body fat calculator


Hi Cathe and Everyone! I hope you can help me make some sense out of these body fat calculators. I tried out one at and it only asked for my gender, my waist measurement, and my weight. I was sadly surprised that it said I have 25% body fat. I have nice upper & lower body muscles with good definition. I feel that I am pretty close to my ideal weight, not skinny but not fat. I work out hard 6 days a week for 45 min. to an hour each. I am 5'7" and weigh 140. I tend to have a thick waist, but otherwise I am well proportioned. My waist measures 30 inches - it is my worst body part! Is this accurate, or could it be thrown off because of my thicker waist? Maybe it is very accurate, but why don't they ask about other measurements - I could do better plugging in any other body measurement! What is everyone's opinions of these? I admit I am bummed!

Jul, I don't think they're accurate. I get absurdly low numbers because I'm a classic pear with a narrow waist. It would be great if it were true, but a look in the mirror provides a reality check. I think you're right, your body type is resulting in a false reading.

My husband & I have also tried the Tanita scales & get absurdly high numbers. I'm convinced that the only way to really get an accurate reading is from hydrostatic weighing.

Maybe this one is better

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jul-14-00 AT 12:25PM (EST)</font></center>

Hi Jul,

You might like this one better; it's from

I felt it was more accurate than my home calipers or an electronic hand-held dodah I tried (unfortunately!) It asks for a number of measurements (calf, thigh, wrist, and waist I think), so have a tape measure handy.

Eileen S.
Which test should I believe?

I just went and did that on-line test, I can't believe the difference in results! I had my body fat % tested at my local YMCA with calipers, and got a disturbing 28% reading.

With this test on-line, I got between 16-18%!!! While I have been taking kickboxing classes 3x week since the original measurement and have lost a few inches, I don't think that I lost 10% of my body fat!!

Any suggestions??
Who knows?

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-00 AT 09:59AM (EST)</font></center>

Jessie, I don't know which test to believe, either, but my results were the opposite of yours. Various measures (caliper, electronic) were giving a body fat % around 19-21% -- pretty darn good, but I wasn't absolutely convinced. The HealthCentral measure came up with about 25% -- much more believable based on the amount of visible fat I have.

What was the topper for me was calculating a goal weight based on the % body fat. If I believe the 19-21%, then I really shouldn't lose any fat. As much as I would like to believe that, a pinch test at the abdomen gets a nice thick roll of extra. If I calculate a goal weight based on the 25% body fat, with a goal of about 21% fat, I need to lose about 7 pounds of fat. That corresponds with a weight at which I feel healthy.

So, I guess my moral is to pick the method you feel is more accurate for you and use it. Everyone's body is different. I don't worship the number that I get, I'm only using it as a way to gauge my body changes and to know whether I'm gaining fat and/or muscle over time.

Maybe someone with real expertise can jump in here, since I'm just your standard ol' home exerciser.

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