
I got a BOSU for my birthday last week, and the dumb thing is already broken. Has anyone else had any issues with it? The ball part comes out from under the lip of the plastic ring. Very frustrating to say the least. I have wanted one for so long and I get one and then it breaks.

Any suggestions for BOSU workouts?

You should contact the manufacturer about the BOSU-- sounds like a defective product.

I've netflixed a couple and I know Amy Bento has one or two segments of workouts that use a BOSU. You can also do a search as I know some folks use theirs in place of a high step in some workouts.

Have fun!
I bought my BOSU from Target and it was broken AND missing the pump. On mine, the blue rubbery top was mostly detached from the bottom. I couldn't just push it back into the groove. It sounds like you have the same problem. It might be fixable:

The tension of the round base is controlled by two bolts, one on each side of the BOSU. If you tip your BOSU on its edge you can see them on each side of the BOSU on the black plastic base. Basically, there are only two bolts on the BOSU, and either one will work.

Deflate your BOSU. Unscrew one of the bolts from the side of the black plastic ring, and you will notice that the groove where the blue rubbery part is supposed to go widens and loosens. Push the lip of the ball into the groove, then have someone hold the two ends of the black plastic base together while you re-tighten the bolt, and voila! Your BOSU is fixed.

I was a little disappointed that my brand-new, sealed box included a BOSU in need of repairs and no pump. Pretty lame.

As for BOSU-specific workouts...I'd love to hear about those, too! I've been doing Tracey Staehle's Circuit Zone and Core Blast, which both include BOSU, and I've tried some of Cathe's step work on it as well.
As for BOSU-specific workouts...I'd love to hear about those, too! I've been doing Tracey Staehle's Circuit Zone and Core Blast, which both include BOSU, and I've tried some of Cathe's step work on it as well.

Rob Glick has a Bosu workout called Cardio Fusion that I like. I'm pretty sure I bought it from Collage.
I really like: Part 2 of CIA-2604 which is "Bosu Blast", Bosu Long and Lean with Chalene Johnson (even though it's only 30 minutes, it's worth it), and Bosu Core Synery with Candice Copeland Brooks.

Sorry you got a lemon.

I love the BOSU. I also like CIA-2604 Bosu Blast. The core work on that one is a doozy, and I use it more for that than the actual cardio workout. Another good one, IMO, is Bosu Sports Conditioning: Ski and Snowboarding.

I generally don't do much step for cardio, but I have tried a couple of Cathe step workouts on it, and I thought it made for a fun and fresh workout that challenges the muscles differently. But mainly I use the BOSU for ab work, either my own routine or one of Cathe's modified. It really gets into the core like nothing else.
Another one here who like CIA's Bosu Blast. The core work is my favorite, especially the planks on the bosu while its turned upside down:eek:

Sorry you had a problem with yours. Can you bring it back and exchange it?

I'm so sorry yours died. Can you get a recipt or say it was a gift and buy another one?

You just have to have a Bosu, I love mine. I work on it everyday, not only can I use it instead of step (an easy one mind you) but I stand on it to watch TV, use one foot, sit on it for a great ab work. I need balance in my life. I also have (I think) all the Bosu workouts and I use them as well. It's a product I use all the time.

Try and get another one if you can, they usually last for a very long time. (years)

I have CIA 2604 which I enjoy and Rob Glick's Bosu Calorie Combustion and Bosu Cardio Fusion. Glick workouts are good intermediate workouts. His workouts are short but the job gets done! Amy Bento's High Low Dome Challenge has a bosu section. Tracey Staehle's Core Blast has a good Bosu abs section.

I alternate doing many of Cathe's step workouts on the Bosu. Most step workouts can be modified so that they can be performed on the Bosu.

I have had my Bosu for years and I have never had an issue with it.


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