
Morning ladies! Thanks for the congrats! I'm doing well and liking the NS program a lot! An online friend and I are coming up with a workout rotation to start on Monday. We've both had trouble exercising with any regularity. We're going to do the same workout every day-maybe it will help motivate us.

I'm going to look at 2 condos today. If I can find one that is cheaper than the one I offered on already, I can lower my asking price on my house. My contract for the new construction one is up on July 14th and it's not looking good for a sale before then. So I can let it expire and try to find something cheaper. It's hard because with working from home, I need 3 bedrooms AND decent office space or a 4th bedroom. Hard to find for under $200,000, but Elkhorn r/e is a LOT cheaper than East Troy.

The boys are doing well. They've gone to the park every day. Taylor sits and plays Gameboy while Travis plays. That kid would swing for hours on end!

I'm trying to keep up with posting, but it's difficult! I miss checking in!
Have a great weekend!
Jill we posted at the same time. I just reposted here.

Morning BB's,

Today is suppose to be Step Blast. I will be heading to my parents, Dad's B'day, so I'm not sure if I will be getting in a workout. I will probably do running on Saturday and Sunday morning, and take today off. Maybe when we get back I will do Step Blast on Sunday. I will have to see. I haven't done this workout in quite a while and probably would enjoy it.

Have a great day!

Hi Laurie. Sorry about that!

Have a nice time with your dad tonight. :)

I just got back from a 3.5 mile walk with Christy. I burned 432 calories. Pretty good for walking. Of course there are some hills....but the bad part is my foot is really aching. I think the doctor missed the right spot and I can't get another shot for 3 months!

But I'm going to have to work through it; Christy and I are going to go on the Shape magazine Fitness Cruise! We leave December 2nd, so I have 5.5 months to get in shape. I'm so excited. I've never been on a cruise. So now we have a lot to talk about when we walk lol.

Happy Friday!

Jill - the Fitness Cruise sounds like a good motivator. I am sure you will be ready since you were in good shape to start with. What cruise line, where do you leave from, and what islands do you go to? Will they have famous instructors leading classes?

Laurie - Have a nice visit with your Dad and a good weekend.

No workout for me since Tuesday - trouble sleeping again. This weekend will be the ongoing yard project. I hope we can finish but we only have Saturday since Sunday is FD and we have company coming and prep to do before they arrive. Hope it doesn't rain - although at night would be OK.
Marie, this is the info:


Nobody I recognize as far as instructors. I've been having trouble sleeping, too. I'm drinking a lot of water and having to get up 3-5 times every night doesn't let me sleep long!
Jill - Have a great time! I've been on 2 cruises - 1 on Carnival and 1 on Royal Carribean - and enjoyed them both. A fitness cruise sounds like a lot of fun and I like the range of classes.

Laurie - Have fun at your parents and go for your run early in the day - it's going to be wicked hot. I haven't done Step Blast in awhile either. Thanks for the idea - maybe I'll do it this weekend.

Marie - Any ideas why you're having trouble sleeping? Have you seen a doctor or tried herbal remedies? DH used to take Valerian (I think that's the one) when he has trouble sleeping. Have fun hosting Father's Day.

Enjoyed 3T the other day for a change of pace so did it again 2 times back-to-back and added 64 pushups. (Normally, it's only a 30 min. w/o and I skipped the c/d 1st time thru and the 2nd w/u). I substituted using my Cathe band for the double-arm rows and the lying abductor exercise. The band provides a little more tension. Next time I might sub the band for other exercises and/or use dumbells.

Marie - Weren't you looking for a quick full body workout at one time? Other than the lack of chest work, this would be it. It's more intermediate with the tubing but you can make it more advanced by using more resistance or heavier dumbells. I can't remember if you have TJ Maximum Results or not. I know Jill does.

I'm out of here at 3 today. Yeah! I'll try to go for a walk or do a short cardio tonight - we'll see. Tomorrow the kids have games at 8:30 and 12:30 and then it's off to the Quad Party. Don't know what we're up to for Sunday yet other than showering DH with tons of Father's Day gifts (he wishes).

Have a great weekend everybody!

Jill - the cruise looks like a great time. I've been on 3 cruises but never to any of these ports. The classes look really interesting. Belize should be great for water sports. On my last cruise I did a scuba dive for those not certified. They give you some basics and you didin't go deep but it was so cool! I was swimming with the fishes in a non-mafia way!

Sue - waking up with my eyes really dry which is not unusual but then having trouble getting back to sleep. I have used Valerian but not recently. It did help but now with the dry eye problem I avoid taking anything that could dry them up even more. I think some of it is the issue with the sofa. I was so excited about it and then it got delivered on Sunday and it doesn't look like I expected. It fits but it is BIG. I like the color though. And the chair that we had that I thought would go with it doesn't. I went last night to look for chairs that would go with it and nothing that I liked that would work and I looked through lots of fabric samples. The chair that they sell that matches it is 47" wide so that isn't an option in my mind. DH thinks we could just eliminate an end table and lamp so the chair would fit! :( Fortunatley they have the 30 day satisfaction guarantee so we can return it but DH isn't happy about this. I saw one other possible sofa (a bit more expensive, of course - its by Lazy Boy)) but I am stopping at Colders tonight on my way home to see if they have anything.

Yes that was me wanting a quick total body workout. thanks for the info on 3T. I will need to give this a try. I have all the TJ workouts that came out but I know some of the toning workouts didn't get rave reviews. I haven't seen much posted about the new workouts even the cardio ones.

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