Bootcamp question

Hi Jes, This is a combination of both ME and BC. It has a few cardios from BC mixed with weights from both workouts. It's very good. I always like to add a little cardio when I do long strength workouts. I do this one when I am not up for much cardio.
Here's a breakdown I've stored:

approx. 65 minutes total

BC wu

BC cardio #1 (jacks)
BC squats
BC rows
ME deadlifts
ME deadrow/clean & press

BC cardio #2 (sumo squats)
BC static lunges
ME leg press #2
ME barbell lunges
ME bicep curls

BC cardio #6 (conseq. power kicks)
BC front/side kicks
BC militaries
ME rear delts
ME side delts

BC cardio #3 (jack, jab, plyo)
BC pliés
ME leg press #1
ME barbell squats
ME tricep dips
ME kickbacks

ME chest flys
BC push-ups

ME abs

ME stretch

--Have fun!--


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