
RE: Thanks Maribeth!

atgood, you are absolutely right. There is nothing to the myth about eating after a certain time of day. It goes back to the calories in vs calories out in a 24 hour period.
RE: Maribeth

Try McArdle, Katch and Katch's Essentials of Exercise Physiology, Understanding Nutrition by Whitley and Hamilton and Sport Nutrition for Health and Performance by Manore and Thompson.

All are excellent references.

i have the same problem with eating breakfast. i take meds morning and night that make me extremely tired so if i workout in the morning i have to do it on an empty stomach and then have breakfast, take meds, and take a nap. is that ok? otherwise, i take a nap after work then excercise. Startreck is a MUST so its sometimes hard to squeeze it in or tape it and do one of her s&h.

if i eat breakfast, take my pills, and get very tired from that, is it ok to at least do weights when your so tired? do u get the same affect if u were not tired?

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