breaks between intervals


Hi Cathe!

I like doing the cardio-only premix of Bootcamp and HSTA as an interval workout. Is it bad to sit down between cardio segments rather than staying in motion like doing grapevines or walking back-and-forth? I usually pause for 1 minute before doing the next cardio. I get so winded after doing some of the cardio (e.g. sequential power kicks!).


I wouldn't sit down in between your cardio segments. I'd keep moving around, just like in the IMAXs. Cathe never has you stop moving altogether; she brings your heartrate down a bit by doing light movements. I'm sure one of crowd could explain better than I the negatives of sitting in between cardio segments.
I agree with ShelbyGirl. The sudden cessation of all movement after cardio work, especially very leg-intensive cardio work such as is found in the Boot Camp and HSTA cardio intervals, can cause pooling of blood in the extremities, and, as Shelby said, you don't want your HR to tank too much.

I know I am filled with evil, but I pictured a woman in a tight dress and heels doing a Boot Camp interval, then sitting down, taking a few drags off of a cigarette and a sip of a Margarita, doing another interval, sitting down again, then winking and walking off stage.

Seems like something a slender version of Mae West would do, dontcha think?

Seriously, you don't want to just stop during your breaks. Its important to keep your legs moving not only to prevent your heart rate from tanking, but leg movements also act as a pump to move your blood up and help prevent blood pooling in your legs.

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