Hi everyone -- I'm normally just a lurker here but needed to post as I am at my wit's end! My daughter is almost 8 months old and I am still nursing her 5-7 times per day. I have been doing CTX weight training 6 days per week and CTX abs 7 days per week. I have also been doing one hour of cardio 5-6 days per week (Cathe, elliptical trainer, or outdoor running). I have been on this schedule since JANUARY and my weight will not budge. My measurements will not budge. I had a c-section so I couldn't do much of anything until 6 weeks postpartum, but I did start a walk/run program at that point.
Has anyone else found nursing to cause their body to hold onto fat for dear life? Is there anything else I can do? My diet is fairly clean with one cheat meal on Saturday nights. I don't want to wean my daughter until she is one year old. Is there anything else I can do or should I just give up? Thanks for your help!!!
Has anyone else found nursing to cause their body to hold onto fat for dear life? Is there anything else I can do? My diet is fairly clean with one cheat meal on Saturday nights. I don't want to wean my daughter until she is one year old. Is there anything else I can do or should I just give up? Thanks for your help!!!