Breakfast And Appetite


I was wondering if anyone else has this problem. Seems that whenever I eat breakfast I am hungrier throughtout the day than when I don't eat breakfast.
definitely! i'm no health expert by any means, but my guess is because it gets your metabolism revved up and ready for the day. eating breakfast helps me to be able to eat small meals throughout the day, rather than going with nothing until lunch and then gorging myself and not eating again until dinner.
If you don't eat breakfast your body worries that it's not going to be fed so it slows the metabolism down therefore you're not as hungry. Breakfast is necessary to get your body going after all those hours of not eating.
Are you eating some protein at breakfast? I know if I eat just cereal or oatmeal I'll be hungry again in an hour, so I have to have some almonds w/ my cereal or an egg on toast.

It's probably what you are eating that's making you hungrier throughout the day. If you're eating refined carbs and sugar for breakfast, there is little nutrition/little fiber so the food is digested rapidly which is also causing your blood sugar to rise quickly. You need to eat protein and fiber for every meal, not just breakfast.

Even rough cut oatmeal is not enough fiber. Also, are you drinking fruit juices for breakfast because those are nothing more than a pancreas bomb. Instead of that glass of fruit juice, have an orange or a grapefruit with that NON-instant/NON-quick cooking oatmeal. By eating the whole fruit you are getting the benefits of the fiber, which you don't get by drinking fruit juices. Tomato juice/V8 is a great alternative. Just make sure there is no added sugar to the brand you buy.

I often have a leftover portion of last nights dinner entree, for breakfast. (such as part of a pork chop, part of a steak, leftover cooked beans, etc.) Eggs are no longer 'bad' for you so make a omelet loaded with vegetables, or a frittata. Just leave out the potatoes. Stay away from the breakfast breads, muffins, pancakes, waffles, scones, etc. Even if they're whole grain you still need to eat protein with them.

If you are eating adequate protein and fiber with every meal, you will not be hungry all day long. Snack on high fiber vegetables like sugar pea pods, tomatoes, cauliflower, celery with natural peanut butter (no added sugars), the list is endless depending on what you like.

I very much limit the sweets that I eat because I know, if I eat a piece of chocolate in the morning...I will want that sugar fix all day long. But yet, I don't crave sugar when I keep to eating complex carbs and protein. And keep in mind that there is sugar in practically every processed food you buy; spaghetti sauce, ketsup, peanut butter, jams/jelly, bread, soy sauce, canned baked beans, breakfast cereals, purchased baked goods, blah, blah, blah. You've heard this all before. READ the food labels before you buy. I don't buy any processed foods that have added sugars and no one in my family craves sugar because we don't eat it except in fruit and the occassional sweet treats like homemade cookies and fruit tarts. Another tip that might help you is I don't eat fruit just by itself. If I'm going to have an apple I have cheese with it...a protein. The addition of the protein slows down the digestion of the fructose in the apple. And my kids have been trained to think the same way. We generally have fruits or that occassional sweet treat AFTER we have eaten a high fiber/protein meal. Fruit is dessert in my house and by eating it after the main meal your blood sugar will not spike as dramatically as when you eat sugar just by itself.

You only have one pancreas and as of yet, transplants are not an option. Take care of the one you have. Just as you don't smoke so you have healthy lungs...don't live on sugar so you have a healthy pancreas. :D
I had one of those days yesterday.
Breakfast: Yogurt with fresh blackberries
Lunch: Salad
2 Hrs later:Chicken Brocoli Lean cusine ( Lost the noodles)
Dinner:Left over whole grain pasta with chicken and veggies
Had 2nd dish.
2 hrs later :2 spoons peanut butter,
I was sooo hungry all day.
I worked out in the eve so maybe this blew a little off.
I just had the bottomless pit.
If I would have had a chocolate cake I probably would have eaten it.
Today will be better.
I have to fast for bloodwork for life insurance, so I am skipping food till around 11.
I wake up starving. If I don't eat right away I get light headed. I could not imagine skipping breakfast. I usually start with plain oatmeal and then 1 hour later eat a egg/cheese sandwich on lite wheat and then yogurt with nuts and blueberries, etc. protein bar, lunch meal and so on. My jaws are always moving...I am either eating or I can't shut up! LOL!

I too think it depends what you are eating. I eat 6 egg whites and 1 whole egg and scammble them every morning with 1 whole wheat tortilla and am never hungry. Lori
Life without breakfast would be very miserable for me. I also wake up starving. I usually have something that involves peanut butter - quickly before I hit the road. On weekends I try something else that might even involve cooking. Sometimes I do the oatmeal/cottage cheese thing that someone contributed to the Cathe cookbook.
I agree with Laurie. The days I eat egg white (sometimes 1 whole egg and 3 whites)I am not hungry. The protein seems to keep me satisfied.
Try it and see if it works for you.

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