Bomb threats in my daughter's school.


Hi, all.
I gotta vent a bit! My daughter started kindergarten this Sept. So far, there have been 3 bomb threats in the past month. Now, we live in a suburban-like city in Ct., not at all a "bad" area. They have evacuated the kids twice. I am sick over this. What the h*** is going on??? Yesterday was the most recent incident, and it just totally freaked me out. This wasn't the usual called in threat. There was a suspicious vehicle in the parking lot. The whole street was blocked off, police were everywhere, a bomb squad, and it was all over the local news.It turned out to be a false alarm,or at least thats what they tell us. Reluctantly, I did put my daughter in school today, being that I have to work. She is also usually in an afterschool program there, too, but I am going to get her and bring her back to work with me. I feel bad that I sent her off to school. Am I overreacting? Or being negligent??? This just sucks.
Vent all you want! I don't think you are being negligent OR over-reacting. It's sad, but, these days, you just never know! I'm sorry that you are going thru this & I hope & pray they will always be false alarms. That being said, how awful for you to have to worry constantly about your daughter being in school. Big HUGS!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance, I Hope You DANCE!
No, you're human. After the school shootings in the U.S. and even in Russia, terrorists threats, and assorted perverts no one can be too careful apparently. I'd rather know there were multiple false alarms then one real threat. During the cold war kids were hiding under desks practicing for the big one, now schools are locked down. It will be something your daughter can share with her grandchildren one day.
It does suck. It happens everywhere. I live in rural VT and in recent years our local high school has had multiple bomb threats. Turned out that they were phoned in by students who wanted school canceled.

The authorities have to take every threat seriously.
What Beavs said.

Unfortunately, we live in a time where we all need to be more hypervigilant that we used to. It is better to be safe than sorry. Look at all the "what if's" after the VTech shootings.
You are definitely NOT over-reacting. The good thing is that after all of these "scares", the school will be on "high alert" and probably security will be at the utmost highest. I live in Texas and the high school where my daughter used to go (she just graduated) had several bomb threat scares and everyone had to be evacuated on more than one occasion. Scared me to death! Most are probably just jerk people/kids playing hoaxes, but you never know when it's the real deal! I have a 14 year old going to the same school and would definitely react just like you did! We can never be too careful!!

I agree with everyone that you are rightfully concerned. But perhaps you can find *some* reassurance that the school takes this seriously and exercises every precaution.

I have watched the school tragedies of recent years with much concern and interest as this is a new and sobering reality of my job. Yes, these have become scary times, but as a result, most schools/districts are indeed in a better position now (better-prepared) to handle crises of this nature. Most times, it is a student who wants to get out of a test or class.

[font face="heather" font color=brick red size=+2]~Cathy [/font face]
"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
Im so sorry you had to go through that...I have a kindergartener and couldn't imagine how scary it must of been for you!
Most times,
>it is a student who wants to get out of a test or class.

This is such a disturbing situation that is going on nation-wide! At the college where I teach, we had two bomb threats within a one-week period. I really believe that the second one was a copy-cat who wanted (like the person who called in the first one) anonymous attention. They were both probably students who wanted to get out of tests, but it's such a scary situation that you have to take it seriously. I've been at this school for six years, and we've never had a bomb threat before. We just all have to take these situations seriously and make sure that the students are safe!


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