Bootcamp/Muscle Endurance dvd



Anyone ever do the bonus premix on this dvd? Is it any good? What does it entail? I just noticed it last night when I was getting ready to do ME but I didn't have time to check it out. I'm just curious.


Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
I did the combo once and really liked it. I haven't had the courage to do BC yet and think this is a way to build up to it. Here's the breakdown:

approx. 65 minutes total

BC wu

BC cardio #1 (jacks)
BC squats
BC rows
ME deadlifts
ME deadrow/clean & press

BC cardio #2 (sumo squats)
BC static lunges
ME leg press #2
ME barbell lunges
ME bicep curls

BC cardio #6 (conseq. power kicks)
BC front/side kicks
BC militaries
ME rear delts
ME side delts

BC cardio #3 (jack, jab, plyo)
BC pliés
ME leg press #1
ME barbell squats
ME tricep dips
ME kickbacks

ME chest flys
BC push-ups

ME abs

ME stretch


I HAVE done this premix once upon a time, and it seems as though I did like it. But, I forgot all about it... Thanks for reminding me. I'll try it again this week.
I just did this one Wednesday. It's been awhile, but I really like this when I'm looking for more of a weight workout. This one keeps you heart rate up there.
Hey Sarah!

I almost forgot I asked about this one! LOL I just found the post again! I'm gonna have to get this in at some point...gotta try it! maybe this week even!:) We'll have to compare notes after we've both done it!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]

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