BUFF BADGERS 4/2 - 4/6



Hi there! I hope you all had fun weekends. Mine went by way too fast. Friday we did go out and pick out our Elliptical. It's called a Life Fitness X3. It has 10 pre-programmed workouts that sound really fun. We can pick it up tomorrow! :)

My foot is still sore. I walked for about 45 minutes on Saturday and did Pilates. While I was grocery shopping it really got painful. Yesterday I just took it easy. Today I did my Nordic track and chest/back/abs.

Have a great Monday - Susan
Morning BB's,

Today I'm starting another round of P90X, but am incorporating running/Cathe/and other instructor workouts. Now that I have done a rotation, I know what needs to be done. :) Plus I want to get more running in. I really have missed that.

Our weekend was busy. DD14 went shopping with a friend, but of course DH and I where in the mall also. :) They went shopping for a dress. DD purchased a really pretty dress, and she can wear it to the 8th grade formal and a wedding that we are attending in May. DD is going with her girlfriend, because no dating until age 16. The maid-of-honor sleepover seemed to be a great success. The girls got to know each other better, and I think they will have a great time together this summer. :) Sunday we went to my BIL for brunch, but of course I had to sing at church for both services before that. It also was our nieces birthday party, so we didn't get home until after 4 pm. :) I was tired. I didn't get the Kathy Smith workout in that I wanted to. I will try it next week in place of KenpoX. :)

Today will be Chest & Back, ARX and a 30 min. run.

Susan, Oh boy! How exciting, you will be having a great time with the new elliptical. Take care of that foot.

Karen & Sue, Hopy you both had a great weekend.

Morning BB's,

Susan, sorry your foot is not feeling much better. It seems like you are still getting in good workouts.

Laurie, It sounds like you had a busy weekend again. Do you sing in a choir or as a solo in church? You have a challenging rotation going there. I tried adding cardio to weights for a while and just got to tired.

Hi to Sue.

Today I am doing CC#5 on my trainer. Didn't do anything on Sun. and ran a tempo run 4 miles on Sat. Nothing like going backward.

Have a good day.
Hello, everyone.

Susan - I'm so excited for you - getting a new elliptical!

Laurie - Yeah, that new Mayfair rule stinks doesn't it? I wonder if other malls will follow suit and require adult supervision for underage shoppers.

Karen - Did you run backwards too? :+

Did Core Syn on Saturday as planned but yesterday turned into a rest day because my workout room was torn apart so we could paint (still is, in fact) and the day was just too busy. Did Yoga X this morning in my living room and hope to get my workout room put somewhat back together tonight. I almost did Crane this morning so that was exciting. :)

Today is DS' birthday. My "baby" turns 10 today and that makes me a little sad:-( . . . growing up too fast. At least he still likes to snuggle on the coach with me:) I made his favorite meal last night (tacos) since tonight is band night and DD always needs to eat quick to be there by 6. Later this month we'll do a party for both kids since DD turns 12 next week.

Have a marvelous Monday.

Sue, funny about running backwards. I think I'll just stick to telling you my workouts backward. Not to long until you can do the crane. Nice going. Wish DS happy birthday. Have fun at band night. I'll bet it's hard to get a meal made and done before 6. 10 and 12, you are getting older.

Take care.

Hi there! Rainy and dreary here today.. Oh well, you know what they say about April showers! Lets just hope they don't turn into "snow" showers!

Today was Pilates for an hour. I have a routine physical on Monday, so if my foot isn't better by then I will talk to the Dr. about it.

I am hoping they call and tell me I can pick up the Elliptical today! I told DH to have his tools ready cuz he's putting it together pronto! :) Thankfully he is very good at that kind of thing!

Hope you all have a great day!

Good Morning All,

Susan, I'll bet you are excited about your elliptical. It's nice when you have someone who puts things together well. My DH is good at that also. I would love an elliptical. I'll live vicariously through you.

Laurie, did you end up doing extra cardio yesterday?

Hi Sue, hope you are still enjoying the X. How do you like your new workouts?

Today I am doing All Body Attack. Should be fun. Have a great day.
Morning BB's,

Today will be PlyoX.

I'm suppose to go out with my girlfriends tonight. I will be getting my workout in before I have to leave.

Karen, Yes I did add in the run. It was beautiful out yesterday, so I couldn't resist. Of course today is a different matter. x(

Sue, Happy Birthday to your DS. Did he walk around saying he was in double digits like my DD did? :D My girls love taco's too. That is the one thing they request all the time.

Susan, So exciting that you are getting the elliptical today. If we live vicariously through you, like Karen said, would we get the same benifits. :D Just think of all of us when you are huffing and puffing on the machine. :7 Of course I can see you smiling the whole time right?

Have a great day!

Hey Karen, I forgot to answer your question about singing in church. I'm only in the choir. I sing Alto. I have to sing for two services on Sunday morning. Yipee! Ya right.

Susan - I'll keep my fingers crossed that your elliptical can get picked up and put together today. Will you and DH fight over who gets to use it first or does he already know it better be you? ;-)

Karen - Chest, Shoulders and Triceps had some hard exercises in it. I'm not sure if I like it or not. It challenged me, that's for sure. Arms still feel a little wobbly.

Laurie - No, DS didn't walk around saying he was in double digits - LOL!:) I asked him if he felt older and he very seriously replied "Yes" and nodded his head.

DD asked her band teacher for the music for "Happy Birthday" so she could play it for her brother and she also made him a card. All this on her own. They can be so sweet together.

Took DD in to get her braces this morning. They just did the upper teeth and didn't put in the wires yet. She goes back next week to finish up. I was glad she wasn't complaining about her teeth hurting because she has a very low pain threshhold. Probably giving her Tylenol beforehand helped. While I was dropping DD off at school I went ahead and voted right away. Took about 2 minutes. :7 Much better than the last election.

As already mentioned, I did Chest, Shoulders and Triceps this morning. This is the first time in a long time I had to go to knees for some of the pushups. Tonight I'll do ARX and my walk.

Have a terrific Tuesday everyone.


Well ladies, I was not able to pick up the Elliptical yesterday.x(
They had said they would call us on Tuesday for pick up. When they hadn't called by 3pm I called them. He said that the truck comes in any where from 11am - 9pm and as of 3pm it still hadn't shown up. I made him swear he would call me as soon as I can pick it up. He said that it would be today, for sure. My DH was actually a bit disappointed that we couldn't get it either.

It is soooo windy out there! Walking the dog this morning I thought it was November! Brrrr... Attempted some running to check on my foot (and also trying to get home sooner), however the pain kicked in right quick...

Have a good Wednesday ladies and hopefully the next time I check in I will tell you all about my new machine!


Good Morning,

Sue, glad your DD is not hurting from braces. That was a good idea to give Tylenol beforehand.

Laurie, did you have a nice girls night out? Where did you go? I'm sure we will get the same benefits as Susan if we live vicariously through her. It will also save us some workout time.

Susan, it is cold and windy isn't it. Can hardly wait to hear about your elliptical. I hope your foot starts feeling better soon. It's got to be frustrating.

I am doing CC#6 Sean today. I really didn't like all Body Attack very much. I liked hers on Double cardio better. I like Cathes circuits better than both. JMHO

Have a great day.
Morning BB's,

Today is Shoulders and Arms, B&G Stability Ball Abs, and a 2 Mile run. DD13 popped her quads in track yesterday. She is doing ok, and will be on spring break next week. She will have time to heal.

Sue, That workout is a tough one. But there is a method to Tony's madness. :)

Karen, I had a great time with my friends. Something was said as we where walking out, and now I have to find out what it was about. All I heard was biopsy, and my friend Sue was not her usual self all night.

Susan, Yes we have the windy and cold conditions. I talked to my Dad up north and they had 6" and it was still snowing. x( They where suppose to head down here today. At least that is what Mom wants to do.

Have a great day!

Laurie, another great workout. I hope your friend is alright. To bad DD13 popped her quad. How did that happen? Is it like a pulled muscle? What does she actually run? Glad she will have time to heal and not miss practices.
Karen, I'm still not used to saying that DD is 14. Pardon my brain. Anyway DD14 usually runs the mile in track. They where having time trials to see what events they would be in. The "Popped Quad" was a term the coach used. But to me it seems to be a pulled muscle in her quad. Which is better than in her hamstring. I have had those, and couldn't walk for a week.

Karen - It may hurt DD more next week when she gets the wires put in and the bottom teeth done. They only put the brackets on the upper teeth - not sure why they did it that way - maybe because she has a loose tooth on the bottom and they're hoping it'll fall out before next week when she has her next appt.

Laurie - Popped quads - Ouch! Hope your DD recovers quickly. Your friend was probably worried and if she's like me already picturing the worst case scenario. Sounds like she really needs your support right now. Six inches of snow up north? NO! That's just wrong!

Susan - Hopefully today's the day (for your elliptical). You see your doctor next week, right? Hopefully they'll be able to help you with your foot. Let us know what they say.

Did Plyometrics this morning. I must have really pushed myself because I burned a lot more calories than I usually do with this workout according to my HRM.

I have 2 new workouts that should be coming this week - Tracey Staehle's Cardio Sweatfest and Step-Boxing with Kelly Coffey-Meyer. It'll be hard not doing these until I finish the X but at least I have something to look forward to when my rotation is over.

Have a wonderful Wednesday.


It's here! I was able to pick up the Elliptical yesterday and my DH had it up and running in about 2 hours. I did a mini workout on it last night. Today I am having a hard time choosing! There are 10 pre-programmed routines but within those there are like 5 sub-routines. Under what they call "Random" the computer has over 1 MILLION routines in its data base to choose from so you never do the same work out twice! Can ya tell I'm excited? :D

After cardio I will be doing bi/tri's and ABS.

My children are off today,tomorrow and Monday so it's a nice long weekend for me. It feels like Friday already!

Have a great day!

Good Morning,

Sue, way to go on the Plyo's. I the new one by Tracey coming too.

Susan, enjoy your treadmill. How exciting. I bet it gets lots of use. Enjoy your long weekend with your kids.

Have a great day.
Morning BB's,

Today is yogaX for me. I have to take DD's to get their hair trimmed, and will get in as much of my workout before I leave as possible. Then finish the rest up later. :)

Susan, You have fun with your new toy. It sounds like you will be enjoying every one of those combinations they have available. Enjoy your time with the kids. Mine are excited that today is the last day of school for them. Then they are on spring break next week.

Sue, I ordered the cardio sweatfest also. I still have workouts that I haven't done, but never seem to have the time. :)

Karen, Is the Body Attack one of the new CIA's? I received Kimberly Spreen's, and I'm really wanting to do the combat portion of the workout.

DD14 is feeling better this morning. She said one leg hurts more than the other, but improvement is being seen. She was walking like an old lady yesterday.

Have a great day!

Laurie, have fun with Yoga X. All Body Attack is Sharon's new CIA one. It's very similar to her workout on the Double cardio dvd. I have Absolute kickbox on tap for tomorrow. I'll let you know what I think. Hope you get to use it soon. Do you only like it for the combat portion? Glad your DD14, yes I got it right this time, is improving.

Have a good day.

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