Breaking Free!!!

Your devotion is very inpirational! :) From this tom-boy to a girly-girl, you have more than an athlete inside of you, you have a fighter's spirit and grit. You are going to do awesome! Enjoy your rotation and be sure to let us all know how it goes! :)

WELCOME!!!! COME on in and Let's Sweat and read all about it! This board is truly amazing and so are the gals I went to knowing nothing about weights or intense stepping for that matter to somewhat experienced and working my way up the ladder. If I could only have a big enough living room to be able to turn around and hop across as Cathe does w/o having to modify some of the longer distance moves.

Good luck much success and you WILL do it.

Congrats Heather on your success so far. There are so many inspirational people on these boards that it keeps us all pushing hard and forward. Welcome

Very cool, Heather! I love your story and good luck with your 10 week cardio/circuit rotation plan; sounds fun! I too am just coming out of lurkdom and am also very thankful for all of the forum members here and their great knowledge and inspiration. Thanks for sharing.

Wow, Heather, what a great post! Congratulations on your achievements so far. I think that is so wonderful.

Thanks for introducing yourself!

Welcome Heather! Wow, your accomplishments are so incredibly impressive, keep up the good work!

I just wanted to tell you please do not be intimidated by your gym's weight room. Frankly, most of us at the gym aren't focusing on anyone but ourselves, that's why we're there (vanity, I suppose). When I get in my "zone" so to speak, I barely notice people, even if they're sitting right next to me.

And the truth is, when I do see someone there who isn't the "perfect 10" I admire their courage & dedication. You will probably find, contrary to being intimidated, that you'll feel warmly welcomed & you'll meet lots of people who can help, or support, or even just turn out to be a friend. :)
Welcome Heather...

I love a gal with a plan and the drive to stick with it! What you are accomplishing is awesome and inspiring; and what a fantastic attitude you have.

Hope to "see" you around the forum.:)
Heather, I love your scripture tag!! I've been looking for one to meditate on with my fitness goals, and that's perfect. Thanks:7

Heather welcome!! What a wonderful story. It is so nice to meet you. This is a great place to come for support. There are some fantastic people on this forum. I've gotten tremendous help with my fitness regimen since coming on board about ten months ago.

Looking forward to talking to you again.
Wow!...Thank you for the inspiring story Heather. And[/img] to the Forum. Great scripture too...:)
Thank You for the Warm Welcome!!!

What a warm and inviting place this is! I am so blessed to meet this inspiring group of women. Thank you for the warm welcome. I am really looking forward to getting to know you.

Friday is usually a rest day or at least a gentle day for me, but I could not wait to try one of the Cathe DVDs I just received. I was running late this morning, so I did the High Step Training cardio premix. Wow! It is not fancy, but it is fun! I imagine that the whole workout will be a butt kicker.

Michele and Nancy, I would be delighted to do your cardio for you. Just do a few planks for me please!

Kelly, I have an index card binder filled with Scriptures. Let me know if you need some more!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Thank You for the Warm Welcome!!!

Hi Heather,
I wanted to say hi & thank you for sharing your very interesting & inspiring story. With your positive attitude & determination, you're definitely going all the way!
You seem like a lovely lady & I'm very happy to "meet" you. I had similar thoughts & feelings during the first year or two of my fitness journey.
Isn't Cathe & this forum a blessing?
Take care,
RE: Thank You for the Warm Welcome!!!

Can I ask what eating plan you've been following to help you lose weight? Just curious. Or have you been focusing on exercise more than changing your diet?

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
“Clean Eating, Carbs, Cardio, and Circuit Training!!!”

>Can I ask what eating plan you've been following to help you
>lose weight? Just curious. Or have you been focusing on
>exercise more than changing your diet?

After experimenting with different styles of eating, this is what I have discovered works for me:

* plant-based (with no animal protein or small amounts of clean animal protein on weight training days)
* high carb heaven (60-70 percent carbohydrates/15-20 percent protein/15-20 percent fat)

* 1,800 calories a day between 3 meals and 2 snacks with my biggest meal at noon
* 300 calories breakfast, 300 calories snack, 700 calories lunch, 300 calories snack, 200 calories dinner

* clean (as close to the way God made it as possible)
* organic when available

* avoid artificial sweeteners, corn syrup, and refined white sugar (and choose raw honey)
* avoid white flour (and choose whole grains)
* avoid table salt and MSG (and choose sea salt and non-irradiated organic spices)
* avoid hydrogenated anything

* drink plenty of spring water every day (as much as a gallon a day when it is hot)
* plan menus every weekend and pack meals and snacks every night in preparation for the next day

I officially started my 10-week cardio and circuit training rotation this morning. I am planning to “fast” animal protein for 4 weeks until Easter then reintroduce small amounts of clean (organic, grain fed, free range) animal protein on circuit training days. I am hoping to start blasting off this stubborn fat again. Last Saturday, I finished my first 10-week rotation of the year (Intensity Series and Body Blast Series) and dropped a size. I was wearing a size 18 on New Year’s Day. I am currently wearing a size 16. I could shed weight faster by eating less than 1,800 calories a day, but it is not worth it to me. My workouts suffer when I do that, and I start obsessing over food again. I hope to be down to a size 14 by Easter (in 4 weeks) and a size 12 by Memorial Day (in 10 weeks). I am not thinking too far beyond that now, but my ultimate goal is a size 8. The Hardcore Series will be my reward when I lose 30 more pounds (for a total of 100 pounds).

Last week was a recovery week. I took a break from Cathe, did not adjust my calories to compensate for the less intense workouts, and gained weight. :-(

This is my basic game plan for the next 10 weeks:

Sunday - Cathe circuit training (morning)/Total Body Stretching (evening)
Monday - Cathe cardio (kickboxing or non-interval step) + Ab Hits (morning)
Tuesday - Cathe circuit training (morning)/Total Body Stretching (evening)
Wednesday - Cathe interval cardio + Ab Hits (morning)
Thursday - Cathe circuit training (morning)/Total Body Stretching (evening)
Friday - rest or gentle cardio like Kari Anderson’s DanceWorks (morning)
Saturday - FIRM cardio + Jen Carman’s Strength in Movement (morning)

I have learned from experience that I can maintain this intensity for 3-6 weeks at a time without burning out. Knowing that, I am planning to do 3 weeks like this followed by a lighter week and 6 more weeks like this. When I am bursting with abundant energy, I will add extra cardio just for fun. I love jogging in the pool, rebounding, and Kari Anderson’s dance-oriented workouts like DanceWorks. I just received gliding discs too and am having fun playing with them. Then there is Gretchen’s cardio boot camp class when I am on top of my game and up for an added challenge! I love cardio and usually sneak it in even on rest days. ;)

In short, what blesses my body and blasts off fat: clean eating, carbs, cardio, and circuit training! This is probably more than you wanted to know! ;-)

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: “Clean Eating, Carbs, Cardio, and Circuit Training!...

WOW, Heather! I just wanted to say how impressed I am with your entire plan. You have thought it through, worked it out to assure yourself success, and I have no doubt you'll reach those goals.:)

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