Broke my Toe!:-( Help!


I jammed my toe on a chaise lounge today at our pool. I went to the e.r. this p.m. and after x-rays were taken I was told my toe is broken in two places. Needless to say I am pretty bummed right now. Just wondering if anyone out there has had a similar experience and would share their recovery time, etc. Any workout ideas? Six to eight weeks healing time. Uggghh:mad::mad::mad: Thanks for input ladies. I'm sure I'll feel better once it sinks in.:eek: Thanks God it wasn't my big toe!
I have no experience with a broken toe, but I broke my wrist last year so I understand how you feel. A broken bone is no fun, no matter which bone it is.

Just keep in mind that this too shall pass. I was completely bummed out that I couldn't do my normal workout routine for so long (6 weeks in the cast and about that long afterwards getting movement back .... and even 16 months later I still have some issues). I just did what I could. I still ran, although it was slow and cumbersome. I worked out with one arm.... doing what I could.

You can still work your upper body, so that's a good thing. Use this time to concentrate on lifting weights.

Good luck! You'll get through it before you know it!
I broke my toes a couple of different times. I found that icing, keeping it elevated, and taking ibuprofen helped a lot. Don't worry about your fitness routine for now. Its more important not to prolong your recovery time. I liked 'wrapping my papoose' in other words tape the toes. I also wore a hard boot to keep it straight. I loved my boot but you must wash your boot and your feet to keep from growing mold/fungi. You can do meditation instead of yoga. You can also do 'rapid breath' of fire practices. I do recommend watching your diet closely. You may wish to get some sun everyday to keep your vit. D levels up (15 min. should do the trick.)

I hope you feel better soon.
He only used the shoe for a week because it had no arch support and it was causing pain in other places.

A couple of years ago I had a boot on and had a similar issue of no arch support. I ended up putting inserts with arch support in the boot, and then building them up until they worked well for me. The dr was sort of stunned by what I did, but it worked really well.
Ugh, I have broken my little toes too many times to count. They are weirdly situated on my feet. Buddy tape to the next toe, ice, ibuprofen and rest until it feels better. I wish there was a quicker solution!
Thanks for all of your responses, ladies! Makes it not seems so bad!;) Natalie, how long before you could resume normal activity?
cher54 said:
Thanks for all of your responses, ladies! Makes it not seems so bad!;) Natalie, how long before you could resume normal activity?

About two or three weeks before I could do a fairly normal routine. I just waited for the swelling to do down and until it didn't hurt too badly to gently start back. I did a lot of weights and yoga and elliptical in the meantime. There really is a lot you can still do while the piggies heal. It's more annoying than anything! Do keep it buddy taped for several weeks to give it some extra support, even if it feels like it doesn't need it. It is a broken bone, after all. I found I had to kind of rediscover my balance after redistributing my weight to protect the toe. You don't realize how much you do that!

Yoga and elliptical may not work for you, depending on what toe is broken. I always break my pinkie toes, so that gives me a little more range of motion than if it was another toe. Hope you feel better soon!
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Cher, good thing it wasn't your big toe! That one is a workhorse and you'd probably be looking at a longer down time.

I broke my middle toe the day after Thanksgiving (exactly the same way "gratefuldog's" husband did!). I didn't get a boot or crutches. I just had to keep the toe taped to the adjacent toe. The orthopedist said I would be OK in about six weeks but I could walk if I felt up to it. I rode my spinning bike and tried to do yoga (which I don't like very much) so I wouldn't lose all my fitness.

Unfortunately, a few days after Christmas, I dropped a heavy pancake griddle (EDGE side down!!!) across my toes!:eek: The middle toe took most of the impact because it was still swollen like a small breakfast sausage. It's quite possible I re-broke it. I never went for another Xray because I knew what to do...tape it to the adjacent toe. I also laughed and cried at the same time. I just tried to be patient (what else can you do?), made myself comfy and caught up with some reading (because I had a valid excuse for sitting around with my feet up).

About five weeks after THAT, when I could walk comfortably, I discovered that Cathe's LIS series is perfect for people recovering from broken toes!

You'll be fine before you know it. I was able to run in a 10K in early June and I just finished STS so it looks as though all that fitness we have in the bank pays off when we need it!
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This post has come at an oppurtune time for me. I'm epileptic and twenty years ago, whilst having a seizure I broke my middle toe. Anyways when it healed it was dislocated and smashed. Recently it has been playing me up and my orthopaedic surgeon wants to operate to put it right. Friday my surgeon told me that I will need to have the toe broken and a pin placed in it. Also a small amount of my big toe will have to be removed. Sorry to be so gross.

I was going to have the op done the end of September, but I'm considering having it done next year now. That way I will be able to have the operation done in Spring and recover for the summer months. Also I'm trying to get another job, so I'd like to hopefully get some work for a while and have it done next year.
Alternatively I could have it done now and get it over with. Any suggestions? I don't know what I'll do exercise wise. I won't be able to walk for 6 weeks.


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