Body Max Circit Segment =BRUTALITY!!


I cannot believe anything that looks so simple can be so TOUGH!

I was stumbliming over the step and begging Cathe and God for the last citcuit to end! The choreography was a bit tricky for this first time user, but I know it won't be a problem with practice.

The upper body section was tough as hell. I thought it was going to be Maximum Intensity Strength Lite... WRONG! I had to eliminate some sets of each body part because I was overwhlemed. No point in putting myself into the hospital, you know? :-tired

Anyone who gets through this tape is a tri-athelete. Are they OVER 40??? LOL!
>It is tough...i get nauseated.
So did I, which is why I cut it short. The heat and humidity here didn't help, either!
I remember when I first bought my Cathe's...had Power Max and Body Max as my first choices. I could not do BM bec of that heel then a hop and a jack and A steps. I can do those now but my count is still a beat behind! I loved Power Max instantly. Now I do Body Max more and just love how it just goes right into the routine. Those leg circuits are very tough for me! Some days I just do the step portion by itself and tack on something else, when I get suckered into doing the circuits I am always upset that wont end!!! My legs are jelly and there's always one more circuit to go. I like Power Circuit too! I did S&H the other day and decided to tack on 30 minutes of cardio but forgot powercircuit also had leg circuits...can you say SORE without flinching?
I've done this one time, all the way through and by the end, I was not smiling to say the least. I walked out of my workout room and my dh looked at me and walked over to me, taking me by the elbow and led me to the couch. I think I stayed there for the next 8 hours just staring into space.

Yes, this one is tough. That's why I haven't done it since.
I love this tape! When I finish I feel completely wrung out, but on top of the world (not to mention drenched in sweat :) )!! I'm no tri-athelete, but I am 47 and I do the entire tape on a 10 inch step - thanks to Cathe, I'm in the best shape of my life!!

Go Girls!!

I rarely do Body Max, but it is the toughest tape I own. I had 90 minutes this past week, and it slayed me. I think it's because the beats per minute are faster than most of Cathe's step workouts. It is tougher than Circuit Max and Interval Max for me! I was thankful to get to the upper body work for a rest. By the way, I'm 42.

Sandi M
Body Max is killer! But the step portion for me is so brutal, I'm happy as heck to slow it down a peg with the circuits! And I agree, the upper body portion is no joke! There are times I sit there and look at Cathe like she's from Mars on that 3rd & 4th set of push ups, the ones where you hold and then do 4 slow push ups. I get through the first 2 sets of regular ones, but by those, I'm usually saying something not too kind! :)
But when you do the entire 90 min of Body Max, you know you've been worked out!
Hi Robin,
I agree with you. I am 43 and thanks to Cathe I have been getting better in shape all the time. I love this tape. When I am done, I feel so great-mainly because I can never believe that I actually finished it!
Keep going, Joanne (you're still a baby :) )! When I think back at the shape I was in 25 years ago, I never would have believed that I could actually be where I am now - heading towards 50, but muscular, lean, shapely and most of all healthy and strong! Age is truly just a concept of the mind! My life really turned around when I found our Ms. Cathe!

I did this one all the way thru for the first time yesterday--and thought I would die-but I have to say I cant wait until this weekend to try it again!! What gluttons (sp) we are! I think this tape is sooo cool, and like so many of Cathe's tapes, it could be divided into two or even three workouts.

Glad to know Im not alone in thinking this is a killer.

Have a great day all
Jayne F
Well, there's hope for me after all with all of these over-40 Warrior Princesses in the mix (I'll be 41 in November).

Believe me, I'm going to ease into this tape. One good thing is Cathe's step tapes are getting easier --not less challenging-- just easier to do. A year ago I couldn't get through the step section of the "Wedding" tape without grabbing my inhaler. Now I think it's the "easiest" Cathe step tape in my collection!
I love Body Max. It's one of my favorites from Cathe and I have almost all of her workouts. This one is tough, right up there with Interval Max. It took me some time to work up to doing the whole thing but it was worth the effort. I now use my 8" step for it, no modifying. I love the heel, toe, hop, jack. It is one brutal workout but when you're done, you know you've worked out. Oh, and I'm 43.
I'm 52-1/2 and I have done Bodymax all the way through to the end without stopping (except for water, of course!) Nothing make me feel more fit and ready to take on Xena, Warrior Princess like this tape!
I love my Body Max tape.Well, actually the orignal one that I bought fell off of the t.v, which is hanging from the ceiling and broke.So I waited a little while before i ordered another one but I got it yesterday and I did the workout today.
I forgot how much I loved it and I had a great workout.The thing I like most about body max is that you can get your work out done in 1 and a half hours and it feels great.She covers every body part.
It was almost as if I had a new tape cause I sort of forgot some of the stuff in it but it wasn't long comming back to me. I can do the whole thing with having to stop, besides for running to the bathroom to wash the sweat off of my face.But I have been doing the tape for about 3 years.
Anyway have a good day and I feel your pain.
I've had bodymax for about 2 months now, and last night I did it all the way though on 8" for the third time. Holy Cow, I agree with all of you- that circuit segment really kicks my butt every time!! I do think it is even harder than Interval Max (which I feel I've finally "mastered"- I can do IM on a 10" step with NO modifications! :-jumpy )The circuits are a little harder because they have the aerobic phase, then the anaerobic phase, and THEN instead of a recovery, there is a weight part next! And no recovery, just right back into the aerobics! And the last segmant, oh my goodness. The pecwork is crazy, and the abs! it just never lets up. A GREAT workout! And I'm feeling it today- in my glutes, shoulders and pecs! :D

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