
Hi Guys, Just have a quick question on Body max, is there anyone out there that completes the whole 90 minutes ???????????????????? And if so, how do you feel at the end of the 90 minutes ?

I've done it twice and have done the whole thing both times. It's tough. By the end, I'm beat. Actually I did it yesterday and laid down for about an hour afterwards. But it's not really that bad because the last 30 minutes is all upper body which absolutely no cardio.
I do the whole 90 minutes. I usually save this for a Saturday morning when it's in the rotations because I don't have to get my daughter off to school or deal with my son so early.

It is a really tough workout, but I know if I make it through the leg circuits, I'll be fine. Afterwards, I know I got a good workout and I feel like I've truly accomplished something!
After I do Body Max I feel fine.I just hop in the shower and start my day,actually I may do it tomorrow morning before work.I have been doing it for over 3 years so I am use to it now.
Well Anna just let me say you are NOT ALONE! I don't do the entire 90 minutes. Sometimes I use the first part (up to the power circuits) as a "short cardio" but it's still very intense. If I'm feeling energetic I'll do the cardio + power circuits (using light weights or they will completely sap my energy). However, there is no way I have enough motivation left in me to finish up with the upper body. IMO, you don't really need to - this is really great workout split up. You could tack the upper body segment on to the end of a less intense cardio day if needed. There's plenty of ways to get great results with this video but not do it in it's entirety.

I'm in awe of those of you who do! I consider myself an advanced exerciser (thanks to Cathe) but I think 90 minutes is too long and I lose my focus. I do admire your focus and endurance doing the whole thing - especially first thing in the morning! As you can guess, I am NOT a morning exerciser...

Anyway Anna - don't let it get you down. You may just be doing all 90 minutes before you know it. ;-)
HI, I do Bodymax on Sunday when I have the time to workout for 90 minutes. I feel great after doing it & am ready to start my day & read the Sunday Times. Karen
I do it too, but 90min isn't that long to me, it's actually pretty average, and shorter than when I do 1hr cardio + 1hr weights (MIS,PowerHour or S&H).
You get use to it over time, and I learned to appreciate the "compactness" of it once I compared it to some of my other workouts.


Hi! When I first started with Cathe I bought Body Max off another site which has a swap. I tried it and couldn't even do the steps so sold it to someone else. After several months I bought it again and I always do the whole thing now. Since there are days I cannot work out (after working 14 hours) I feel like I get my cardio and my strength workout by doing the whole thing on the days I don't work. I love it! Don't get discouraged. Just keep working at it. The more Cathe you do, the more Cathe you can do! I can do all her workouts now, but I always sweat and always feel like I've had an awesome workout! She is tops in my book.

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