Book suggestions for Moms to be?


Hello everyone! It's been ages since I've been here to visit, my due date was yesterday....Still waiting! I decided I should get a couple of books on two important topics that I haven't had a chance to pick up yet. But I wanted the educated crowds' opinion.
First, I'm looking for a book about breastfeeding. I went to Amazon and I think I've got it down to three choices. (As you can imagine, I only want to get one -I'm hoping the baby will be here soon!). The three I'm looking at are:

"So That's What They're For" by Janet Tamaro,
"The Nursing Mother's Companion" by Kathleen Huggins, and
"Eat Well, Lose Weight While Breastfeeding.."by Eileen Behan.

Has anyone read any of these? Any recommendations?

The other book I'm looking for is dealing with my other babies, my dogs. I saw two books at Amazon that deal with this and wanted to see if anyone had a suggestion.

"There's a Baby In the House" by Micheal Wombacher, and
"Your Dog & Your Baby" by Silvia Hartmann-Kent.

Any suggestions on the titles I have here or any others that you might suggest would be SO APPRECIATED!! I know reading will help keep me calm over the next hours/days........until the baby decides to come, I just want to make the most of my reading time.

Thanks a bunch,

Of those books the only one I've read is So That's What They're For. I thought it was very good and had me well prepared for breastfeeding, unfortunately not well enough prepared though because I've still had to supplement with formula. Still, it's very informative. However, if your due date was yesterday, I'm not sure I'd wait to order it. I think I'd pick it up at a local bookstore (or the other book on breastfeeding). Once the baby is born you may have a hard time finding the time or the attention span to read and since it's important to get off to a good start with breastfeeding, you may want the information ahead of time. I also worked with the lactation consultants at my hospital and they were very helpful so I would highly recommend doing that if it's available where you give birth.

Good luck and keep us posted!

Thanks, Dana!
Believe it or not, I've been to Books-A-Million, B Dalton and a couple other local book stores and none of them had breastfeeding books in stock!! I was amazed. SO, I've decided to go with the book you mentioned since I do want to get it asap. It seems to be not so technical of an approach, which I think I will like. also, it's not so many pages that I won't be able to get through it.

Thanks so much for your input!! I definitely am going to work with the hospital's lactation specialists, and am looking into finding a local La Leche group.

Thanks again,
Hi Tricia -
I haven't read all of the books that you mentioned, but, I've seen them at La Leche meetings. You may want to find the number for your local La Leche League and find out if you can get the books from them. I actually borrowed quite a few from the La Leche League lending library -- this is a really good option actually. I did read "Eat Right, Lose Weight While Breastfeeding" and I found that it was pretty much common sense type of stuff.

I would also highly recommend Dr. Sears' Baby Book - it is a book about baby care in the first year - but there is a ton of breastfeeding information throughout the book - and I think at least a portion of it is dedicated almost entirely to breastfeeding. Most of the issues you will face if you are breast feeding are covered (at least briefly) in this book. If you need more detailed information - there are other resources listed in the book as well.

Also, a note about La Leche League - I went to a couple of different meetings in my area until I found one that I was really comfortable with. Each group tends to have its own mood/culture. I found it to be very helpful for me, well worth the effort. It really helped me to have a very strong and successful nursing relationship with my son.

Jennifer k
Hi Tricia,

Having a baby is so exciting. As Shelby was our first, I prayed for God to direct me to some really good resources. I have a little 17-month-old named Shelby and she responded so well to the information I found in the following books:

"Becoming Baby Wise" by Ezzo - this book sometimes gets a bad rap because people do not use common sense in determining what is appropriate for their child as far as being too strict with a schedule. The book also deals with how many BMs baby should have, what they look like, etc. which is really helpful when you don't know what they are supposed to be looking like. Shelby was sleeping through the night by age 2-1/2 months and would sleep 4-5 hours at a time before then. I really like this book.

"The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding" by the LeLeche League. This was a wonderful resource as far as the physical aspects of nursing go. Because I did not agree with a lot of the social and behavior information on , I kind of skipped those parts because I did not demand nurse due to "Baby Wise." However, you have to do what works for you.

"Super Baby Food" by Ruth Yaron - wonderful resource on what foods your baby can eat at certain ages and also about what nutrition baby is needing at different months. You can save a lot of $ making your own food.

Hope this was helpful and hope your delivery goes well.

Thanks so much! I'm still waiting to deliver, so I might as well get some good reading material while I wait. I find it much more useful to get a recommendation from someone -that's why I love Cathe's forums, because I know everyone here is in the same sort of mindframe I am. (Some people think I'm crazy to still be walking at this stage of my pregnancy!).

Thank you again!
Hi Jennifer,
I took your advise and contacted La Leche, there will be a meeting next week so I might get to go. I'm pretty much at the mercy of little Isabella/Anthony - if the baby decides to come,or the doctor decides to induce I guess I'll have to go next month!!
Thanks so much for your input. I have seen Dr. Sears book, so I may be able to pick that up tomorrow!!

No suggestions but

just wanted to wish you a healthy and speedy delivery! Best wishes and let us know when you have your baby :)!


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