
As you may have noticed, it was a real
>flash in the pan. Really no one is talking about it anymore.

It's funny; I have noticed just the opposite. Just yearday I saw several people buying this movie at Costco, (I was only in the store for about 10 minutes) and this morning noticed a HUGE display at my local grocery store devoted 100% to sales of Borat. They rarely have displays like this for any other movie. I thought to myself when I saw that, "Wow... that movie is STILL getting a lot of attention..." (from marketers anyhow...)

And lo and behold, here it is on the forum! Seems to me that I keep seeing this one and hearing about it everywhere.

Perhaps it is just a local phenomenon. I must say I am curious about it, as I haven't seen it yet.
I though it was different and very funny- some spots were a little strange- but it's worth seeing to see what all the hub bub is about

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