

I went into labor this weekend at 33weeks 5days. I was in the hospital for three days as they worked to stop my labor. I am at home on bedrest and brethine. I hate it. It is making me feel awful and my baby is so restless. She is jumping around like she is trying to get out through my skin. The doctor wants me to stay on this medicine until I am at 36 weeks. Does anyone know anything about the pros and cons of brethine. I asked the doctor if it was harmful to myself or the baby. He was ambiguous in his reply. I feel awful and can't imagine that myself and my baby will be better off in two weeks. We will both be totally wore out. I am going to get a second opinion tomorrow. I am 34weeks 2 days and counting. Paula
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-31-00 AT 02:37PM (Est)[/font][p]I am not a doctor, but I can assure you that the longer the baby stays inside at this point the more mature her little lungs will be when she does make her entrance into the world. So, yes, your baby will be better off if she stays in there two more weeks. Hang in there. You two are almost home free. I know that two weeks on the brethane might seem like an eternity, but it will be worth it in the end.

Keep in touch. Paula, we are all rooting for you!

Sheila Watkins
How are you?

Hi Paula! I'm a little late in reading this but I am wondering how you are feeling? What was the outcome of the second opinion?
Take Care!
RE: How are you?

I guess the best way to describe how I feel is anxious. I hit 36 weeks and can now stop the medication I have been taking. My 13 year old daughter is asking me every 10 minutes if I have had any contractions. I finally had to ask her to stop. She could ask me this for the next month and it will drive me crazy.

The doctor said that brethine is a relatively safe drug even though it makes everyone who has to take it feel miserable. It is really an asthma medication that works for preterm labor because it relaxes involuntary muscles. The baby does feel the effects of the drug, that is why my baby has felt like she was trying to get out through my skin. She has been restless and anxious too. The bottom line is that this medication keeps babies baking for a little while longer and everyday buys them a better chance at having fully developed lungs and digestive systems. One thing I didn't know was that babies born before 36 weeks run a much higher chance of having a brain bleed. Avoiding something like that is worth a few weeks of misery on brethine. It does get easier to tolerate the longer one is on it. I am glad to have this chapter of my pregnancy over and am looking forward to seeing baby Hope's face. Thanks for asking.
RE: How are you?

Glad to hear it. You will have that little bundle in your arms before you know it. Keep us posted.

Sheila Watkins
I went into labor at 26 weeks with twins and was put on Brethine. It made me feel so wired, I really disliked the feeling. Every week I'd ask if I could come off of it but the Doctor said the benefit of keeping the babies in there would way outweigh any side effects. I managed to make it 35 weeks when they gave me the clear and took me off of the brethine. 3 days later I delivered and was so thankful to have made it that far. I would stay on it as long as recommended if you can. Trust me, you don't want a premature baby if you can prevent it because they can have so many more complications and as it was my babies had to stay in the special care for an extra week.
RE: How are you?

tis is old but I know how you feel. Had to do the brehtine ting with my 3rd child. It made me feel awful! The good news is I went off at 37 weeks and the baby was a healthy 8 lb 12 oz boy born 1 day after his due dat! My heart goes out to yu and hope things are going well!

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