
I saw it in the theater when it first came out. Hilarious. It is a brilliant commentary on America and politics. You have to listen closely though because a lot of the stuff just goes over people's heads I think. It definetely had it's moments, though--be prepared to be shocked. A great movie overall, IMO.
Hated it. Thought it was cruel, sophomoric, moronic - the humor is based on how stupid he can make people look while misleading them about everything, he makes fun of everyone, or it's gross-out toilet humor or masturbation humor or homophobic humor. It totally reflects a fear and hatred of "foreigners". To me it seemed like only 12-year-old boys would find it funny.

BUT I'm really in the minority, my DH laughed and laughed, he says he can see my points but he still thought it was uproariously funny, everyone else in the theater laughed and laughed, and I just sat there feeling like a judgmental schoolmarm. So I guess you'll either love it or hate it!

BUT if you want a sure-fire wonderful movie: Babel. :)
LOVED it! Be prepared to be taken aback though. There are some GRAPHIC scenes! And I don't think he "made" people look stupid. They did that ALL on their own!

Some of it was moronic but a good chunk of it was purely satire. Stupid and amusing, or stupidly amusing.....
>Hated it. Thought it was cruel, sophomoric, moronic - the
>humor is based on how stupid he can make people look while
>misleading them about everything, he makes fun of everyone, or
>it's gross-out toilet humor or masturbation humor or
>homophobic humor. It totally reflects a fear and hatred of
>"foreigners". To me it seemed like only 12-year-old boys
>would find it funny.
>BUT I'm really in the minority, my DH laughed and laughed, he
>says he can see my points but he still thought it was
>uproariously funny, everyone else in the theater laughed and
>laughed, and I just sat there feeling like a judgmental
>schoolmarm. So I guess you'll either love it or hate it!
>BUT if you want a sure-fire wonderful movie: Babel. :)

I could've written this review myself. My DH hated it, too. This movie holds the distinction of being the ONLY movie we ever walked out of, that's how truly awful we thought it was. And it did reveal a certain prejudice, that of Mr. Cohen and his views of Americans! As you may have noticed, it was a real flash in the pan. Really no one is talking about it anymore.
In between. There were scenes that I thought were funny...but after awhile, the brand of humor just got old.

I didn't find it offensive, in fact, one of the things I found most funny was that the people in the film were p*ssed when their true colors were being shown to the whole world.

But after awhile, the "stupid foreign guy makes an PC/language/action snafu on unsuspecting Americans" got old.

DH loved it, and I think it's very quotable. But I've seen funnier.
I also loved it, it's just my kind of humor!! I look forward to his next movie as a gay man. I think that will also be good.

It was silly and funny in some parts, but seemed too long or something, I got a little bored.I could have lived the rest of my life without witnessing the two naked guys scene--grossssss!!!
But....I love to laugh and would rather watch a comedy over any other genre, they just don't make 'em funny anymore. Liar Liar anyone???:)Yes, my sense of humor is more the Jim Carrey type!!
Sacha Cohen had the last laugh, the movie used two cameras and cost about 6 million to make, it supposedly grossed over 250 million at the box office, not to mention the DVD sales!
Oh and my DH who is also Jewish (so is Sacha obviously!:) ) was not at all offended by the whole Jewish slamming thing, Borat actually made fun of everyone, so it was fair:)
Loved the movie! I never really thought that it was making fun of foreigners necessarily as Sasha Cohen (Borat) is not American himself. I thought is was more making fund of some aspects of American culture. I thought it was hilarious! My husband used to also religously watch him on the Ali G show on HBO.

The cultural between the USA and the UK are vast. We laugh at ourselves and are cynical of our elected leaders. your humour in the UK is vastly different to the UK.
Michele- I agree with you- after awhile I looked around and wondered why people weren't offended at the fun he was making of Americans and getting up and walking out- the movie made me sad after I got done watching it, and the one scene was sooo disgusting--deb
I didn't care for Borat that much. I only found two scenes to be hilarious. The rest were boring to me. One part was very disgusting and my stomach was off for a while. My friend thought it was hilarious though. Besides, I'm not Sacha Cohen fan either. Wedding Crashers is more of my sense of humor.

I was expecting it to be funnier. It was no big deal. Only one or two scenes made me laugh, the rest was kind of stupid. Borat himself I found annoying.
Actually I just saw this movie last night. It was "OK". So many people told me it was so funny, hillariuos, etc... I thought It was just ok. Some funny parts but I was mainly dissapointed. I'm glad I rented it from Netflix and didn't pay to see at the movies.
The extra scenes were great! The one in the grocery store was hilarious to me!! That poor store worker must have said "cheese" 100 times! ahahh

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