Breast Augmentation


I am an occasional lurker on these message boards b/c I am a Cathe fan. I was reading the post below about cosmetic procedures and I am looking for some advice from ladies that have has this or similar procedures done. I am 24 and I am in good health. I am very pear shaped. Nothing I can do about it, I have exercised crazy amounts in the past and I still look disproportionate. I would like the procedure done to gain some confidence. I am very apprehensive b/c I am afraid I would feel extreme guilt for doing it. Like it is a selfish decisison and I shouldn't cave into what I think I am supposed to look like. Part of me feels I will be "punished" in life for doing it. I also wonder if I will regret it once I have kids in the future. I was married recently and my husband doesn't like the idea, but will support me if I really want to do it. I was wondering if anyone else had these "guilty" type feelings and how you dealt with them. Thank you.
Hi, there...

If you are apprehensive, I would think long and hard about this. I would suggest you try this message board: (I think it is also called do a google search on breast augmentation). Lots of people there who can give you help and support as you make this decision.

Good luck!

I got implants in September of going on 3 years ago. I have no regrets except to say that I probably should have gone a little bigger. Feel free to pm me or email me if you want to talk more about it. I see nothing wrong with it...but it's not for everyone.


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
EDD: 05/19/05
i have breast implants that i have had for 2.5 years. i have never had regrets about getting them. there is no reason to feel guilty if it is something YOU want to do. the most important thing is to do research on the doctor, and the best thing is to get referral from people who have had it done. you can always go to a consultation and see how you feel after that. i don't understand why you would think you might be punished for doing this. it is your body, and only you know what will make you feel good about it.

good luck on your decision...

i agree with the other ladies... don't feel guilty if you want to do it! heck.. i've thought about it... the only things that keep me from doing it are: 1) the cost (i seem to spend all my extra money on fitness and cycling related stuff!) and 2) i wouldn't be able to workout while i healed! ACK!

if you are aprehensive.. do think long and hard about it! only do it if YOU want to! and if you want to.. do it!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
I've had mine for 7 years and it's the best decision I ever made!! I can wear whatever I want now and look good, strapless, or all those tops with the spaghetti straps that you wear with no bra that I could never wear before. Just research the doctor carefully and try to get referrals or speak to someone who has dealt with them.
yes! that can not be stressed enough! The most important thing is to research your dr. and make sure you feel comfortable that they can do the job right! It can make the diff between a good and a bad "job"
Hey, there! You shouldn't feel guilty about wanting to get this done.
I have thought about getting implants, especially since I have nursed 3 children. I felt a little insecure about myself, so talked to my husband about getting them. Well, like your husband, mine doesn't like it either. I decided not to get them because he is the only man who will ever see me naked, and his is the only opinion I really care about. I figure a padded bra looks just as good, and it is WAY cheaper. Plus, there is no pain!;)
I got it and I'm very happy, would do it again in a heartbeat.

It's your body to do what you want with. Assuming you can afford it, then go for it. I have an old roommate who sold her truck and had no transporation and a 3 yr old to get implants..ookkk now that to me is where selfish comes in.

I do not regret my decision ever! Looks like no one else here did either...

....however, I bet we all went into it with way different feelings than what you are having! You should not do it with those feelings! Work out your thoughts and emotions, research the procedure, THEN decide. Think hard about why you would do the surgery.

Don't think for a second that small breasts cannot be pretty breasts because it isn't true!
It has nothing to do with "getting" self confidence, you have to have that already, it's just something that adds to it.
Everyone is different, to some it doesn't matter, to others it does, just like noses or thighs might bother someone else.
Don't do it for anyone else or if you think it will make you a better "person", it's just a nice change if that's what you want.
Expensive and any surgery can be risky of course, no one is saying it's directly related to self esteem. But then again, why do we put on nice clothes, makeup, do our hair, or workout!!! Good luck with your decision but do it for you!

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