bodyfat scale vs. bodyfat caliper, Need Help!!!

farm girl

Hi everyone! I need some help on which one is more accurate. I have both, but they both say a different %. I thoought maybe one of ya'll might work at a health club and could help me.
One more question, I can not seem to loss these last 5 lb. I workout about 2 hours, 6 days a week. I eat pretty good ( I think ) For breakfest I have peanut butter and applesauce on toast, for lunch I have chicken or pasta, for supper a have a protein bar, and for a snack I have fruit. Why can I not loss weight? This really getting my down!!! Please someone help!!!

Have A Blessed Day!!!
RE: Is that all you eat!

Hi Blessed Day,

After I read you post my first thought was - How can she survive on so little food. Your body is probably in starvation-mode and is clinging to everything you have by slowing your metabolism. I am no dietician but hopefully one of the experts here can give you some advice.

I do not consider myself a big-eater and I eat twice what you listed here and my work-outs are 1 - 1 1/2 max !!

You might want to seek the advice of a dietician in your area and see where you can improve your diet. Maybe you do not need to lose those 5 pounds, your health should come first. You sure want to be able to enjoy those blessed days!

I do not mean to lecture, but I just got a little concerned with your post.

I do not know the anwer to the caliper or scale question. I have a scale and I use it just to measure progress or improvement. I have seen quite a few posts stating their accuracy has so many variables.

Lynn W
RE: Is that all you eat!

Thanks for your concern. Maybe I need to eat a little more. I will do a seach on the bodyfat scale thing. Thanks!!!

Have A Blessed Day!!!
Bodyfat scales are not very reliable and I wouldn't waste my money. The caliper method is a little better. The most accurate is done in water. If you are at a healthy weight and exercise I really wouldn't worry about the % body fat you have.

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