss.

Brenda, Good way to combine those workouts. So glad to hear that Bandit is doing better, and cute that you where giving a lecture on eating. :D Check out what I said to Karen, hope it explains things about those burpees. Basically they give you enough options in these workouts, that you should be moving no matter your fitness level. That was something I felt was missing from Insanity.

heartymax, The banana move is not one of my favorites, probably because it is a tough move to master. Sorry to hear that you ds is sick with that bug, it sure took a lot out of me when I had it. I'm hoping that those burpees are making my body better. I have lost 2-1/2 lbs so far, but that is probably a combo of watching my eating and the exercise. ;)

Have a great day!
Hi all,

Today I did Ride.

Laurie, congrats on the weight loss. You are making me cave on the Combat workouts. You ar e getting really good calorie burns from those workouts too. You explained the burpees well. Thanks.

Heartymax, hope DS gets over this flu type bug soon. Nice job on Tabatacise. Looking forward to doing that workout soon. I think you could do the HCo workouts. I think this would get you to where you want to be. No working up to getting there. You can use the workouts to do that. They really are very easy to stop and catch up on the next reps.

Brenda, nice workout and glad Bandit is doing better.

Sam, glad you are feeling better. That Chest Back and Shoulder workout gave me some good doms also. Nice job on the weight loss, even though you had to be sick.

Have a great day.
Good Afternoon Ladies!

My morning did not start off very well. A deer ran into the passenger side of my car on the way to work. Stupid thing dented the hood, smashed the windshield and dented the side of the car by the tire. Thankfully I was not hurt and I was still able to drive the car. It was dark out but I couldn't see the deer at all so it looks like it took off. Stupid deer even left me some of his hair as a token. It has not been a good week. :(

Bandit didn't look so good this morning when I left. Hopefully he is okay when I get home. Poor thing. :(

This morning I did Bi's & Tri's w/core work. Loved it. I have a feeling my abs are going to be sore tomorrow from the core work. I was proud of myself, I was able to pump out 16 reps of simultaneous bicep curls using 20lbs. dumbbells. Wasn't sure if I would be able to but thought I'd give it a try and I DID IT!!!

Heartymax - WTG on Tabatacise. Sorry to hear DS is sick. We have so many sick people at work.

Laurie - Wow... those sound like tough burpees. You're making me really interested in the Combat workouts. WTG on the weight loss.

Karen - Am anxious for you to do Tabatacise to see how you like it.

Enjoy the rest of your day!
Hi ladies! I'll write more tomorrow, but I just wanted to pop in to report that I did half of Cardio Leg Blast yesterday (still weak from whatever illness I had), and the cardio from Hard Strikes today. I thought it was okay. Too many jumping jacks, not enough punching.

DH surprised me by inviting a coworker for dinner :mad:... so I have to run around and get stuff ready, including the currently sweaty, stinky me :p
Karen----you made a good point about getting me where I want to be. I am definitely going to keep that in mind. You have really been encouraging me to make that move and take it to the next level. I appreciate that.

Brenda--Oh my! That would have freaked me out in the dark. Glad you are okay though! WTG on those bicep curls. Amazing how we surprise ourselves.

Sam--take it easy while your body continues to recover. Nice way to get some cardio to check out the new workouts, get your body moving but not overdoing it.

Laurie---Awesome weight loss. :D

I truly did not want to get out of bed this morning. Usually I am out of bed and headed for my workout when DH leaves for work. Well, i was still in bed this morning. I am glad he woke me up though. Then I opened up the rotation and saw that Hard Strikes was on deck. Well I was not in the mood for Hard Strikes but I did it anyway. I was supposed to just do the cardio section but I did the conditioning drill too since I noticed it had a lot of core work in it and I could use some more core today. Hard Strikes is okay---but right now it is my least favorite of the workouts. Then again, I have never cared for kick boxing style workouts. It won't be a dust collector though. Those plank snatches are no joke by the way.

Have a good weekend everyone! I will check back in later to read what is going on with you.
Morning Ladies,

I had a request from my youngest to make Tuna Casserole some time this week, and of course I had to make it for her. :eek: Well I really chose the wrong day with having to run to doggy daycare also, but I did make her casserole. I didn't have time to workout, make the dinner and then get to her dance class. So at around 9:30pm I was down in the basement getting my Combat 60 workout done. This one had the same feel as Combat 45 with the different MMA type moves, but there where different moves. Slight learning curve, but this was the first time that I have tried the workout. I think I liked the 45 better than the 60, but that may be due to the time I got the workout in. :eek: I did use my weighted gloves again. I'm really feeling my whole body this morning, and I'm glad that it is a rest day today. I'm really happy about the weight loss, and thanks to all of you for the well wishes on that. :)

Karen, How do you like Cathe's cycle workouts? If you like to kick and punch then these combat workouts are for you. I plan on looking at some of the TF workouts this weekend, and will let you know how similar they are. I know that they are not hip wiggly (I hope you know what I mean), in fact Rachel kind of makes fun of that. ;)

Brenda, WTG on using 20lbs for bicep curls. :eek: Dang on that deer, that happened to me once with dents and no deer, the second time I hit one I took that deer out head on. ;) Hope Bandit is doing better, it is so hard to have our babies not feeling well.

Sam, Take care of yourself, I know how that virus took me out. Just that tired feeling lingering on. Hope your dinner went all right. My DH has been gone all week, and he told me it was 80 and humid in FL. I told him that he will be in for a shock when he gets off the plane tomorrow. :D

heartymax, I have been hearing some people love Hard Strike and others don't. I have found that my favorite Cathe kickboxing workouts are from CTX, 4DS, MMA Boxing and some of the premixes from KPC. The others are some that I just don't have the need to pull out. :( I'm with you on not wanting to get out of bed this morning. After that late workout I was up until about 11:30. I even forgot to make dd lunch, but she was going to have hot lunch anyway. :)

Have a great weekend!

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