Bodymax (confessions of a whimp!)


I just started a rotation that includes Bodymax, but I'll be darned if I can get through it all at once! I'm fine on the first step section and the leg intervals, but if I do the upper body as heavy as I can go for the amount of reps, I can't get beyond the chest/back/shoulders. I've been leaving biceps and triceps for another day (usually doing CTX bicep and triceps after doing a kickboxing video--Cathe or Tae Bo), because they're already pooped out by the chest/back/shoulder work. Anybody else in the same boat? (P.S. this split has actually worked really well for me, so I shouldn't complain much!).
I'm not quite in the same boat, but almost. I really have to dig down deep to make it through this workout, which is what I love about it. The part that gets to me is the two sets of full-body push-ups after all the other chest work. My arms are quivering by that point. Killer!:)
Just making it through the aerobics part is an great accomplishment by itself! I think BM is Cathe's toughest tape, even tougher than Imax. Why don't you do the first 2 segments, then rest an hour or so and come back and do the rest? I think I did that the first time I was brave enough to attempt it.
...OR another possibility is to do the first two sections in the a.m. and then the upper body part in the p.m.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-26-01 AT 02:09PM (Est)[/font][p] Not a Wimp! Can I suggest that you do the Leg Circuits with the Upper body work... I usually get a fantastic workout doing these two segments... I usually pre cue the Leg Circuits and it's ready to go... I use the Interval Max warm-up ... which does a great job getting me ready for the leg circuits. The DVDs will surely make this a whole lot easier... and I'll probably get to do the first segment of BodyMax on it's own... a bit more often.
Who wrote this? ;)

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-26-01 AT 12:41PM (Est)[/font][p]Must have been my evil twin, who is also into self-delusion. I did Bodymax again last night, and had to admit to myself that I didn't get through the first two sections as "breezily" as it seems from my first post!!! I often substituted non=power moves for power moves, and took longer than planned breaks after the leg moves (which is what I did before, but seemed to have "forgotten"! Funny how one can "misremember" things like this! Ha!
Oh, and this time, I didn't make it to the shoulder section (of course, I'm hoping this is because I did a tough Tae Bo workout the day before, as well as it being the time of month when I usually have less energy, and my trick shoulder has been acting up the last few days, so it needed a rest---enough excuses? I once read that humans are rationalizing animals, how true!) I'll get in the shoulder work with CTX tomorrow (Wednesday) (today is Tae Bo), and the arm work with CTX on Thursday or Friday. I'm working through a rather intuitive exercise program this summer---just going with the flow and making sure I get two full body weight workouts in per week (I'll get the second full body in on Saturday, when I do Weights II) and as much aerobics as I can bear.
About doing part of BodyMax and coming back later the same day to do the rest---nah, not my style. I'd rather just do as much of it as I can at once and make up for any missing parts in the next few days.

Oh, and I think that's "wimp" not "whimp" (evil twin can't even spell correctly!, now THAT'S truely evil!)
RE: Who wrote this? ;)

I'm deep into BodyMax at the moment. I always do the weight section on another day simply because of time constraints. I find some days that the first two sections go easier than other days. On Monday I couldn't finish the last two circuits because I had put in all the impact earlier and my legs said "Enough"! If I do complete the entire tape, the next has to be a rest day. You must be in amazing shape.

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