Body Max/ Circuit Max Substitutes?


Active Member
I would like to start Cathe's July 2003 rotation, however, I do not have all the videos. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for Body Max and Circuit Max substitutions? I have the following DVD's CTX, Intensity(incl. Terminator), Body Blast(incl.Timesaver) and the new High Step. Also, if I were to purchase another DVD, would you recommend Circuit Max or Body Max? Thanks for your help.


The CTX Power Circuit workout is a pretty good substitute for the Body Max step power circuit segment. The Terminator Gauntlet might be a good substitute for the Circuit max workout (which incorporates compound upper / lower body resistance cycles). The Step Jump Pump workout might also be a good substitute for Circuit Max because it too incorporates lower AND upper body resistance cycles during the hi/lo segment, plus it HAS a hi/lo segment akin to a portion of C-Max.

As I have BOTH the Circuit Max / Cardio Kicks AND the Power Hour / MIS / Body Max DVD's and would never, ever part with either of them, the only answer I can give to your second question is: get both.

Thank-you so much for your help. How do the substitutions compare re: intensity? I love your mish-moshes and enjoy a killer workout every now and again. Thanks again. Oh, by the way, I'm saving my money for both DVD's! Have a great day!

Hi, Shirl! In all honesty, IMHO each of the substitutes I have suggested to you are slightly more moderate in intensity than Body Max and Circuit Max. C-Max especially is in my personal Fave Top Three in terms of intensity; keep in mind, however, that when I do C-Max I only do it with barbell squats and lunges targeting the legs only for resistance cycles, NOT the compound moves that Cathe and Crew demonstrate. More on that only if you're really, really bored.

Body Max continues to kick the collective butt of Cathe Customers. I just dusted off the power circuit segment and did that this past Monday, and as always I was reminded all over again what a tub-thumper that particular sequence is. The whole workout is quite valued among the Cathe Crowd, and given that it's on a DVD with two other extremely popular and well-designed resistance workouts, Power Hour and Maximum Intensity Strength, it's well worth the dough when you've been able to cobble it together. As well as the C-Max / Cardio Kix DVD. The fun factor of C-Max especially is such that you really forget how hard you're working because Cathe is in top form with choreography and razor-wit cueing.

Later -

I am really, really bored. I would love to hear more about your torture/resistance cycles. I can't wait to try your suggestions. Thanks!!!

Shirl - as you wish . . .

The reason I prefer to do Circuit Max with barbell squats, plie squats and lunges ONLY is that my leg power is much greater than my upper body power for relative weight-loads; thus if I try to do the compound upper / lower body cycles as produced I always fall totally out of my heart rate because the legs aren't being challenged enough. Plus, because I usually do most of my upper body lifting seated, to do them standing forces me to go with lighter weights, which I've found does my upper body muscles no good at all.

I get enough upper body endurance work in the aqua classes and other pool drills that I do that I don't really need to add in weighted endurance work for the upper bod.

When I switches over to leg-resistance-only stuff for C-Max I got a whole lot sweatier and happier. For the first resistance cycle I do standard squats at a regular tempo (56 total); for the second resistance cycle I do 28 lunges per leg (quick-switch of the legs after the first 24) at standard tempo; for the third resistance cycle I do 56 plie squats at standard tempo; for the fourth resistance cycle again 24 lunges per leg standard tempo; for the fifth resistance cycle I do a series of squats at tempo, then with a 3-count hold, then with a long hold transitioning into a static plie squat; then back to a series of plie squats with a 3-count hold, then 8 plies standard tempo; for the sixth cycle I do 14 lunges per leg with a 3-count hold for each lunge. Recently, after that (I do skip the chest, back and plank work) I've begun adding in the Cardio Kicks power drills, 15 minutes of pure blood, sweat and smugness upon completion, adding in about 2 more minutes of whatever I feel like doing barbell-legwise.

ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz . . .

WOW!!! You are a POWER HOUSE! Thanks for sharing your routine. Do you use one of Cathe's workouts for your upper body or do you do one of your own? Thanks for motivating me and others!!

Hi, Shirl! Thanks for your kind words! Although I always purchase all of Cathe's new releases (with the exception of the beginner and intermediate DVD's she just released) I do not do Cathe's strength workouts as produced. I do, however, like to have them on hand to get new ideas for lifts and lift combos, and I like to have them on hand for the possible day when I want to do lifting via DVD rather than do-it-myself.


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