Body Max or Circuit Max????


Active Member

My goal is to decrease waistline and ab area, while increasing legs. Just wondering if the "educated crowd" could point me in the right direction: Body or Circuit Max, or something different. Currently using PS for legs and abs twice weekly, but think I need to incorporate some cardio for the tummy.......

Thankyou for the replies ladies. I was also reading up on Power Circuit and think I am leaning toward purchasing that one as this is my first cardio/strength tape. Anyone care for this video?????????

I love Power Circuit myself, not only for the circuit cardio segment but also the core stability / ab section, which includes our beloved planks.

You want to give some thought, however, to Body Max before getting Power Circuit: not only does Body Max have great step cardio AND step circuit sections, it also has a total body strengthening section replete with abs at the end. Power Circuit only has back work (I think; anyway, it only trains one other upper body muscle group than the abs, and that's not enough).

Just my $.02 -


Thanks for your "two cents". I just thought Power Circuit had more leg training vs. Body Max> But since you know both of them, I'll take your word for it. Are the legs worked as good in BM as they are in PC?? If so, then I will choose BM/ That was my first choice originally. I thought BM offered much more variety in the workout, able to split the workouts into two if needed etc.

RE: Body Max vs Power Circuit

Hi, GN! I think the legs are as good in Body Max (especially the circuit segment) as they are in Power Circuit, plus you get a few plyo scissors thrown in for good measure.

And yes, you're right, for sheer variety I think you're better off starting with Body Max.

I will, however, suggest you give some thought to getting Body Max, Circuit Max AND Power Circuit, and take advantage of the multiple-workout discounts you can get!

annette a. aquajock
RE: Body Max vs Power Circuit

Thanks Aquajock for your imput. Helped alot. I look forward to starting BM and hopefully progressing to CM and PC

I think I told you all about me, basically thin w/ a belly! How about you? What are your goals? And what are you currently doing to achieve them? Just curious.

RE: Body Max vs Power Circuit

Hello GN,

My goal is to have more muscle definition and to run faster for longer (since I joined a running club, I realised how much I can improve on my cardiovascular fitness). I don't really have a weight problem, but it doesn't hurt to lose a few pounds. I would also like a more toned body like our friend Connie1 and Cathe.

Both are excellent videos to own.I still LOVE both of mine.I also lent out Cicuit Max but I am going to have to get it back b/c now I am in the mood to do it.
I think you mentioned buying a powerstrike video.In powerstrike #3 they have a lot of side kicks which works the sides (obliques)alot.I was very happy about that.
Just my 2 cents...
RE: Body Max vs Power Circuit

Thanks Yen,

I too dont have really any weight to lose (other than tummy and a bit on my waistline). this is a result of bulking up on food to try and put on a few pounds. I was underweight at 110 and 5'6". Now I weigh 116 but a bit too much went into my mid-section instead of my legs. (Never works out the way we want does it?) So I figure I need the cardio in combination with the strength and weight training. Body Max seemed to have both. I hope Im taking the right path here to achieve my goals.

Thanks for all the replies and Happy Exercising,

So if I do Body Max twice weekly along with PS legs once weekly and keep up my ab workouts, will I be on track as far as reaching my goals(tone down waistline and tummy) and increase mass size in legs??????????/ Or do I need to do more? Please say no!

I like CMax more than BMax. CMax is new. It's tough but fun. If you want to add mass to your legs then PSLA and S&H Legs would be a better combination. I was very happy with S&H Legs because it was less work ( in the sense that it was less reps and a good reasonable pace ) but it gave my legs some much needed muscle. I have always found it hard to add mass to them and endless squats and lunges just seem to get them leaner and just plain old skinnier. S&H was the answer.

Yikes, Squats can make my legs skinnier. So not what I want. I will have to definitely look into SH for the Legs. Thanks,

I was reading up on SH for Legs and Shoulders and it sounds almost identical to PS Legs/Abs which is what Im currently using. Both start with pre-exhaust sets and heavy sets. Both also seem to have the same lunges, squats, plie's, statics, and calf raises. What are the differences in the two that Im not seeing.??? And how often do you recommend weekly (keeping in mind I am doing BM twice weekly along with it.

Why don't you try it for yourself and see what results you get. Try it for 4-6 weeks. If you don't notice any changes, then change your rotation.

Personally, I think BodyMax once a week with PS CSA, SL and BTA and a cardio step in between the weights is better. For instance,

Mon: BodyMax
Teus: Step or rest
Weds: PS SL
Thurs: step or rest
Fri: PS CS & BTA
Sat: step
Sun: rest


S&H vs PS

Hi GN - There is definitely a difference, believe me. If you can, watch the video preview of S&H and listen to Cathe talk about the methods involved. Exactly as the title suggests, the lifting is slow and heavy - much slower than in PS. There are 3 sets of 8 reps of each exercise with 8 full counts in each rep. The idea is to eliminate any use of momentum during the movement so that the focus is soley on muscle growth. In fact, I've heard that some people need to decrease from the weights they use in PS because of the lack of momentum (not true for everyone though). Cathe, in her intro, also points out that S&H is a great set to use to break through a muscle building plateau.

I love PS - been using it for a long time and it has definitely helped me strengthen up and I can see more muscle definition in my legs and arms. I am currently doing a combination PS/S&H rotation and loving it!

Anyway, hth. ;-)

Can you decipher what Friday's abbreviations are? CS and BTA?? I dont recall those abbrev's. They sound like chest/shoulders , and bicep/tris/abs. Is that what you meant for that day? Im not concentrating on upper body at the moment, so if I substitute another PS legs on that day, how would that sound? I like the rotation. Im going to try it out. So you recomment one day of BM, two days of PS Legs, and step cardio whenever I can squeeze in thru the week???

Another quickie: Do you see much difference between PSLegs and SH Legs??? From their descriptions, they sound almost identical.

GN - you may not have seen but I put post up about S&H and PS... a couple posts up from here.

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