
Hello there! Nice weekend. I got so much accomplished! Saturday was a 1 hour bike and Sunday I did Cathe's To the Max! Loved that workout! Today I started Cathe's July rotation with Cross Fire. Another great workout!:D I do not have all of the workouts she is using in this rotation (STS, Gym Style) so I'll add in my own here and there.

My DH and DS went camping over the weekend so I was able to get a lot done with fewer people in the house. It's nice to finally have stuff done!

It's going to be a hot week here. 90's everyday! Hope you all enjoyed your weekends and try to keep cool!

~ Susan
Hi Ladies! I am back from the beautiful islands. Vacation was absolutely wonderful. As I mentioned, it was our first time out of the country and we werel very excited. The Beaches resort was gorgeous and well worth the money spent. So much for the kids to do. The weather was gorgeous---high 80s low 90s. Absolutely no rain the entire time. I ate whatever I wanted. I also managed to go to the nice gym there 3 mornings----yes, can you believe that. I gained 4 pounds while on vacation. I am not worried as I know it will drop easily once I return to sensible eating. My normal days never includes a huge breakfast, ice cream, multiple virgin and non-virgin drinks, wine for dinner, etc.

The first day I went to the gym, I was the only lady in the weight rooms. I basically had to make up my own routines. I could tell the men were staring at me as they could tell that I KNEW what I was doing with those weights. Basically, I grouped 2 exercises and did 3 sets and moved on to something else. This one guy was grunting with 25lbs dumbbells for chest flys and chest presses. I was laughing so hard on the inside since I had just finished doing my chest presses with the 25s.

Our flight connecting flight got cancelled on the way back but they managed to get us on an earlier flight. That left us no time to have dinner and the kids had not eaten for many hours. We went scrambling for pizzas and running to catch the earlier flight. We made it but our luggage didn't. They delivered our luggage late last night so I am happy about that.

My family went snorkeling for the first tie and it was an amazing experience. My kids are already asking about next summer's vacation.

I will spend the week unpacking and doing laundry. Today was 60 minutes on the elliptical.

Susan--it seems to be really hot everywhere. There was big storm that came through Maryland, Virginia and DC on Friday night and so many people do not have power. Fortunately, we have power. I didn't order the new workouts. I look forward to hearing what everyone thinks about them. Do they have dread factor because I don't need anymore dreadfactors in my collection---ex. Cardio Core Circuit.

Hi everyone and I will check in later today to get an update on what's going with the rest of you ladies:D
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Morning Ladies,

Dress rehearsal was HOT! :eek: It was a good day overall, but draining. This morning, as I was hitting the snooze button), I decided to do my Friday workout instead of attempting Insanity. ;) So I did Weider X-Factor ST Week 2, and 30MTF Kickboxing Punch Mix. My feet and legs where pretty sore after walking and standing for most of the day, so felt that the Weider workout was a better option. It worked out really well.

On Saturday I did Weider X-Factor ST Week 1, and did the Roots Level 1 workout that I didn't feel like doing on Friday.

Only a two day work week for me, so I'm going to be enjoying my time off before opening weekend starts.

Susan, That is nice that you where able to get so much done in the house, that is how my Saturday was. We sure do need some relief around here, just hope that this summer isn't going to be like '88 when DH and I got married. No rain for the whole summer. :(

heartymax, Sounds like you all had a wonderful summer vacation. Glad that you where able to experience so many different things. One of the great advantages having older children. LOL about the guy with the 25lb weights.

Have a great day!
Hi all! Sorry I didn't post much last week but I was off on Wednesday and Thursday/Friday afternoons. DD had Senior pics taken and DS had football camp. DS stayed on the 10th floor of the dorm and on Friday when I picked him up the elevators were so busy we used the stairs. I NEVER would have been able to do this in that heat if I didn't workout.

I've been continuing with Meso 2 and Couch to 5K. Jogged 2 8 min. segments this morning.

Everyone stay cool in this heat.
Hello ladies. I had a really nice Friday/Saturday with DH to celebrate our anniversary. Friday afternoon I did the first 5 intervals of Imax2. That night we had our "date at home" with cheese, wine, French bread and cold shrimp. Yum.

I told DH Saturday morning that he could prove his love to me by doing Afterburn with me :p He agreed to doing the first half. I was pretty impressed; he kept up really well. He admitted that mountain climbers with the discs are much harder than traditional ones, and when Cathe said it was time for burpees he said "What? You've got to be kidding." He's still sore :D

After that we had a nice brunch at a restaurant we normally wouldn't go to with DS, Blue's Egg. For those of you in the Milwaukee area, it's near the zoo, 76th and Bluemound. I would definitely recommend it. Very, very good. You can check out their menu online. They also serve lunch, but we only had breakfast food.

No workout yesterday. We spent almost the whole day getting new tires for the car. :confused: No workout today either. I spent the morning getting all my stuff out of my classroom with no AC, and I'm spent.

Heartymax- It sounds like you had a lovely time. If you don't gain a little weight on vacation, it means you didn't have enough fun ;) You're right, it'll just fall right off when you get back to normalcy. I was chuckling reading your account of your gym experience.

Laurie- I'm enjoying having a "real" summer, but some rain would certainly be nice. I remember that '88 drought. Miserable.

Sue- It's times like having to climb stairs like that when I'm so happy I work out. I remember all too well having to take breaks between flights when I was heavy.

Susan-The more I watch those clips the more I think I might want them. My concern is the same as Heartymax, though, that they'll be so tough they'll have a strong dread factor. That doesn't seem to be what most people think, though. I keep seeing people call them tough but doable.

Have a great evening! I'll get back to those workouts (and better eating :eek:) tomorrow.
Good Afternoon!!

Susan - I got the new workouts in the mail on Saturday. I was thrilled when I saw them. :) I previewed the workouts and they look so awesome!! Haven't tried them yet. That's nice that you were able to get so much done around the house.

Heartymax - Welcome back!! I'm so happy you had a great vacation. That is too funny with the guy doing the chest presses. You showed him. :)

Laurie - Glad you survived this heat. Insanity is a tough workout to do with being drained.

Sue -good to hear from you again :) I don't know if you saw some of the other posts, but our ERP conversion got pushed out again. :( I wanted it over with. Looks like Oct 1 now so we're in the new system the start of our fiscal year.

I managed to get my veggie garden pretty much cleaned up. I have some nit picky stuff but for the most part it looks like a garden. Was not fun doing that it that heat. I made sure I drank plenty of water. By the time I got done yesterday, my left leg was really hurting along with my lower back. This morning as badly as I wanted to try one of Cathe's new workouts, I knew it was a bad idea so I listened to my body and did Yoga Relax. I missed the good sweat but the stretching really seemed to have helped. I know I did the right thing. Will stretch the leg out more tonight and get that hip flexor loosened up.

Everyone have a great night and stay cool!!
Hi Sam - I just missed you. Glad you guys had a nice anniversary. WTG on getting DH to do some of Afterburn!!

Stay cool!
Hi there! DId not sleep well last night. DH was snoring so much I was sent to the couch and from there it wasn't much better! Overslept but did manage to take Ruby for a nice 30mn walk. I will be doing CTX Upper Body + abs after work.

Heartymax, sound like your vacation was perfect! I loved the fact that you went in the weight room with "the guys". Good for you! I usually get intimidated by them...

Sam, Cathe's new workouts are not so hard that there would be dread in my opinion. They are very easy to learn and tough but easily modified.

Laurie, oh I feel so bad that you were out in the heat for your Faire! Ugh, doesn't look any better for this weekend either...:(

Hi Sue!

Have a great day ladies! Our AC was out at work yesterday, and MAYBE it will be fixed today.... :confused: Susan
Susan- I watched the clips of the new workouts last night. They don't look to be bad at all. Birthday is in August so I think I will be letting DH and the boys know what I want:D. I don't have the firewalker band. I just have the regular band.

Brenda---a garden sounds wonderful. Oh I love fresh veggies from the garden.

Sam--Happy Anniversary! How many years are you celebrating? How great of your DH to do Afterburn with you. Poor guy----did he know what he was getting himself into???? Of all the workouts----you had him do AfterBurn:eek:. I hope he walk today. I love it!!! I wish I could get my husband to try a Cathe workout.

Sue---oh my Sue! Life doesn't even slow down when the kids are out of school. There is always something. So you have a senior next year. That will be a busy time for sure. Senior pics are so expensive these days. I heard my cousin talking about it after her daughter took pics last summer. I told her that I need to start a savings account now for DS14 senior pics;)

Laurie--WTG on choosing a workout to meet your needs. It is better than no workout at all for sure---which is very tempting for some---but NOT A Cathelete!

I think I told you that I ordered the light blue Cathe shirt with all the slogans. It is a very nice shirt. I heard the sizes run small so now i do they do. I ordered a medium and it is fitted but no tight. I love the slogans on the back of the shirt and quality is good. Shirt feels soft.

Today was STS total body.
Morning Ladies,

I came into work early this morning so that I could get on with my days off. So when I get home I will be doing Plyo Cardio Circuit, and a Skogg workout. I am suppose to do a test to see if I can advance to the next level of Skogg. :D

Sue, 10 Floors of stairs is a workout for sure! :eek:

Sam, Sounds like a very nice Friday evening. LOL about your DH and doing Afterburn. I'm impressed that he was willing to try that workout. Now I wonder if I can use that one on my DH! Probably NOT! :D

Brenda, WTG on knowing what your body can do, those workouts will be there when your leg is ready for the torture! ;)

Susan, One saving grace about the temps for this weekend, at least they have an 8 instead of a 9 for a starting number. :eek: Sorry to hear about the snoring, sure know what you are going through. ;)

heartymax, My birthday is in August also! Are you a Leo? :D I will have to check out the shirt you are talking about, I don't usually look at the many offerings she has available.

Have a great day!
Good Afternoon Ladies!!

This morning the leg felt pretty good so I decided to try To The Max... OMG... I loved it!! I would say the only thing I didn't like was the power turns, which I don't like on a 8" step yet along adding one more riser. I did it!! :) I had to take a few additional seconds in spots but I made it through. Can't wait to try Crossfire. I would agree with Susan on no dread.

Susan - I hope you get more sleep tonight. I always talked about buying earplugs for nights when DH is snoring so loud but haven't done it yet. Not sure how miuch it would help.

Heartymax - I wish I wore more t-shirts because I think I would have bought that one. I have Cathe's fleece and the sizes on that are very generous.

Laure - Have fun with your workout later today. I hope you'll be in air conditioning if it's as hot by you as it is by me.

Hi Sam & Sue!!

Everyone stay cool!!!
Good Morning and Happy 4th of July!!

Looks like it's going to be another hot one. This morning I struggled with what I wanted to do so I went with Amy Bento's Kickbox Extreme. It's a longer workout which was fine since we're off of work today for the holiday :) I was smart this morning and took a fan downstairs with me to help with the air circulation since our A/C is not working. :(

I had bought 3 eggplants and 1 Squash plant for my garden so I did that already this morning before it gets hotter and also water everything else in my garden.

I told my DH this morning that today I would kind of like to walk to the park close to our house and jump in the lake. We have this park close by that has a nice lake and swimming area and we don't even take advantage of it. How silly are we. :p He was thinking the same thing. I have lots of stuff outside that I could do today but with this heat, I think it's going to have to wait.

I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful 4th of July!

Stay cool and make it a great day!!
Brenda--- swimming in the lake sounds like fun. You deserve a break and a treat! Go for it.

Laurie---My birthday is the end of August so I am a Virgo.

I did the first 30 minutes of Low Impact Challenge. For some reason, I find the choreography complex on the last segment and just can't seem to finish this workout. I decided to stop and jump on the elliptical for 20 minutes to finish my workout. I am not sure why I can't seem to get the end of the step routine. I think I may just stick with the premixes. I think they use the bonus step routine which was not that difficult to learn.
Hello! Today as part of Cathe's July Rotation I did Kick,Punch,Crunch. One of my favorites so it was fun.

No big plans today. Going to make a nice steak dinner and go watch the fireworks at a park up the street.

Brenda, we too have a nice park with a small beach and swimming area that we never take advantage of... You have given me an idea!

Yes, this heat/humidity is ridiculous! Stepped outside at 6am with Ruby and was surprised at how muggy it already was! Looks like it will at least get down to the 80's next week!;)

Happy 4th of July!!! ~ Susan
Hi again! Today it was a little tough to get out of bed, but I did and went and did To the Max! I have to say it again, I love this workout!:D

Yesterday was a good day, the steak was excellent and our fireworks were pretty good for such a small town!;)

Well, back to the grind today so I better hit the shower!

Have a great day! Stay cool, drink your water!

~ Susan
Today was Muscle Max. I spent yesterday just relaxing. DH had to work. DS14 went to the movies with friends and DS10 and I just hung around relaxing. DH put some food on the grill when he came home and I made a salad and some fresh corn.

The temps are cooling off today!
Good morning ladies. Sorry I sort of disappeared for a few days. I didn't want to check in until I worked out, and my workouts ended up being at strange times.

Tuesday I did the upper body from Muscle Endurance
Wednesday I did the "kicking and punching" premix from KPC

Today I did just the combos from Low Max.

I seem to have really cut down on the intensity lately, at least as far as cardio is concerned. I'm not used to the morning workouts yet. I just don't have the energy for anything "max" or interval-y that early. I'll get there eventually. My weight has remained pretty steady, so I'm not too concerned.

Heartymax- That last combo is kind of odd. It took me awhile to get it. I still mess up on it sometimes. It was our ninth anniversary... doesn't seem like it's been that long at all.

Brenda- Go jump in the lake! :D Man, that sounds great. I don't take advantage of the pool near us. I should really look into it.

Susan- Argh! You're really tempting me with To the Max. I think that's the one that's supposed to be like Athletic Training but to the next level, and Athletic Training is one of my favorites.

Laurie- I'll probably have to wait till my next anniversary before he'll do another one :p I'd like to get hm to go halfsies on STS so we can do it together, but he makes a face whenever I mention it :rolleyes:

Had a nice holiday, just did a basic cookout at my grandparents' house. We were going to go to fireworks, but a couple communities around us decided to have them on Labor Day instead since it's been so dry, and we decided to go then. It's the first fourth in awhile that we haven't gone to them. We were just so full and tired.

Have a great day everyone. I sure hope it rains soon.
Good Afternoon Ladies!

Heartymax - I'm with you on LIC. For some reason I have a hard time picking up on some of the choreography in that one.

Susan - I love KPC!! Almost did that one yesterday instead of Amy's. Glad you're enjoying To The Max.... can't wait to do that one again.

Sam - Missed you the last few days. It takes a while to get used to working out in the AM. Once you get used to it, I think you'll find yourself reaching for some of those more intense workouts. To tempt you even more.. I loved To The Max as well :D

This morning I did Muscle Endurance. Felt good to do a total body weight workout.

We did go to the lake yesterday. It was really busy so we didn't go until 7pm. We were there for about an hour. Boy was it ever refreshing. With today being another hot one, we'll probably go up again tonight after 7 and jump in the lake to cool down. DH broke down and called the place that did our heating and cooling to take a look at the AC. Our cats did not handle that heat well yesterday. I just hope they are smart enough to go in the basement if the upstairs gets that hot. They won't be coming out until after 3pm to look at our AC.

Only a couple of more days of this hot stuff. Saturday is supposed to be better. I like the heat but not this hot and definitely not the humidity.

Have a great afternoon!
Hi there! Today was a 30mn steady-state run followed by STS Total Body(lower body only pre-mix). My legs are now officially fried!:D I have not been out running in a long time due to my sore achillies but was very happy that all went really well. I was even faster than I used to be! Break must have done some good!:)

Sam, it can be hard to get used to getting up in the mornings. I love the fact that I get it done and the rest of my day is off to a great start. What do they say? It takes 2 weeks at doing something consistently to become a habit.

Brenda, I have not gone and jumped in our lake by the house yet! :cool: My daughter told me the geese have taken over the beach area so she doesn't like to go there anymore!

Heartymax, sounds like you had a nice 4th! Yes, it is going to cool off! The 80's next week will feel like the 60's!

No plans for my weekend. Just the usual, cleaning, errands ect. DD says she needs some new clothes (don't they always?). Plan to relax on Sunday!

Take care~ Susan
Susan---I was so wrong---the temps didn't cool off yesterday. It is not supposed to cool off until next week. I guess I looked at the news wrong. It is supposed to be above 100 degrees the next 3 days and in the 80's next week.
Brenda---glad to hear that you actually did it! Go for it again and have some fun with your DH.

Sam----you will adjust to the morning routine. I prefer to workout in the mornings because it is much easier for me. I even get up early (not as early though) in the summer to workout. I consider it to be a "free time" during the summer. If I slept late, my boys would be up by the time I wanted to work out. Even though they are older now, it is what I have always done and I just plan to keep it that way. I enjoy my morning workout, having my toast in peace and quiet with a little morning sun. So peaceful.

I am taking a rest day today so I can go ahead and finish unpacking and doing all the stuff that I have been putting off the rest of the week. I have done a little, but still have more to do.

Have a great weekend!

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