BodyMax2 Side Planks? Can u do them???


Hi everyone -

Can anyone do these "snowangels"?? I feel like my arm is going to snap in forget about even lifting the leg up! Am I doing something wrong here or are they just really difficult?? This is the first move that I am just like "no way....can not do it!"

Thanks a bunch!
I can do the side planks, but yes they are hard. You have to build up to it. Do the modification with one knee on the ground if you have to (I think Cathe talks about that) Now as far as getting a leg up- right now I am working on that and can only do it for seconds. This really works the core and some upper body strength as well. Just keep at it- you'll get better each time :)

I can do them but I think it's because I do side planks in yoga and balance poses. They are not called side planks in yoga(I forget what the name is).

Just keep doing the modifications.
I can do them better on my right than I can my left, but I can do them. Being from Mississippi I have a lot of motivation to do the "snow angels" as it's the only snow angel I've ever been able to participate in (we've never had enough snow to make snowmen, snowballs, or snow angels!). If Cathe ever comes up with a move called "Hot and Humid" I'll pass... ;)
You can also do them on your forearms instead of using straight arms. You will be able to do them soon...just stick with them. I actually can do side planks MUCH better than "normal" planks...I suffer everytime with those! ha But, I am determined to get those down pat soon.
Did these just yesterday. I found that if I stared at a place on the wall in front of me and didn't think too hard - I could do them.:) Must have been my lucky day. Good luck- it's a difficult move. Requires a bit of practice.
That's a tough move, and if I have worked my arms especially hard during BM2, I find my arms shake as I try to do the move. I sometimes start chuckling and then totally lose my concentration. Hee. But yes, if you stick with it, you can get this move done. Just keep trying, and if you can only hold your arm and leg up for a few seconds, that is still great!

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