I am thinking about ordering the Bootcamp/ME DVD. I noticed that for Bootcamp, there is no step listed under equipment (aside from the high step). I am wondering what type of cardio the workout includes.
You've probably already seen that Bootcamp (BC) has 8 cycles, each of which contains a minute of cardio, a minute of lower body, a minute of upper body and a minute of core work. The cardio consists of high intensity, mostly high impact, athletic and kickboxing moves such as sequential power kicks, speed skaters, ice breakers, squat thrust climbers (aka "terminators"), and others. The cardio is very tough, but doable, especially if you routinely include BC in your rotation.
I highly recommend this DVD! BC has improved my cardio capacity and core strength like nothing else! (ME is a great workout, too!)
Gina, a suggestion for you. Go to this link http://www.cathe.com/2002_Boot_Camp_info.htm and then scroll down the right-hand column about 3/4 of the page to "Video Clips" -- take a look at the Boot Camp video clip and enjoy!
It's a really different kind of workout from anything Cathe had ever done before it, and lots of fun. (Well, "fun" is certainly a subjective term -- tell me if you agree after you try a few squat thrust climbers a/k/a "terminators"!;-))
Bootcamp is soooooo fun. It moves very fast and even though the cardio is very high, you're only doing a minute of it so it seems easier somehow. The ab work is a killer and very effective.