Book recommendations?


New Member
My sister-in-law is expecting baby #2, and I'd love to get her a good book on exercising through pregnancy. Any thoughts? Also, if anyone can recommend a book on what to expect when the older child (she'll be three) adjusts to the new arrival, that would be great. Thanks in advance.:)

Hi Jo,

I got several books while I was pregnant, one was The Pilates Pregnancy by Mari Winsor. If she's not into Pilates, try Expecting Fitness by Brigitta Gallo. Both are excellent. I would also recommend Tracy Hogg's books: Secrets of the Baby Whisperer and Secrets of the Baby Whisperer for Toddlers. (I think they even have a video version now.) In the book for Toddlers she deals with the new arrival's effect on a toddler. I got the book for my sister-in-law when she had her second child and she raved about it. (Her 3 year old told her when they brought the baby home she was ready for her to leave now, and this was not even an hour after they got her home!) Hope this helps!

Hey Jo! Dr. James Clapp, MD wrote a book called "Exercising Through Your Pregnancy" that is wonderful, although it doesn't give specific exercises. Sheila refers to it in her certification course and I have recommended it to clients. Your local bookstore should be able to order it for you if they don't have it in stock.

Jeni - Healthy Moms Certified Fitness Instructor

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