Bruises After Heavy Weight Training


Cathe and All,

A day or two after a heavy lower body weight training session(barbell and dumbells) I noticed a bruise on each thigh (front of quad). I've noticed it twice before but dismissed it. I don't recall on this occasion or previous ones hitting my legs against anything. Could it be directly related to the workout (I work my lower body pretty intensly) or maybe just a coincidence? Has anyone else experienced this?

Your thoughts and comments are appreciated.

Alexandra (Aly)
I have experienced that too. I thought that I was hitting something and then forgetting, but it has ocurred to me that it is related to my strenght training because it occurs after heavy lifting.
What a coincidence you asked this, as I was wondering the same thing recently!! Im anxious to hear the answer. Ive been lifting quite heavy lately and have had alot of bruising on my arms and legs, and cant for the life of me recall hurting myself.
Cant wait to hear what she says!
I get them also. Sometimes I get little red or purple spots on my inner arm near my bicep. I always thought it was a broken blood vessel from lifting weight. It may be the same thing on my legs. I too never remember hitting or bumping into anything.

Donna M
I read somewhere, dont remember where, that this could be caused by not enough vitamin C, for what's its worth.

I get little pinpoint bruises on my thighs after CTX and larger bruises on my shins from running, but I figure as long as I'm not struggling or hurting or overly tired, it's probably nothing major.
I thought it was just me, and I was starting to wonder if something was wrong. I'll try the Vitamin C and see what happens.

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