BUFF BADGERS 4/23 - 4/27


Hi Everyone! I hope you all were able to get out and enjoy the gorgeous weather this weekend! It was a bit windy on Saturday but that's alright!

I enjoyed the time with my family. We all don't get together very often and when we do it's wonderful!

Saturday I took a long walk. Sunday I did the Elliptical for 1 hour and walked for 30 minutes.

Today I overslept but did manage to get a short walk in the rain with the dog. I'll do Pilates for an hour later.... I'll also try to get another,longer walk in.

Have a geat day! Susan
Morning BB's,

Today will be Yoga for me. I think I will try one of the Yoga Zones that I purchased from my friend. :D

Nasty weather for us last night. DD10 was scared, and so was I at one point. The wind and rain where blowing straight. Right after she came in the wind died down. :) Maybe that is why I was such a scatter brain this morning. I left my purse at home, and grabbed my DH's set of car keys. I'm just lucky that DH can stop here on his way to work.

Susan, so glad you had a good time with your family. I always have fun visiting with mine also. Maybe because we don't get to see each other all the time.

Have a great day!

Good Morning,

Today I did 30 min squeeze and Ripped 1000. I don't care for Ripped it seemed easy actually. I hope the 60 full body squeeze is better than the 30 min. I didn't care for that either. I should know better than to try anything but Cathe.

Susan, glad you had a great time with your family. What kind of pilates do you do?

Laurie, we didn't have stormy weather here, just a nice rain. Let me know how you like the Yoga. Did you end up doing Traceys kickbox this weekend?

Susan, hope you had a great weekend. The weather sure was nice.

My DD14 joined running club after school. I am so glad she took initiative to do something like that. Also have gymnastics and soccer games tonight.

Enjoy your day.
Karen - Be prepared to laugh. This is what I have for yoga: Yoga X of course, Minna Lessig Strength & Grace, the free McDonald's yoga dvd I got as a promotion last year with their salads and various taped recordings of Inhale on Oxygen. Isn't that pathetic? LOL I never invested in yoga workouts because I was pretty much anti-yoga before my P90X rotation but decided to keep an open mind. I still don't know if I'll continue with it. If I can find a 30-40 minute tape I like, the chances are much more likely.

Laurie - I've had those kind of mornings, too. Usually when I'm running around trying to do stuff for the kids before I leave for work. I was inside last night and went to bed early so didn't even hear any bad storms.

Susan - Glad you had a good time with your family and got outside this weekend. Does your dog mind walking in the rain?

I took the weekend off from P90X. It was just too beautiful to be stuck inside and I was really itching to get outside and jog so I jogged/walked 4 miles on Saturday and did a couple hours of yardwork. Yesterday was more yardwork for our church, a 2 mile walk (too hot and windy to jog), MP Hi/Lo and part of a Leslie Sansone (amped up a bit). This morning was Back & Biceps + ARX.

Sounds like we all tried to enjoy this lovely Spring weather!

I do Winsor Pilates and have been for about 4 years now. I have tried others but I like hers the best.

My dog doesn't mind walking in the rain. She's a huntin' dog so water is her home away from home!:)


Hi there! Today was "cardio burn" on the Elliptical for 40 minutes followed by lower body work. Then I walked for 30 minutes.

Have a great day ladies! Susan
Good Morning,

Sue, you don't have much of a yoga selection but I don't either. Just in the past couple of weeks ordered one other than P90X. I just don't enjoy yoga that much. I bought it in hopes it would help me sleep. so you haven't converted to a yoga once a week person even after the X like so many.

Today I am doing CC#5 repeat challenge 1, GS Chest/tri, and abs.

Enjoy your day.

Susan, nice job on getting your walks in.

Hi to Laurie.
Morning BB's,

Today is Core Syn for me. This is my recovery week, and I'm just kind of so so on CS. We will see if I can get this in, I have to pick DD14 up from track and DD10 has dance tonight also. So I may not have the drive to do this so late.

Karen, I will be doing Sweatfest in place of KenpoX this week, so I will let you know how I like it. Good for your DD14 on joining the running club. Hope she has fun. Will we hear that she is going to be running in a 5K sometime this summer? :D

Sue, I don't have a lot of Yoga either. I'm still getting input from people. I have been enjoying the Power Yoga from Bryan Kest. Those are only 1 hour workouts, and the flow is faster than YogaX.

Susan, I just love hearing the names of the workouts you have on that elliptical. Keep up the great work.

Have a great day!

Susan - I see you're keeping up with your daily walk despite your busy schedule - that's great. How's the foot feeling?

Karen - Nope, I haven't been converted to yoga. Maybe I'll feel differently if I find a yoga workout I really click with but so far I just don't have the same passion about it that I do cardio and weights. I work hard and sweat a lot but I think I'd enjoy Yoga X more if the workout was shorter.

Laurie - I've heard of Bryan Kest and 1 hour definitely sounds more reasonable than 90 minutes. Happy Recovery Week! I have mine in a few days and I'll definitely be subbing Core Syn for something else.

Speaking of yoga, I did Yoga X this morning. I'm always relieved when we get to the balance postures because the hard work is over. DD said I woke her up this morning while doing the ohms. It was only a half hour earlier than normal so no big deal. If she was really tired it wouldn't have bothered her.

DS10 had a scrimmage in baseball last night and according to DH his team needs a lot of practice. He did pretty well at 1st base but the other team has been practicing more and started earlier.

The foot is still achey. I called the Dr and she said to wait until our next thyroid appointment (May 14th) before doing any impact.

Hi there! Today was CTX Upper Body and a 30 minute walk. A little chilly here today. Where'd the sun go??

Have a great day ladies! Susan
Morning BB's,

I didn't have the energy to do Core Syn last night so that will be my workout for today. I did manage to get in ARX between getting home from work and picking DD14 up from track. Track got out late, so I dropped oldest off and DD10 and I went to dance class. By the time I got home I was hungry and tired. How can that be, I wasn't the one dancing. :D

DD14 had time trials in track, and she came in at 6:52 for her mile time. :) Very proud of her, because she is trying so hard.

Susan, I'm asking the same question about the sun. We probably won't be seeing it in our area until Friday or this weekend. April showers bring May flowers, ya ya I know. :D

Sue, Not everyone likes yoga, it must have been my time to enjoy it. :) Glad your DS did well at first base, that is the position I have always played. They will get better over time, but the weather hasn't really been cooperative for practicing either.

Karen, I'm going to be doing Cardio Sweatfest tomorrow, so I will let you know how I like it. Someone in another thread said the KB portion could be done with out shoes. That is the way some of us have been doing KenpoX, if we have carpeting to contend with.

Have a great day!

Good Morning,

Susan, if you walk faster you warm up faster. The sun sure does make a difference.

Sue, I think all teams need practice at the beginning of the season otherwise they would just start playing the game. DD14 called on Mon and said she had a headache so she wasn't going to stay for run club. I wonder what her excuse will be on Thurs. I don't know why she signed up if she really doesn't want to do it.

Laurie, I have been reading that a lot of people like the cardio sweatfest. I'll have to try it again if you give it glowing reviews. I think if I did it without support for my feet I would end up with problems, but then again our carpet is so thin it's more like a hardwood floor. Sorry you didn't get CS in yesterday. Now you can look forward to it today.

I plan on doing cardio fusion, GS back,biceps and abs.

Have a wonderful day.

edited to say that is a great time your DD posted on the mile. High 5 to her.
Karen - Who knows with teenagers why they do things.:+ Hopefully your DD14 will not find any more excuses. You're right - all teams need practice in the beginning of the season. The problem with my son's baseball team is that they just started practicing in March because the coach was not very organized (another dad even took over) and all the other teams started in January so they have some catching up to do. DH is going to take him to the batting cages this week for hitting practice. DH and I aren't hoping for a baseball scholarship or anything;-) but we don't want him to get discouraged.

Susan - The sun's still there! It's just hidden by gray, dreary, rainy "April Shower" clouds.

Laurie - DD14 ran a mile in 6:52 - Wow! You should be proud. I don't think I want to try Kenpo X in bare feet. I'd worry about twisting my ankle. My left ankle has been sprained a few times so I try to wear shoes that support it better even when I'm not working out.

Did Legs & Back + ARX this morning. Hope it stops raining by tonight so I don't have to take another walk in the rain.

Sue, just wanted to say what a great job you are doing on the X and your walks, even in the rain. No complaining by you. Way to go.


Today was "Heart Rate Hill" on the Elliptical followed by a 30 min. walk. I will be doing some pilates later.

I am trying to do pilates more often because I noticed I was not as flexible as I used to be when I was practicing 3-4 days a week. Need to limber up!

Have a good day! Susan
Good Morning,

Susan, those names of the programs are really fun ones. Do you think pilates is better than stretching and yoga for flexibility. Have fun limbering up.

Today I am doing CC#6 Sean and Butt section of B&G. I am trying to double up this week because I am off to Eau Claire with a friend tomorrow. Enjoy your workouts everyone.

Have a choir concert for DD14 tonight. I enjoy watching the improvement from the beginning concert to the ending.

Have a great day.
Morning BB's,

Today is Tracey's Cardio Sweatfest, only the kickboxing section. :D And I also will be doing a 2 Mile run on treadmill. Might try to get in a 20 min Yoga also, I will see how I feel.

Don't think that the track meet is going to happen today. We are suppose to be getting rain all day, and field events could be difficult with wet grass. But next week looks good for more fun running. :)

Karen, I saw that Cardio Coach is having a sale on it's CD's. This is probably a good time for me to get on the CC bandwagon. :D Enjoy the choir concert tonight. I agree with you on seeing the improvement from the first to the last. My DD should be having one also, I better ask her before she does what she did the last time. Announced it the day before it was to happen. :D Have fun in Eau Claire, I'm guessing you are going to have some fun shopping? :D

Susan, You and Sue are doing so great on your walking. Keep up the good work. I am also trying to get more stretching and yoga into my workouts. I can almost get my face into my shins. :D

Sue, Have to agree with Karen, you are doing a great job on the X. Did your DH ever decide that he would do the workouts too? My DH has been on his bike. Hasn't gone very far, but then he is starting from zero working out.

Have a great day!

Laurie, don't forget to come back and let me know what you think of sweatfest. To bad for the cancelled track meet. Will they make it up?
Cardio coach are great workouts. I tell you I never get as drenched as I do when I do these workouts. The time just flies. It's great you DH has at least made an effort to exercise.

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