Breakfast issue...


How necessary is it to eat breakfast? Here's my problem... I wake up at 8 and have to take my medicine then have to wait for 1 hr. I workout 9-10, shower and eat at around 11 or 12. I can't eat anything before working out because I feel sick (not even a fruit or juice). Am I sabotaging my diet and delaying weight loss?
I've read that not eating breakfast has a big correlation with weight loss and metabolism. I can eat and go straight to working out so I can't offer any insight. Have you tried eating different things to see if you can stomach a workout?
I don't think eating breakfast is any more important than any other meal. I dont like to eat first thing in the morning so i get up, move around a little, and then eat a couple of hours later. Eat when you are hungry and drink when you are thirsty. Very sane.
I would suggest that maybe you just put those extra calories in your day somewhere.I think why they say it doesn't help your diet is b/c people who don't eat breakfast tend to overeat more in the evening.I read something like that a few times.I am up right now,its 6:30,I will work out ,get a shower and then eat at around 8:30.
Really, does our bodies know what time it is? If I eat 3 hours after I wake or if you eat 3 hours after you wake.The only thing with me is that I am still eating around breakfast time.But if your not getting up until 9 then whats the dif? I don't know maybe there is one, but it is something to think about:)
I think that you should eat at 11,2,4,6:30.By eating at 2 or 4 you will make up for your lost cals.
Just a suggestion, hope I helped.
Everything I have read about nutrition says that if you are going to skip a meal it should not be breakfast! Even if you eat something small, 1/3 cup oatmeal or something, you are better off than skipping. I do believe that skipping breakfast is sabotaging your weight loss efforts.
I've read more than one study that has shown that people who eat breakfast tend to be more successful at weight loss than those who skip it.

Is there any way you can shift your workouts back an hour or two? If you eat breakfast around 9 or 10 and give your body extra time to digest and settle, maybe you won't feel sick when working out?
Hi There! Could you wake up at 8, take your meds, then while you're waiting that hour workout from 8-9? Then you could grab a bite between 9 & 10? Another lady on the forum(Amyfit30) takes meds also in the morning and has to wait an hour so she worksout during that time. Just a thought. Susan
Research says breakfast is the most important meal of the day! :)
I know the Body for Life book suggests working out on an empty stomach for maximum fat burning.
However, I would never completely skip breakfast. Even if you had a quick protein shake after your workout, before your shower.
It's important for your metabolism.
Hi! I too don't do the "breakfast" thing till later.

I get up @ 8, get my kids off to school then start exercising @ 9.I drink Cytovol HP while exercising (a blend of carbos and proteins) then don't eat anything until I hour after I finish exercising (to promote maximum fat burning - from Body for Life I think). That brings me till about 11. Then, I have an egg white omelet with veggies or a tuna salad with some carb. Then, I eat again @ 2 hours later - 1/2 chick sandwich or protein shake. Then, I eat again @ 5. I do tend to crave starches in the evening. But, since I eat little carbs during the day (compared to what I used to eat), I'm OK with that. Certain sources say its the overall calories not when you eat them. So, I just try to stick within the guidelines during the day.

Is it working?? I don't know yet! I haven't gained any weight and I do feel stronger. But I am seriously trying to clean up my diet in a fashion that I can live with. I just don't want to eat in the morning!

Good luck! Cathy
The breakfast issue! To workout on an empty stomach or not! hmmmm this could fall under myths or personal choice ! Somewhere along the way this concept or idea of working out on an empty stomach states a better fatburning process while others say that you can hinder your athletic performance by not being fueled properly first! In order to achieve your fitness goals you need to eat a nutritious, balanced diet and drink plenty of water. If you don’t, you won’t be able to work out as efficiently as you could or recover properly afterwards. There will always be conflicting information out there! To get to the bottom of it, it is best to educate yourself first , make a decision through trial and error , while evaluating what works best for "you , your performance, your energy levels, your specific goals and needs etc!" The answer to the breakfast question can be a yes or no-a hit or miss so to say! If you have any medical problems like low blood pressure, diabetes, or high or low blood sugar levels, I don’t advise working out at any time on an empty stomach, as your body may have a negative reaction. Not worth the risk of trying! They do say ,however, the advantage of working out on an empty stomach first thing in the morning is that you have just enough energy stored from the night before to fuel your workout, and you also have a greater chance of burning stored fat, which will cause you to lose weight. This is due to the fact that, because your stomach is empty, you are more likely to burn calories already stored as fat, as opposed to using calories from recently digested food in your system. Working out on an empty stomach does not speed up your metabolism. But it does help to kick-start it by increasing your heart rate, circulation and the amount of incoming oxygen, all things which help your body function more efficiently throughout the day. Exercising for more than 30 minutes on an empty stomach or at the end of the day is unhealthy and unadvisable since, without the necessary energy to fuel your workout, your body will start using your muscles as an energy source. This is not an efficient form of energy, and you may overexert yourself and experience dizziness or dehydration. Weight training on an empty stomach is also not advisable, since a lot of energy is required for this kind of workout. Without the necessary energy, you won’t be able to work your muscles efficiently and increase muscle mass. Weight training(as we Catheites know) is one of the best ways to burn calories and consequently lose weight, because the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn.
On a personal note(and my own personal experience) I have done the empty stomach workouts for intense cardio only! They are short but effective! I feel fueled from the night before since it's not a long workout and it's right when I wake up!I prefer doing cardio guerilla first thing in the morning(when I'm doing that circuit) It's very intense! I get no pains and feel energized! There would be no way I could go more than a half hr without eaten though! My body wouldn't be able to handle it physically! I like to do it , give it my all, call it a day on cardio then do some weights later! The key behind my motivation soo early-I know that there is a light at the end of my tunnel(and that light is the fridge door opening :) Breakfast can be anytime of the day! Some people like to have a lil something toast and coffee first thing in the morning , then there real breakfast later! Some like to have there breakfast first before workout then something light later, some people get nauseau in the belly if they eat before they work out while others get nauseaus if they don't eat! Different strokes for different folks! As long as you are fueling your body properly throughout the day , meeting your daily requirements , feeling great, getting results then you are doing what works for you!
Just wanted to make this info available ! Always listen to your body, be an individual and find what works for you! We all know that in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, the key ingredients are proper nutrition,regular exercise and rest!


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