For those of you who have done these 2 workouts, what do you think? Do they give good results if you'd like slimmer legs? How hard are the workouts?
Thank you.
I have all 3 Toniques & BBL. The Tonique ones are harder than the comparable ones in BBL. Be careful what you wish for though: Tonique 1 has roughly 500 squats & 500 lunges (per leg). That's not a typo either....
I have all 3 Toniques & BBL. The Tonique ones are harder than the comparable ones in BBL. Be careful what you wish for though: Tonique 1 has roughly 500 squats & 500 lunges (per leg). That's not a typo either....
WHOA! What I wanna know is who counted!?!?
Someone on the VF actually counted!
I've been alternating squat and lunge segments from Tonique 1 everyday (tack it onto full upper body or cardio workout), mat twice a week, and Tonique 2.1 in it's entirety once a week.
The mat workout is a killer too! My thighs are sore at the very top close to my hips (hip flexors?).
I sweat like crazy, like Insanity crazy!
Thank you so much everyone. Hmmm...I'm thinking of buying Tonique now. I have too many exercise tapes, and not too much time. It's like an addiction. I want Turbo Fire and now I also want Tonique. What's wrong with me.