Does the device only work with a subscription?
You need the subscription to upload the data to their website and see all the cool charts like calorie burn throughout the day and even the quality of your sleep!
However they also sell a separate watch-type display that syncs with the device to display your calorie burn and steps (no sleep info) without the subscription.
how is that different from
just wearing your hrm all day? Just curious.
I will just quote this from their website:
"A heart rate monitor measures calories during strenuous activity – like running, rowing and cycling – in a complicated manner that’s basically: Heart rate during physical activity X some personal information = calories. While heart rate monitors can be good devices for understanding how your body functions under vigorous circumstances, they don’t measure calorie burn otherwise, which means you get an incomplete view of your daily expenditure.
People generally spend about 25% of their day being physically active.
GoWear fit measures a more complete matrix of characteristics, and is therefore able to give you a better picture of how many calories you’re really burning all day, every day."
(The gowear device has multiple sensors that measure motion, skin temperature and sweat)
I like the subscription because I can see my activity patterns throughout a typical day. I am also learning what my maintenance calories are on non-exercise days so I can "pace" my calorie intake accordingly. I like it a lot!
-- Sandra