Bodybuilding Competition

RE: Nikki and Joyce!!

Thanks you guys!! Nikki, I'm checking out her site right now!! Thanks for the tip!
Joyce, It is on Oct 27th, in Middletown. I don't know the directions yet myself, so I'll have to get back to you all!! All that encouragement and support would be great!!

RE: Nikki and Joyce!!


It' has been a really long time since I have posted! I am really glad to see you are pursuing your goal of a competition. I have been in workaholic mode (not by choice) and haven't gotten a chance to do much of anything else for quite a while. I just ordered all of Cathe's new tapes so I hope to get myself motivated again and finally get into shape. I am just tired of being tired...Anyway...I am really glad to see you so excited and I hope that you do great! Who knows, I am only in MD, maybe I can come join the competition bound cheerleaders. Talk to you later!

Hey Aimee!

I just know you will do GREAT! I think your attitude is super though, because winning isn't everything. Just the accomplishment you will feel competing and knowing you did your best will give you all the satisfaction since that is your goal. We'll be cheering you on the whole way. I think it would be so fun to be there to support you! I'll see what I can work out.

As far as my classes go~I am very excited about doing this. (VERY nervous too!) I will be keeping all my old students.(old as in past! ;-)) Basically, I will still teach at the same church I rent my room from but I will teach MY OWN program, not the one I have been teaching for a loooong time. The nerves, of course, set in because I dwell on the fact that they may not like the routines I make up but after a practice with a friend all afternoon today, I feel much more confident. I have a fellow instructor friend, maybe two, coming with me so I will have some help. Soooo, if anyone out there has some fun routines, I'm all ears or is that eyes?? Again, Aimee, GOOD LUCK! I am so excited and happy for you. I know it's been your dream and you will soon be COMPETITION BOUND!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi Trish!!

Wow Aimee!! That is so awesome!! I think it's so great that you are following your dreams like that. I look foward to reading your updates on how you are doing as you get closer to the big day. I really hope you enjoy every minute of the journey :)

Debbie: Congratulations on taking such a giant step and going out on your own!! I know for sure you will be sucessful without ever seeing one of your routines.. simply because of your attitude and kindness. I will also look forward to reading updates from you as well as to how it's going.

You both are such inspirations to me and Im sure to so many others here as well. Keep up the good work!! :-jumpy :-jumpy


.....and to think I can say "I knew her when".......AWESOME, but not surprising. You are an inspiration to us all. Oh how I wish I could be there in Middletown with you on October 27th, but you know I will be there in spirit cheering you on!!! I believe in you, my friend. You are an amazing person. your pal, judster
Thank You Alison!

Alison~THANK YOU so very much. That means a lot to me. I will definitely keep you posted on my new venture. I've actually had butterflies today thinking of it all with quite a bit of excitement mixed in. Thanks for your kind words & encouragement!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Alison and Judy

Alison: Thank you so much for your kind words!! Debbie is something else, isn't she?? I know she'll do great with her new routines!!

Judster: Buddy, if I could buy you a plane ticket and bring you over here I would!! I'd love to have you there! But you're right. I now you'll be there in spirit with me! This stuff is getting expensive though!! WOW!! I ordered my posing suit, tanning supplies, fat burners and more protein powder, and oh yeah, a posing video, so I look like I know what I'm doing up there, yesterday and I about keeled over when I saw the price!! Oh well, I'm still going for it!! I just said CHARGE IT!!!! He he he!

RE:Fantastic Amy!!

Just got back and started reading the posts and saw this one. Good luck Aimee! You will do great because you are so dedicated and motivated. Do keep us posted on your progress and we will be cheering for you.

Lynn W
RE:Fantastic Amy!!

Thanks Lynn!! I still want to email with you, but I had to change the original rotation around. Believe me, this was an impulse decision!!! I'm glad I made it though!


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