"BODY FOR LIFE" book/contest/lifestyle


My husband and I have embraced Bill Phillip's "Body For Life" eating and exercise concepts and have found his advice, encouragement and program to be unbelievably successful. I was wondering if anyone here on "the forum" has read his book or is now actively pursuing the BFL concepts?? And, perhaps, using Cathe's videos as part of the exercise routine?
In a nutshell, the BFL program encourages a six-day a week workout regimine, aerobics alternating with weight training (all of which is based on an "intensity" gauge...believe me, it's TOUGH!). Also, nutritionally, Phillips advocates 6 small meals a day (which means you're eating something every 3 hours or so), with a strong emphasis on lean proteins and low-glycemic carbs. Since we started this program (approx. 5 weeks ago) I cannot remember ever feeling so full of energy! I used to believe hours of exercise and two meals a day with almost no fat was the only way to lose weight. Yeah....you lose weight, but you feel miserable half the time! I didn't realize how energized one becomes when combining ALL the right elements. Plus, my last two periods have been no sweat....short in duration, with very little cramping and only one heavy flow day...just like when I was a teenager 25 years ago.
Oh....and the BFL progam gives you one free day a week to forget exercise and eat whatever the heck you want...because Phillips believes the human machine needs to cheat and enjoy "verboten" things with enough frequency to prevent boredom and/or feelings of deprivation.
I highly recommend this regimine. Cathe and her videos got me exercising at a time in my life when I desperately needed to lose weight and regain control of my life, so I will forever be indebted to her for giving me my life back. Now, though I follow the BFL plan closely, I love to do a Cathe video for "the fun of it" (and you all know who you are...those that can relate to that statement<VBG>)and just for the extra fat burning effect and the exhilaration of the endorphin rush.
Whew! What a LONG note! LOL....Lynn F. in Chicago
Hi Lynn,

I have done Bill phillips BFL challenge before,I got great results. It's been a while since i've been dicipline on a challenge; so yesterday I pulled out the old BFL book and started reading it again. I'm planning on starting again on Monday. It's amazing, I have read the book many times before,but each time I read it, it gives me a deeper inspiration. I also used soley Cathe and Firm video's during my challenge (mostly Cathe) it was great. I used the PS series, MIS, and now i'm going to incorporate the CTX videos. What is your diet like? Mines alternates the Myoplex lite shakes w/ meals every 2 1/2 - 3hrs. It's nice to know that there's another Cathe fan whose on the challenge.:-

Can you explain how you use Cathe and Firm tapes to follow Bill's plan?

My biggest obstacle with doing a 12 week BFL rotation is that I don't want to stop using my videos.

RE: Me too? Bill likes cardio 20 min interval,3/week!

I was so tempted to do this Challenge (picture and all), but no matter how much I hear the ravings about 20 minutes of cardio, three times a week being enough, I feel like I would miss my cardio variety.
Bill adamatly states that any more cardio or cardio of a different form will slow results.
The only tape on the market that would fit the bill at the moment would be Kathy Smith's new Fat Burning Breakthrough as it works in waves of intensity which exactly match the BFL method and each 3 wave part is 20 minutes.
The short intense cardio on Cathe's CTX tapes would be OK but not based on the "wave theory"; and, you would have to limit to 3/week so as not to burn muscle!
The Firm????? How could anyone do BFL with the Firm? BFL is based on the muscle overload with high intensity sets for each muscle at a time. He does drop sets with extremely heavy weight with one last alternate exercise for the same body part to failure.
Bill would laugh at the Firm as it is an endurance type activity and each muscle is never worked in gym style to exaustion.
MIS or PS series would be the only tapes gym style enough and would still not meet the program requirements - but perhaps close enough.
Bill is very "my way or the highway". A letter was sent in once from a woman saying that she was having a hard time giving up her 60 minute "fat-burning" workouts. He answered that she would then stay fat and needed to take the leap of faith and look at all the "champions" and do it his way to see results.
I do eat this way - it is very much like the Zone and how fitness contestants eat. It rocks!
BFL Program

Can someone give me a video rotation they use for the BFL program? I have a stationary bike that I can do the aerobics for but I think that may get a little boring after a while. So if anyone can break down a M-F rotation with both aerobic and strength videos I would greatly appreciate.

My mom-n-law bought the book and is interested in doing the program and would like be to join with her that way we have support. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I have Cathe tapes, Kathy Smith, Firm, etc.

Thank you, and if I could hear more inspiring success stories that would also be great.
RE: BFL Program

This is kind of long - sorry!

I started doing Body for Life a year ago and lost 21 pounds plus went from 30% to 15% bodyfat so I'm a firm believer in this program. What this program taught me mainly was the importance of strength training (before that I was only doing cardio) and also eating frequent balanced protein/carb meals (before that I was eating way too many carbs). While I stick to the nutrition part of the plan when I'm being good (I have had some setbacks), I've found that since I started doing Cathe tapes for my cardio(Step Fit, MIC, Mega Step Blast, Interval Max, Wedding cardio), I need more carbs because of the intensity of her workouts so I TRY to eat those extra 2 portions of carbs in the form of fruit and whole grains. Okay, okay, sometimes I break down and eat candy :9 but I've really found that I get the best results when I eliminate the junky carbs (guess I was using the theory that a little bit won't kill me) and save them for my free day. I know your question was on how to use Cathe videos on BFL but thought I would throw in the benefit of my exeperience in case in comes in handy.

As far as exercise, I never followed BFL to the letter with the 20 minute interval concept - mainly because I don't have a treadmill, bike, or other exercise equipment at home - just my workout videos - so I decided to use those. At first I did a Jane Fonda step workout which was 25 minutes long and suited my fitness level at the time. Gradually, I've started doing longer and harder cardio workouts to not only burn fat but help me achieve my goal of better cardiovascular endurance. Cathe tapes have definitely helped with that:)!

For my strength training, I do Cybex at the YMCA, workout with dumbbells at home, or do MIS or the Pure Strength Series. My strength training workout varies from doing entire body workouts to upper/lower body splits. When working with free weights, I do 3 sets for each body part at the Y (felt uncomfortable hogging a machine for 6 sets and got tired of always letting people work in their sets between mine). I do the 6 sets when I'm working with dumbbells at home though. I think the variety is good for shocking your muscles.

One thing I've kept the same is that I do cardio 3 times a week and strength training 3 times a week on alternate days. Sometimes I'll add in extra cardio sessions or fast walks because I really love the cardio.

In Bill's defense I want to address the cardio question someone wrote in about doing an hour of cardio and how he told them they should continue doing that if they want to continue being fat. I think the main point of his answer is that if you do what you've always done (nutrition and exercise-wise), you'll continue to get the same results IF you don't change anything.

I think Bill's somewhat a cardio snob. He says himself in his book that he hates cardio but does it for the fatburning. What I find interesting is that his own brother, Sean, wrote an article in Muscle Media about doing MORE cardio to burn fat (Yes, more than the 20 minutes and also varying the intensity of your cardio sessions).

I'm not trying to cut BFL or Bill down in any way. I'm thankful that this plan put me on the right track to fitness but I DON'T believe you have to follow his program to the letter to get great results.

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