Buff Badgers Tue 10/25


Morning BB's,

Well I'm finally back to normal and being social. It really sucks to be sick. Anyway, yesterday I did my 5 mile run that I should have done on Saturday. It felt really good. Today will be GS Chest & Triceps, Abs, and 30 min. Interval Run.

Roadhouse sounds fine to me on 11/7. They have some awesome sweet potatoes. :9 And 6 or 6:30 is fine also.

Have a great day!

Roadhouse OK with me too! Do you go in like you are going to the Ridge and then go down the service drive to get there? I saw it driving down Moorland - it looks like it is right behind that Applebees. 6 or 6:30 is OK for me. The Roadhouse is a little further for me than Houlihan's but not bad.

I thought the bathroom would be all done today but now he might need to come back on Saturday. :( I was hoping to be all through with this and have my weekend free. Last Saturday he was here for 5 hours which screwed up our plans for that day. Of coursem, DH has a run on Saturday so that means I need to plan my day around this. I am not happy.

Cynthia - your trip to Flagstaff sounds great! Yes it was a tough game to watch. Not many healthy players left so hope they can find some to bring up from the practice squad or that are out there available and eager for a chance! What exercises bothered your neck? The one that seemed to bother me was the front lateral raise (I think that is what it is called) - the one where you just lift your arms straight in front of you. I was doing it with a heavier body bar but that is the one I am thinking that aggrevated my neck. The new pillow seems to be helping too.

Jill - these aren't migraines or tension headaches. Usually only on one side and the muscles going up the top of my shoulder and neck and then up under my scalp twist into knots. Went to PT for awhile last year but they couldn't really find a particular cause. And it is a really hard place to stretch it out so if I can avoid getting these I would be really happy.

I was up early but my workout was to get some painting done before the guy arrived to work. Last night we were painting until 10.
Hi Everyone!

Doing some cardio (not sure right now) with ME upperbody and abs.

Marie: Front lateral raises are definitely a no-no for me along with overhead presses. The doc I had, who was in very good shape and I could tell lifts weights, said overhead presses and lateral raises can be a very bad exercise for my neck, so I quit doing them. Sometimes pushups and planks bother me so I do very little. And I can't hold my neck up too much un assisted when doing pilates type ab work. Be careful. I have lightened my weights a few lbs. so I don't cause problems. I don't want to go back to what I felt like this summer.

Have fun at the Roadhouse. I think that's the restaurant dh and I were going to stop at last minute this summer, but it wasn't opened yet. We missed it by a week. Hope it's good.

Good workoputs everyone!


This is a rest day for me. I went home early yesterday with a migraine and stayed in bed late this morning. I am always drained after recovering from migraines.

You guys are making me hungry talking about Texas Roadhouse. We used to go there fairly often in Indiana; I love their salmon. Have a great time :)

Take care,

Laurie, welcome back to life! I'm glad to hear you are feeling better now. Oh oh, I don't think "awesome sweet potatoes" is on my low carb diet LOL.

Marie-yup, that's how you get there. When you turn in from Moorland, you take the immediate left and just follow that past Applebee's. How about 6pm? Is your headache gone now?

Cynthia-I missed your post somehow yesterday. I agree-Flagstaff is so beautiful! It reminds me a lot of WI as far as the weather. They get a lot of snow, but it melts quickly! My cousin and his wife and their kids live there (4 kids under 5 y/o!!). They own a gymnastics place and have Olympic hopefuls training there at times. It's a beautiful place. They had their wedding at the top of the Snow Bowl and it was breathtaking.

Ellen-you can't make it again? Bummer!! I hope you're headache goes away soon. It seems to be contagious.

My thighs were a bit sore this morning from Push Pull, but not enough to keep from my workout today. I couldn't finish though--I got through 20 minutes of Step & Intervals and had to stop because my stupid foot was throbbing too much. Grrrr. I will not let it win!! I'm going to do 30 minutes of some sort of cardio yet today/tonight. I will try more step, but might have to settle for elliptical.

Oh Marie-I have 3 new bosu workouts on the way. I got sick of the only 2 I had lol-go figure. I wish Cathe would make a bosu workout-she'd kick booty!

Hi, all!

Looking forward to Texas Roadhouse on the 7th. Never been there so I might need better directions if I can't find them on the web.:D

Did my own mish-mosh today of Power Circuit cardio + HSTA leg presses (all 6 sets!) + CK Drills + S&H abs. I wanted to do more cardio but I was draggin' during PC so I took that as a sign.

On vacation starting NOW so will "see" you guys back on Monday. Have a great weekend everyone!

Hi ladies,

I'm back from the land of the lost! Thanks Jill for emailing me and giving me sort of a wake-up call!

I've been suffering from morning sickness for several weeks and have actually lost 7 pounds - between giving up alcohol and being sick and not wanting to eat much of anything, well go figure! I'm 10 weeks now, so hopefully the sickness will stop soon, and I'll get some energy back. I am going to try to start back with the elliptical and then maybe some light weights and see how that goes. Doctor said I have no restrictions, but part of me still worries about pushing too hard - stupid, I know. I see her again in 2 weeks, and hopefully hear a heartbeat, so maybe that will make it easier! I just know that I need to get working out again, because in 6-1/2 months, I've got a major event that I need to be in shape for!!!

I hope to keep in touch and get back on track with you ladies!

~Hey Amy, I'm back from the land of the lost as well.

I had no idea you were pregnant. Congratulations! With my daughter I lost 16 pounds the first 3 months (I had major morning sickness as well), and then I put all that back on plus another 20 by the time she was born! It still amazes me that I did that, but then again 9+ pounds of that was her! Is this your first???

Listen to your body. If you are not eating well, you don't want to wear yourself down more with exercise. Take it easy and don't push too hard. When you get your appetite back and you are eating full meals again, then you can work out a little more.

~As for the get-together...thanks Jill for the email. I will do my best to get there. 6 pm sounds great to me! I'm guessing it will take me just over an hour to get there. I'll keep you posted if things change, but as of right now, I think I should be able to come!
YAY Robin I'm glad you can make it! Hope you can too, Amy. :) CUTE ticker by the way!

If anyone wants detailed directions, just email me where you're coming from and I will oblige. :)

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