Broke my foot.How long does it take to lose fitness?



Hi everybody..
I unfortunately broke my foot last week. ( I fell off a ladder.) The doctor says I will be in a cast for at least 6 weeks. I was currently working out at least an hour a day, 5x/week, doing both cardio and weights.(The majority being Cathe's strength and cardio tapes.) Can anybody tell me how much strength and cardio fitness I can expect to lose in 6-7 weeks? Also any ideas or suggestions on how quickly it will take to get back to a reasonable fitness level when the doctor says it is OK? I am having a hard time with this...Serious exercise withdrawal!!!
Thanks in advance!!
Hi Lynn!

Sooo sorry about your accident! How awful.
I can't imagine going through that. I am no expert on HOW MUCH strength & fitness you will lose, but I DO KNOW that when you are an avid exerciser, that your fitness level will come back QUICK when you return to it. Keep in mind that you can still do upper body, ABS and maybe after a bit, some floor leg work. I know one of my instructor friends broke her ankle a few years back skiing and her Dr. told her it was okay to do leg lifts for outer & inner thigh with her cast on. (SHE DIDN'T NEED weights on that leg!!) I would still check with your doc depending on your specific break and all. Good Luck & hang in there!! DebbieH
Here is an idea too

I am a 46 year old avid Cathe fan and have been working out with Cathe since 1989 and of course loving it. Through the years I have had to take 6 week breaks from my regimented exercise program to have surgeries etc. You will come back fast because you are physically fit, that is always the way it was for me.
I want to share with you what happened recently at our house because it may help you. My 21 year old daughter severely broke her leg and ankle in three places. There are 10 pins and a plate holding things together now, it looked like they went shopping at Home Depot to put her leg back together. I am in the alternative health industry in a home based business. We applied two of our five technologies to the leg, magnets and farinfrared. We also carry another product/supplement that I started reading about and dicovered it "may" repair bone and connective tissue. She had also torn her ligaments etc. So I started her on megadoses of this supplement. At this point I was dealing with a 2 year old tweaked ankle injury that I was under a Drs. care for. I was using a magnetic ankle brace and that alieviated the discomfort but did not solve the problem. I was scheduled to run in a race so I knew I had to do something. I started megadosing the supplement too, 6 jelcaps a day. It was amazing, 3 weeks later my ankle was as right as rain, no discomfort. My daughter is walking at 5 weeks instead of 8 weeks, with no bruising, very little swelling and almost no discomfort. During this time I started doing more research. I don't want this to become an open forum for sales, just use this info to educate yourself. I just want to share the information. If you want to know more, just email me. The ingredient unique to this supplement is CetylMyristoliate, you can go to a search engine and punch in CMO and find all kinds of info. Like with anything you will find pros and cons but I can tell you these technologies worked for us and she is walking almost a month ahead of schedule. So far everyone I have started on this product is feeling better. If you want to read more there is a website called that had some interesting findings. There are some published studies on If you want to go to my website, there are hyperlinks you can use out of there to get more information. You can use my ID# 475504300 as your portal to get more information in these hyperlinks. Whatever you do, make sure you get your supplements through a reputable dealer that uses pharmicutical standards for manufacturing them. There are only four that I know of and none are over the counter, there is no guarentee what you get at the stores because they are not held to the same standards as pharmicuticals. This was recently exposed in an investigation that was expressed on the news, in the paper and on a program on TV. Just be careful and don't waste your money. Have fun with all this info and if you stop by my webpage could you please sign the guestbook. It is always nice to see who visited. Hope you are back to normal as soon as possible. Everyone else is invited to come to my webpage to, I have a picture of our whole family on there, and we have 6 biological children and 3 adopted as well as two grandchildren. Since then two more have been born. Now that is exciting!
Take Care, Sue

Thanks for the suggestions and info!!! It certainly is encouraging that I should bounce back more quickly than I thought!! Next week I get my permanent cast on. If the doctor says it is ok, I will resume some upper body and ab work, as well as some possible floor leg work. (My friends are already joking that I will be looking like a "She Man" by the end of this stint as far as my upper body! :}
Thanks again!

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