BodyBugg vs GoWearFit - Please help!!


I just found out about another product called Go Wear Fit, and it's actually made by the same company as Body Bugg, they look alike, but GWF is cheaper, and I can't tell what makes them different.

Does anyone know the differences between the BB and GWF?

I'm so glad you asked this. I was just out shopping for a new HRM and saw this. I am really intrigued and would love to know someone's opinion.

I just bought the GoWear Fit device and really like it. I think (from the research I did before purchase) originally that the BodyBugg website allowed you to also record nutritional information and the GoWear Fit did not.

Now the GoWear Fit website also allows you to record your nutritional information. I just continue to use Sparkpeople to record my food/calories and use the GoWear Fit to record my calorie burn.

I really like it. I feel like it pushes me to meet my targets each day - steps taken and calories burned. I also purchased the display to go with it so I can see exactly where I am calorie wise at any point during the day.

I purchased mine through Amazon. It was cheaper than through GoWear Fit directly and I got 3 months of the service for free.

Hope this helps!
Thanks becca! That does help, I'm leaning towards the GWF too, and funny, the only thing I can figure is the difference, was the food tracking, but sounds like that may be there now.

Now, just gotta find the best deal, thanks again!
Actually becca if you see this again. I have another question. Does the GFW show the calories burned for a specific set of time, like for example can I figure out what I burned during my kickboxing class? Or does it only provide the days total of all calories burned?

It shows you the total for the day and then there are two graphs that will show you more detail. One shows your "spikes" of activities (kinda looks like a mountain range or something - LOL) and the other shows your intensity (moderate, intense, etc. in terms of METs).

It says you can just wear it to determine calories during exercise, but recommends that you wear it at least 10 minutes before and I think 10 minutes after to get a more accurate reading and so it can acclimate to you.

I've been wearing mine 24/7 (except for showers) and while it took a little getting used to - I really don't mind having it on.

Let me know if you have any more questions!!
Actually I just look and see where my calories are before starting my exercise and what they are when I get done. It's very addictive to check the display (if you get it) to see up to the minute info!

But the graphs are nice to look at too for perspective on the whole day!
Actually becca if you see this again. I have another question. Does the GFW show the calories burned for a specific set of time, like for example can I figure out what I burned during my kickboxing class? Or does it only provide the days total of all calories burned?

I have GWF and can answer this question. The software does both. You can set some sliders on one of the graphs and look at specific time periods.

I have the go wear also. I havent used it lately but the first 2 weeks it really helped me stay focused on my eating and calories burned. I just got tired of weaqring it all the time . I always had people asking me what it was and when you dress up it doesnt go with t he outfit. but I do like it and would recommend it.
Thanks again Becca! Good to know about the 10 min before and after, and makes sense.

Diana and Runfree, thanks for the info!

I am a bit concerned about how it will feel being on all the time, I'm a bit overly sensitive to anything uncomfortable, like turtle necks or anything restricting.

But the product sounds great, and the slider feature to check specific time periods sounds cool.

I'm so on the fence with this. :eek:
I've had the GoWearFit for almost 3 weeks now. Ordered it because I had been doing Weight Watchers for 2 months--losing about 2 lbs right away but then maintaining around 138-ish (I'm 5'3"). The day after getting the GoWearFit in the mail, I weighed 139.8 and I'm now 134.6. I've started carefully counting calories--weighing and measuring everything, so that coupled with knowing how much I am burning with the GWF has helped a lot.

I've actually lost more weight than my deficit indicates I should have (guessing some of the loss is water weight). The best thing about it is knowing how much you're burning when you're not in the gym--I'm finding that I burn more calories for the day when I go outside and go shopping or something (I live in NYC, so that means a lot of walking) than when I stay inside all day and then try to "make up for it" by going to the gym.

I'm really happy with mine so far, hoping it can help me get to my goal weight of 125!
Thanks again Becca! Good to know about the 10 min before and after, and makes sense.

Diana and Runfree, thanks for the info!

I am a bit concerned about how it will feel being on all the time, I'm a bit overly sensitive to anything uncomfortable, like turtle necks or anything restricting.

But the product sounds great, and the slider feature to check specific time periods sounds cool.

I'm so on the fence with this. :eek:

Mine hasn't irritated me at all, I barely notice.

On checking specific time periods, I also bought the display to go with mine which has a trip meter which you can reset before you start a workout and check out the cals burned afterwards. You don't need the display but I really like it for that reason and it's motivating to have in front of you at the gym.
Can't really help with the decision but I just ordered the body bugg. I am excited!! I just needed a place to post it without starting a new thread.
I ordered the bugg because I had decided about a month ago I was going to when I got my tax refund. I got good feedback from fit44, so I went with that. Good luck
Yes, I own the Body Bugg and LOVE it! I've owned mine for six weeks and lost 6 pounds.
I considered the GoFit, but had tried the Actitrainer first (trying to save a buck) and was extremely disappointed with the software and overall performance. I sent that back and paid a restocking fee so it was then decided I would buy the Body Bugg.
I love the software that comes with Body Bugg. It's very easy to log food and holds all the data I download. I read the Go Fit only holds 3 days worth of data. If they've changed the software, it sounds like it's worth the extra savings.:cool:

I'm completely addicted to this bugg! I know exactly what I need to lose weight, maintain, or create a surplus for muscle gain. Right now I'm trimming away all the winter fluff:eek: It's great because I know what I need to do to eat more- Move more! It's John Berardi's g-flux chasing energy(exercise)! It's a great tool and completely motivates me to move my bootay. :cool:
The digital display can be worn as a watch or on a belt loop. I wear mine as a watch and add some strands of zulu grass beads to make it look a little more stylish and groovy(does that word make me sound old?:p:D)
The digital display can be worn as a watch or on a belt loop. I wear mine as a watch and add some strands of zulu grass beads to make it look a little more stylish and groovy(does that word make me sound old?:p:D)

Hehe- just don't say 'far out' too- that would be very brady bunchy!!! :p

I wanted to remind you not to use Firefox with your BB downloads. It disables the java(or one of the plug-ins). Use IE explorer. If you have Mac, I'm not sure if there are any limitations there.
Is there anything like the Body Bugg or the Gowear Fit that does NOT require you to buy the monthly service??
Is there anything like the Body Bugg or the Gowear Fit that does NOT require you to buy the monthly service??

Sorry, I don't know of any. BodyBugg comes with 6 months paid subscription. After that, it's something like $14.95 @month $99 for a full year.
After seeing this post, I did some research and checked out both the BodyBugg and the GoFitWear devices. Gosh, I'm really interested in trying one out. However, I can't justify the expense at this point in time. Maybe I'll save up and get one later. I've always wondered how much I'm really eating and how much I'm burning. Could be a useful tool....

Thanks for opening my eyes to something new!

There's a similar product that's not yet available, but that has been advertising as "any day now": FitBit. That one also looks intriguing! And, it is supposed to be less expensive ... currently still webware.

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