BUFF BADGERS 4/16 - 4/20

Morning BB's,

Today is Legs & Back / ARX / 3 Mile Run, which I plan on doing outside today. Such a bummer having to see the sun shining and being at work.

Susan, I think your idea to walk the dog extra is great. If your dog is anything like ours was, they love it also. That is one thing that I miss about not having a dog. :( But we may be getting one this fall. Enjoy your time with the family also.

Sue, I'm alone at work for only yesterday and today. My boss went turkey hunting and my co-worker is redoing his basement. So far today is busier than yesterday as far as interruptions. :) But it is Friday, and everyone seems to be in a great mood. Way to go on the walking. Now you have to look at a map and chart how far you actually walked. So what city in Wisconsin will you have walked too! :D

Karen, I am on a new DVD kick, a friend is giving up 3 yoga DVD's for $10. They are Yoga Zone ones. I figure it is well worth it. I was looking at my workout space yesterday and trying to picture where I could put a punching bag. :D I think Sports Authority gift certificates for my birthday or something like that. :)

This weekend I'm hoping to try the Tracey KB, I don't think I will be doing the Hi/Lo portion. Not a big fan of Hi/Lo x( . Sunday I would like to do some stretching.

Have a great weekend ladies!

Good Morning,

I did Kelly Step boxing and KPC kicking and punching combo, abs from KPC and a segment of stretchmax.

Have to get off the the chiro.

Have a great weekend everyone.
Susan - I'm in a good mood today for the same reasons. :) It's Friday and it sounds like it's going to be a glorious day and weekend! Yipee! Hope you enjoy your time with out-of-town relatives and have a nice relaxing Sunday.

Laurie - Can't wait to hear what you think of Tracey's new kickbox and your new Yoga Zones. My yoga collection is VERY limited and I need to find a sub for Yoga X on those days I don't have 90 minutes. There's a gazillion yoga workouts out there and I'm kind of picky in that I don't like the spiritual, new-agey stuff. Have fun running outside. I'm sure I'll see a lot of walkers, runners, bikers (motororcycle & bicycle) around this weekend.

Karen - Another awesome workout. I bought Kelly's step kickbox and I'm dying to try it. Hope your visit to the Chiro isn't because you hurt yourself working out. How did your kids do at the dentist the other day? Any cavities? It sounds like you really like Cardio Coach. I'm almost tempted to download a workout and take it to the Y so I can use it on one of their machines.

Did Plyometrics this morning. Figured out this morning I only do this workout 4 more times which is good news to me because it's tough. Felt great though. I needed some heart-pumping cardio this morning. Tomorrow is Back & Biceps + ARX and Sunday is supposed to be Yoga X but that might not happen because we'll be busy.
Sue, what yoga workouts do you have? I actually broke down and ordered a Shiva Rea one. Yoga is still something I have to force myself to do. I am looking for one that may help me sleep. I don't like long or mystical yoga either. I guess its good there are so many of them since we are so picky. My chiro was for an ongoing neck and back problem since a sledding inccident many years ago. Acts up every now and then. Lots of cavities, so more appts. I do love Cardio coaches. You would love them. It must be a nice feeling to know you are almost done with the X, especially those plyos. Have fun with your weight work and yoga if you get it in. What busy plans are on for your weekend?

Laurie, have fun with your run. You are really bringing it. I read a lot about those yoga zones, they sound like good ones. I read the stress relief one puts you right to sleep. I have to see if I can get my hands on that one. Let me know what you think.

Susan, enjoy your busy weekend and the beautiful weather.

Tomorrow I will run and try sculpt sweatfest and Sun. will either be a rest day or a tandem ride with DH.

Enjoy your day.

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